<# .SYNOPSIS Queries salesforce for patient calendar planned entries that are not deleted .DESCRIPTION Can be used for a single patient or for all patients .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SfPlannedEntries. .OUTPUTS An array of PSCustomObject with the properties: CreatedDate Id phecc__Measurement_Type__c phecc__Permission__c .PARAMETER Patient The patient object from Get-Patients .PARAMETER Type The type of planned entry. Defaults to "Measurement" .EXAMPLE PS> $pes = Get-SfPlannedEntries -Patient (Get-Patients -SelectCdrIds @("36eeb673-9dc2-409e-a328-b994b377244d")) .LINK Set-FileConfig .NOTES Assumes config is initialized for org access. #> function Get-SfPlannedEntries { param($Patient, $Type = "Measurement") if ($Patient) { Invoke-SfQuery "SELECT Id,phecc__Measurement_Type__c,CreatedDate FROM phecc__Planned_Entry__c WHERE phecc__Permission__c='$($Patient.sfPatient.phecc__Permission__c)' AND IsDeleted = false AND phecc__Type__c = '$($Type)'" } else { Invoke-SfQuery "SELECT Id,phecc__Measurement_Type__c,CreatedDate,phecc__Permission__c FROM phecc__Planned_Entry__c WHERE IsDeleted = false AND phecc__Type__c = '$($Type)'" } } |