Function Add-Acl { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a new ACL to an Existing object on the f5 load balancer. .PARAMETER name Name of Existing ACL .PARAMETER action 'Allow' or 'Deny' for ACL .PARAMETER dstStartPort Destination start port. Can take multiples values in csv list format. Ex: 80,8080,443,8443 .PARAMETER dstEndPort Desintation end port. Only mandatory for adding in port ranges. .PARAMETER dstSubnet Destination subnet in format Can take multiples values in csv list format. Ex:, Single ip ACL changes are represented by /32 Larger network ranges can be used by passing the correct CIDR notation. .PARAMETER udp Changes protocol type to udp. .EXAMPLE Add-Acl -name Existing_ACL_Name -action allow -dstStartPort 80 -dstEndPort 80 -dstSubnet Add a New ACL for a single port and network range /24 .EXAMPLE Add-Acl -name Existing_ACL_Name -action allow -dstStartPort 80 -dstEndPort 8000 -dstSubnet Add a New ACL for a port range 80-8000 and network range /24 .Example Add-Acl -name Existing_ACL_Name -action allow -dstStartPort 80 -dstEndPort 80 -dstSubnet Adds a New ACL for port 80 to a SINGLE IP .Example Add-Acl -name Existing_ACL_Name -action allow -dstStartPort 80,8080,443 -dstSubnet, Adds a New ACL for ports 80,8080,443 on Subnets and #> [cmdletBinding()] param( [Alias("Existing acl Name")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name='', [Alias("Allow or Deny")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$action='', [Alias("DestinationStart")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string []]$dstStartPort='', [Alias("DestinationEnd")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string []]$dstEndPort= $dstStartPort, [Alias("Subnet")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string []]$dstSubnet='' , [Parameter()] [switch]$udp ) begin { if( $F5Session.WebSession.Headers.'Token-Expiration' -lt (date) ){ Write-Warning "F5 Session Token is Expired. Please re-connect to the F5 device." break } #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format Test-F5Session($F5Session) $acl = Get-SingleAcl -name $name } process { foreach ($sub in $dstSubnet) { foreach ($port in $dstStartPort) { $index = $dstStartPort.IndexOf($port) if( $udp.IsPresent ){ $baseAclEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = $dstEndPort[$index] 'dstStartPort' = "$port" 'dstSubnet' = "$sub" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 17 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' } } else { $baseAclEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = $dstEndPort[$index] 'dstStartPort' = "$port" 'dstSubnet' = "$sub" 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = '' } } # add first acl if ( -not $acl.entries ) { if( $udp.IsPresent ) { $baseAclEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{'entries' = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = $dstEndPort[$index] 'dstStartPort' = "$port" 'dstSubnet' = $sub 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 17 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = ''} )} } else { $baseAclEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{'entries' = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ 'action' = "$action" 'dstEndPort' = $dstEndPort[$index] 'dstStartPort' = "$port" 'dstSubnet' = $sub 'log' = 'packet' 'protocol' = 6 'scheme' = 'any' 'srcEndPort' = 0 'srcStartPort' = 0 'srcSubnet' = ''} )} } Add-Member -InputObject $acl -NotePropertyName entries -NotePropertyValue (New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList) #add first acl into object so we don't hit this block again $acl.entries += $baseAclEntry.entries $JSONBody = $baseAclEntry | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } else { $acl.entries += $baseAclEntry $JSONBody = $acl | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } $uri = $F5Session.BaseURL.Replace('/ltm/',"/apm/acl/~Common~$name") $response = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Patch -Uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -WebSession $F5Session.WebSession $response } } } } |