Function Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected { <# .SYNOPSIS This tests that you are not only connected to the WSUS database, but also that we can query the wsus database .DESCRIPTION This tests that you are not only connected to the WSUS database, but also that we can query the wsus database .EXAMPLE There are no parameters, it's simply run the command as it is. Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( ) Process { ######################################################################### #Test connecton is defined Try { Write-Verbose "Testing if the global:ecswsusdatabaseconection var exists" $Shh = Get-Variable -Name ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection -ErrorAction Stop $VariableExists = $true $OverallStatus = $true } Catch { $VariableExists = $false $OverallStatus = $false } #END Test connecton is defined ######################################################################### ######################################################################### #Global Params $WSUSSQLServerName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSSQLServerName Write-Verbose "WSUSSQLServerName = $($WSUSSQLServerName)" $WSUSDatabaseName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSDatabaseName Write-Verbose "WSUSDatabaseName = $($WSUSDatabaseName)" $Credential = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.Credential #END Global Params ######################################################################### ######################################################################### #Executing SQL query to test the connection If ($OverallStatus -eq $true) { Try { #Simple test SQL query to run $SQLQueryToRun = "SELECT TOP (1) fileid FROM [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[sys].[sysfiles]" #Formulating base command $SQLCommandToRun = '$SQLQuery' + " = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $WSUSSQLServerName -Database $WSUSDatabaseName -AbortOnError" + ' -Query $SQLQueryToRun' + ' -ErrorAction "Stop"' #Checking if you wanted PassThru or SQL Auth If ($Credential -ne $null) { Write-Verbose "AuthenticationType = SQLAuth" $SQLCommandToRun = $SQLCommandToRun + ' -Credential $Credential' } Else { Write-Verbose "AuthenticationType = Passthru" } #Running test query Write-Verbose "Testing the following query:" Write-Verbose "$($SQLQueryToRun)" Invoke-Expression -Command $($SQLCommandToRun) $ExecutedTestQueryWithNoErrors = $true $OverallStatus = $true } Catch { $ExecutedTestQueryWithNoErrors = $false $OverallStatus = $false } #Making sure you had results, if not we're throwing an error $MeaureSQLQueryCount = $SQLQuery | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty count If ($MeaureSQLQueryCount -eq 1) { $TestQueryHadResults = $true $OverallStatus = $true } Else { $TestQueryHadResults = $false $OverallStatus = $false } } #END Executing SQL query ######################################################################### ######################################################################### #Output results New-Object PSObject -Property @{ VariableExists = $VariableExists ExecutedTestQueryWithNoErrors = $ExecutedTestQueryWithNoErrors TestQueryHadResults = $TestQueryHadResults OverallStatus = $OverallStatus } #END Output results ######################################################################### } } |