
    Create a new template survey response file for a defined survey.

    Create a new template survey response file for a defined survey.

    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-SurveyResponseCsv.


    .PARAMETER SurveyName
    The name of the survey in the eCC salesforce org

    .PARAMETER ResponseFile
    The name of the template response file to create. If not supplied the file name used will be the {SurveyName}.csv

    .PARAMETER SurveyDefinitions
    The survey definitions from Get-SurveyDefinitions call. Will call Get-SurveyDefinitions is not supplied


    Assumes config is initialized for org access.

function New-SurveyResponseCsv {
    param($SurveyName, $ResponseFile, $SurveyDefinitions)
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SurveyDefinitions')) {
        $SurveyDefinitions = Get-SurveyDefinitions
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SurveyName')) {
        $SurveyName = $SurveyDefinitions.surveys | Select-Object name | Out-GridView -PassThru | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
    if ($SurveyName) {
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResponseFile')) {
            $ResponseFile = "$($SurveyName).csv"
        $output = @()
        $survey = $SurveyDefinitions.surveys | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $SurveyName }
        $questions = $SurveyDefinitions.questions | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Survey__c -eq $survey.Id }
        foreach($question in $questions) {
            $answers =  $SurveyDefinitions.answers | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Survey_Question__c -eq $question.Id }
            $allAnswer = ""
            foreach($answer in $answers) {
                if ($allAnswer.Length -gt 0) {
                    $allAnswer += "|"
                $allAnswer += $answer.phecc__Answer__c
            $output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Question = $question.phecc__Question__c
                Answer =  $allAnswer
        $output | ConvertTo-Csv | Set-Content -Path $ResponseFile