FUNCTION Confirm-TargetSystem{ <# .SYNOPSIS Attempt to verify that a system is the intended target system and, optionally, is the intended logged on user. .DESCRIPTION Attempt to verify that a system is the intended target system and, optionally, is the intended logged on user. Will use Get-CIMInstance to reach out to target system and attempt to match the computer name or IP address and, if desired, the username as well. .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenter Expected results of a confirmed system: WARNING: You have not entered identifying information for a user on the target system. Confirm-TargetSystem will only attempt to verify the system, not the user at this time. sysID : PSCenter sysName : PSCENTER sysIP : usrID : NA usrLoggedOn : NA isIntendedSystem : True isIntendedUser : False usingTechnician : PSCENTER\PSAdmin targetSystemNotes : NA .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenter -Silent Optional warnings suppressed. Expected results of a confirmed system: sysID : PSCenter sysName : PSCENTER sysIP : usrID : NA usrLoggedOn : NA isIntendedSystem : True isIntendedUser : False usingTechnician : PSCENTER\PSAdmin targetSystemNotes : NA .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenters Expected results of a failed confirmation where the system could not be reached. sysID : PSCenters sysName : NA sysIP : NA usrID : NA usrLoggedOn : NA isIntendedSystem : False isIntendedUser : False usingTechnician : PSCENTER\PSAdmin targetSystemNotes : Name resolution of PSCenters failed .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenter -usrID PSAdmin If all results confirmed, feedback would appear as: sysID : PSCenter sysName : PSCENTER sysIP : usrID : PSAdmin usrLoggedOn : PSAdmin isIntendedSystem : True isIntendedUser : True usingTechnician : PSCENTER\PSAdmin targetSystemNotes : NA .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID Expected results if you attempt to check an IP address instead of a computer name. sysID : NA sysName : NA sysIP : usrID : NA usrLoggedOn : NA isIntendedSystem : False isIntendedUser : False usingTechnician : PSCENTER\PSAdmin targetSystemNotes : This function is intended to be used to verify you are not facing DNS issues and are correctly reaching an intended system by name. IP address checks aren't necessary as they would bypass any DNS issues. Thank you. Confirm-TargetSystem will now stop. .EXAMPLE Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenter -tCred BettyBoop Expected results if your credentials are invalid on the remote system. WARNING: You have not entered identifying information for a user on the target system. Confirm-TargetSystem will only attempt to verify the system, not the user at this time. sysID : PSCenter sysName : NA sysIP : usrID : NA usrLoggedOn : NA isIntendedSystem : False isIntendedUser : False usingTechnician : BettyBoop targetSystemNotes : You do not have access to this system with your current credentials. Perhaps try other credentials using the -tCred option if you haven't already? Error: Access is denied. .EXAMPLE IF(Confirm-TargetSystem -sysID PSCenter -usrID PSAdmin -Silent | SELECT -ExpandProperty isIntendedSystem){Write-Host "Hello"} To use in another script to confirm whether or not to proceed with an intended action/configuration, above will return true and act if confirmation of the system is clear. .PARAMETER sysID sysID is looking for a computer name. Name or FQDN can be accepted. .PARAMETER usrID usrID is looking to match the user's login ID. When it reaches out to the remote system, if a logged on user is found, it will grab the user's name. This will be username only, not domain. For example, if I'm logged in as PSCenter\PSAdmin, attempting to match -usrID PSAdmin will come back successful. Matching -usrID PSCenter\PSAdmin will not match. .PARAMETER tCred tCred is aiming to collect alternate creds if you need to connect with the remote system using another account. If a technician is running PowerShell as MSmith but needs to reach out with the tech cred PSAdmin, they would include -tCred PSAdmin. When they do, they'll be prompted for their current password and then PSAdmin will be the account used to reach the remote system. Domain accounts are supported here as well. If the domain is needed, it can be added in the format Domain\Username. E.g. -tCred PSCenter\PSAdmin .LINK http://blog.everydaypowershell.com/2019/03/confirm-targetsystem.html .NOTES Mark Smith MarkTSmith@everydayPowerShell.com blog.everydayPowerShell.com Twitter: @edPowerShell #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [String]$sysID, [String]$usrID, [Switch]$Silent, [Switch]$SystemMatchOnly, [PSCredential]$tCred ) IF($SystemMatchOnly){ $Silent = $true } IF(!($silent)){ Clear-Host Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } #region Functions FUNCTION Initialize-CIMSplat { param( [PSCredential]$tCred, [String]$sysID ) $dcom = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Dcom IF($tCred){ $cimSesSplat = @{ Credential = $tCred ComputerName = $sysID SkipTestConnection = $true } $cimSesAlt = @{ Credential = $tCred ComputerName = $sysID SkipTestConnection = $true SessionOption = $dcom } $cimInstSplat = @{ ClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem" CimSession = (New-CimSession @cimSesSplat) } $cimInstAlt = @{ ClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem" CimSession = (New-CimSession @cimSesAlt) } return $cimInstSplat,$cimInstAlt } ELSE{ $cimSesSplat = @{ ComputerName = $sysID SkipTestConnection = $true } $cimSesAlt = @{ ComputerName = $sysID SkipTestConnection = $true SessionOption = $dcom } $cimInstSplat = @{ ClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem" CimSession = (New-CimSession @cimSesSplat) } $cimInstAlt = @{ ClassName = "CIM_ComputerSystem" CimSession = (New-CimSession @cimSesAlt) } return $cimInstSplat,$cimInstAlt } } FUNCTION Redo-TargetSystemResult { param( [Parameter(Position=0)] $sysID, [Parameter(Position=1)] $sysName, [Parameter(Position=2)] $sysIP, [Parameter(Position=3)] $usrID, [Parameter(Position=4)] $usrLoggedOn, [Parameter(Position=5)] $isIntendedSystem, [Parameter(Position=6)] $isIntendedUser, [Parameter(Position=7)] $usingTechnician, [Parameter(Position=8)] $targetSystemNotes, [Parameter(Position=9)] $result ) IF($sysID){ $result.sysID = $sysID } IF($sysName){ $result.sysName = $sysName } IF($sysIP){ $result.sysIP = $sysIP } IF($usrID){ $result.usrID = $usrID } IF($usrLoggedOn){ $result.usrLoggedOn = $usrLoggedOn } IF($isIntendedSystem -eq "False"){ $result.isIntendedSystem = $false } ELSEIF($isIntendedSystem -eq "True"){ $result.isIntendedSystem = $true } IF($isIntendedUser -eq "False"){ $result.isIntendedUser = $false } ELSEIF($isIntendedUser -eq "True"){ $result.isIntendedUser = $true } IF($usingTechnician){ $result.usingTechnician = $usingTechnician } IF($targetSystemNotes){ $result.targetSystemNotes = $targetSystemNotes } return $result } #endregion #region Param Check & Variable Prep #region Establish End Game Object $result = "" | Select-Object sysID, sysName, sysIP, usrID, usrLoggedOn, isIntendedSystem, isIntendedUser, usingTechnician, targetSystemNotes #endregion #region Splats $stopSplat = @{ WarningAction = "Stop" ErrorAction = "Stop" } #endregion #region Check tCred IF(!($tCred)){ $rSplat = @{ usingTechnician = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @rSplat } ELSE{ $rSplat = @{ usingTechnician = ($tCred.UserName) result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @rSplat } #endregion #region Check SysID IF(!($sysID)){ #No SysID Provided $Msg = -JOIN( "You have not entered identifying information for a ", "system that needs to be confirmed. Confirm-TargetSystem ", "cannot run without this information. ", "Please use `"Get-Help Confirm-TargetSystem -Examples`" ", "for examples of how to use this function.`n`n", "Thank you. Confirm-TargetSystem will now stop." ) $TSRSplat = @{ sysID = "NA" sysName = "NA" sysIP = "NA" usrID = "NA" usrLoggedOn = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" isIntendedUser = "False" targetSystemNotes = $Msg result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } ELSEIF($sysID -like "*.*.*.*"){ #SysID Is An IP $Msg = -JOIN( "This function is intended to be used to verify ", "you are not facing DNS issues and are correctly ", "reaching an intended system by name. IP address ", "checks aren't necessary as they would bypass ", "any DNS issues.`n`n", "Thank you. Confirm-TargetSystem will now stop." ) $TSRSplat = @{ sysID = "NA" sysName = "NA" sysIP = $sysID usrID = "NA" usrLoggedOn = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" isIntendedUser = "False" targetSystemNotes = $Msg result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } ELSE{ TRY{ #System Online $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -sysID $sysID -result $result $tcSplat = @{ ComputerName = $sysID Count = 1 TimeToLive = 24 } $thisTC = Test-Connection @tcSplat @stopSplat $thisTC = ($thisTC | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPV4Address).IPAddressToString $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -sysIP $thisTC -result $result } CATCH{ #System Offline $Msg = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $sysID *>&1 | Select-Object -First 1 $TSRSplat = @{ sysName = "NA" sysIP = "NA" usrID = "NA" usrLoggedOn = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" isIntendedUser = "False" targetSystemNotes = $Msg result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } } #endregion #region Check UsrID IF(!($usrID)){ $Msg = -JOIN( "You have not entered identifying information for a user ", "on the target system. Confirm-TargetSystem will only ", "attempt to verify the system, not the user at this time." ) $TSRSplat = @{ usrID = "NA" usrLoggedOn = "NA" isIntendedUser = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF(!($silent)){ Write-Warning -Message $Msg } } ELSE{ $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -usrID $usrID -result $result } #endregion #endregion #region Verify System Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting To Verify System $sysID now." TRY{ #region Splats IF($tCred){ $cimInstSplat = (Initialize-CIMSplat -tCred $tCred -sysID $sysID)[0] $cimInstAlt = (Initialize-CIMSplat -tCred $tCred -sysID $sysID)[1] } ELSE{ $cimInstSplat = (Initialize-CIMSplat -sysID $sysID)[0] $cimInstAlt = (Initialize-CIMSplat -sysID $sysID)[1] } #endregion #region Attempting System Verification TRY{ $sysName = Get-CimInstance @cimInstSplat @stopSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } CATCH{ TRY{ $sysName = Get-CimInstance @cimInstAlt @stopSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } CATCH{ throw $_.Exception.Message } } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -sysName $sysName -result $result IF($sysID -eq ($result.sysName)){ $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -isIntendedSystem True -result $result } ELSE{ $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -isIntendedSystem False -result $result } #endregion } CATCH [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] { IF(($_.Exception.Message) -like "*WinRM cannot complete the operation*"){ $Msg = -JOIN ( "The system is unavailable to communicate with the system ", "$sysID.`nError:`n$($_.Exception.Message)" ) $TSRSplat = @{ targetSystemNotes = $Msg sysName = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } ELSEIF(($_.Exception.Message) -like "*Access is denied*"){ $Msg = -JOIN ( "You do not have access to this system with your current ", "credentials. Perhaps try other credentials using the ", "-tCred option if you haven't already?`nError:`n", "$($_.Exception.Message)" ) $TSRSplat = @{ targetSystemNotes = $Msg sysName = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } ELSE{ $Msg = -JOIN ( "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)`n", "$($_.Exception.Message)" ) $TSRSplat = @{ targetSystemNotes = $Msg sysName = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } } CATCH{ $Msg = -JOIN ( "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)`n", "$($_.Exception.Message)" ) $TSRSplat = @{ targetSystemNotes = $Msg sysName = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } #endregion #region Verify User IF($usrID){ #region Attempting User Verification Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting To Verify User $usrID Is On $sysID now." TRY{ TRY{ $loggedOnUser = (Get-CimInstance @cimInstSplat @stopSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Username).Split("\") | Select-Object -Last 1 } CATCH{ TRY{ $loggedOnUser = (Get-CimInstance @cimInstAlt @stopSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Username).Split("\") | Select-Object -Last 1 } CATCH{ throw $_.Exception.Message } } $loggedOnUser = (Get-CimInstance @cimInstSplat @stopSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Username).Split("\") | Select-Object -Last 1 $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -usrLoggedOn $loggedOnUser -result $result IF($usrID -eq ($result.usrLoggedOn)){ $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -isIntendedUser True -result $result } ELSE{ $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -isIntendedUser False -result $result } } CATCH{ $Msg = -JOIN ( "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)`n", "$($_.Exception.Message)" ) $TSRSplat = @{ targetSystemNotes = $Msg sysName = "NA" isIntendedSystem = "False" result = $result } $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult @TSRSplat IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } } #endregion } #endregion #region Closure Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession *>$null $result = Redo-TargetSystemResult -targetSystemNotes NA -result $result IF($systemMatchOnly){ $result = $result.isIntendedSystem return $result } ELSE{ return $result } #endregion } Export-ModuleMember -Function Confirm-TargetSystem |