<# .SYNOPSIS Authenticate to Salesforce using the current org configuration .DESCRIPTION Authenticate to salesforce using the current org configuration .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-SfAuthenticate. .OUTPUTS Returns as PSCustomObject with the following members: access_token id instance_url issued_at signature token_type .EXAMPLE PS> $sfAcessToken = (Invoke-SfAuthenticate).access_token .LINK Set-FileConfig .NOTES Assumes config is initialized for org access. #> function Invoke-SfAuthenticate { $config = Get-Config $body = @{ grant_type = "password" client_id = $config.SfOauth.GetNetworkCredential().username client_secret = $config.SfOauth.GetNetworkCredential().password username = $config.SfCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().username password = $config.SfCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().password + $config.SfSecurityToken } $loginUrl = "https://$(&{If($config.Sandbox){"test"} Else {"login"}})" Write-Debug ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $loginUrl -Method POST -Body $body -TimeoutSec 30 } |