.SYNOPSIS This function creates a New Self-Signed Certificate meant to be used for DSC secret encryption and exports it to the specified directory. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER CommonName This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the desired Common Name for the Self-Signed Certificate. .PARAMETER ExportDirectory This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the full path to a directory that will contain the new Self-Signed Certificate. .EXAMPLE # Import the MiniLab Module and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-EncryptionCert -CommonName "EncryptionCert" -ExportDirectory "$HOME\EncryptionCerts" #> function Get-EncryptionCert { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$CommonName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$ExportDirectory ) if (!$(Test-Path $ExportDirectory)) { Write-Error "The path '$ExportDirectory' was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $CertificateFriendlyName = $CommonName $Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object { $_.FriendlyName -eq $CertificateFriendlyName } | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$Cert) { $NewSelfSignedCertExSplatParams = @{ Subject = "CN=$CommonName" EKU = @('','','') KeyUsage = 'DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment' SAN = $CommonName FriendlyName = $CertificateFriendlyName Exportable = $True StoreLocation = 'LocalMachine' StoreName = 'My' KeyLength = 2048 ProviderName = 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0' AlgorithmName = "RSA" SignatureAlgorithm = "SHA256" } New-SelfsignedCertificateEx @NewSelfSignedCertExSplatParams # There is a slight delay before new cert shows up in Cert: # So wait for it to show. while (!$Cert) { $Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq $CertificateFriendlyName} } } #$null = Export-Certificate -Type CERT -Cert $Cert -FilePath "$ExportDirectory\$CommonName.cer" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$ExportDirectory\$CommonName.cer", $Cert.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert)) [pscustomobject]@{ CertFile = Get-Item "$ExportDirectory\$CommonName.cer" CertInfo = $Cert } } |