$code = @'
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Management.Automation; public class DynamicAttribute : System.Attribute { private ScriptBlock sb; public DynamicAttribute(ScriptBlock condition) { sb = condition; } } '@ $null = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code *>&1 function Get-PsoDynamicParameterDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS takes a scriptblock with a static param() parameter definition and returns a PowerShell function where designated parameters are turned into dynamic parameters. .DESCRIPTION Module adds a new attribute named [Dynamic()] that can be used to turn static parameters into dynamic parameters. For this to work, submit a scriptblock to the attribute. When the scriptblock evaluates to $true, the parameter is visible, else it is not available. .EXAMPLE Get-PsoDynamicParameterDefinition -ScriptBlock Value -FunctionName Value Takes the parameter definition from $parameters, turns all parameters designated with the attribute [Dynamic()] into dynamic parameters and emits the new function body .EXAMPLE Get-PsoDynamicParameterDefinition -FunctionInfo Value Describe what this call does .LINK https://github.com/TobiasPSP/Modules.dynamicparam #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # A scriptblock with a param() block. Assign the attribute [Dynamic()] to all parameters that you want to convert to a dynamic parameter. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, # Name of the function to be created. Can be anything, should adhere to common Verb-Noun syntax. [string] $FunctionName = 'Get-Something' ) begin { # common parameters $commonParameters = 'Verbose','Debug','ErrorAction','WarningAction','InformationAction','ErrorVariable','WarningVariable','InformationVariable','OutVariable','OutBuffer','PipelineVariable' } process { $beginBlock = "# place your own code that executes before pipeline processing starts" $processBlock = '# place your own code that executes for each incoming pipeline object' $endBlock = '# place your own code that executes after pipeline processing has finished' # collect generated code: [System.Text.StringBuilder]$result = '' # store parameter default values: $defaultValues = @{} # store list of dynamic parameters: $dynParamList = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[string]]::new() # store list of static parameters: $paramList = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[string]]::new() # store list of pipeline-aware parameters: $pipelineAttribs = 'ValueFromPipeline', 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' $pipelineParamList = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[string]]::new() $null = $result.AppendLine("function $FunctionName") $null = $result.AppendLine('{') # extract the content of the param() block from the submitted scriptblock: $pb = $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParamBlockAst]}, $false) $param = $pb[0] # add attributes foreach($_ in $param.Attributes) { $null = $result.AppendLine(' ' + $_.Extent.Text) } $null = $result.AppendLine(@' # MUST be an advanced function so make sure you add [CmdletBinding()] just to be sure: [CmdletBinding()] param ( ##StaticParams## ) dynamicparam { # create container for all dynamically created parameters: $paramDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() '@) $param.Parameters | ForEach-Object { $parameter = $_ # check to see if this parameter was decorated with a [Dynamic()] attribute: $dynamicAttribute = $parameter.Attributes.Where{ $_.TypeName.FullName -eq 'Dynamic' } | Select-Object -First 1 # if so, add to dynamic parameters: if ($dynamicAttribute) { $condition = $dynamicAttribute.PositionalArguments[0].Extent.Text -replace '^{' -replace '}$' $name = $parameter.Name.VariablePath.UserPath $dynParamList.Add($name) $null = $result.AppendLine('') $null = $result.AppendLine(" #region Start Parameter -${name} ####") if ($condition) { $null = $result.AppendLine(" if ($condition) {") } $null = $result.AppendLine(" # create container storing all attributes for parameter -$name") $null = $result.AppendLine(' $attributeCollection = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]]::new()') $null = $result.AppendLine('') $conflicts = $commonParameters -like "$name*" if ($conflicts.Count -gt 0) { Write-Warning ('Parameter -{0} conflicts with built-in parameters {1}. Rename -{0}.' -f $name, ('-' + ($conflicts -join ', -'))) } $defaultValue = $parameter.DefaultValue.Extent.Text $theType = 'Object' $hasParameterAttribute = $false $parameter.Attributes | ForEach-Object { $attribute = $_ switch ($attribute.GetType().FullName) { 'System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeConstraintAst' { $theType = $attribute.TypeName.FullName } 'System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst' { $typeName = $attribute.TypeName.FullName if ($typename -ne 'Dynamic') { if (!$hasParameterAttribute -and $typename -eq 'Parameter') { $hasParameterAttribute = $true } [string]$positionals = $attribute.PositionalArguments.Extent.Text -join ',' $null = $result.AppendLine((' # Define attribute [{0}()]:' -f $attribute.TypeName.FullName)) $null = $result.AppendLine((' $attrib = [{0}]::new({1})' -f $attribute.TypeName.FullName, $positionals)) $attribute.NamedArguments | ForEach-Object { $namedAttributeExpression = $_.ToString() if ($_.ExpressionOmitted) { $namedAttributeExpression += '=$true'} $null = $result.AppendLine((' $attrib.{0}' -f $namedAttributeExpression)) # if parameter is pipeline-aware, remember it: if ($_.ArgumentName -in $pipelineAttribs -and $pipelineParamList.Contains($Name) -eq $false) { $pipelineParamList.Add($name) } } $null = $result.AppendLine(' $attributeCollection.Add($attrib)') $null = $result.AppendLine('') } } default { Write-Warning "Unexpected Type: $_" } } } if (!$hasParameterAttribute) { $null = $result.AppendLine(' # Define attribute [Parameter()]:') $null = $result.AppendLine(' $attrib = [Parameter]::new()') $null = $result.AppendLine(' $attributeCollection.Add($attrib)') $null = $result.AppendLine('') } $null = $result.AppendLine(' # compose dynamic parameter:') $null = $result.AppendLine((' $dynParam = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new({0},{1},$attributeCollection)' -f "'$Name'", "[$theType]")) if ($theType -eq 'Object') { Write-Warning ('Parameter -{0} currently is of type [Object]. Using an appropriate type constraint like [string], [int], [datetime] etc in your parameter definition is recommended.' -f $Name) } # store parameter default value: if ($defaultValue -ne $null) { $defaultValues[$name] = $defaultValue } $null = $result.AppendLine('') $null = $result.AppendLine(' # add parameter to parameter collection:') $null = $result.AppendLine((' $paramDictionary.Add({0},$dynParam)' -f "'$Name'")) if ($condition) { $null = $result.AppendLine(" }") } $null = $result.AppendLine(" #endregion End Parameter -${name} ####") $null = $result.AppendLine('') } # else, add to static parameters else { $paramList.Add($parameter.Extent.Text) } } # determine the maximum parameter name length for formatting purposes: $longest = 0 foreach($_ in $dynParamList) { $longest = [Math]::Max($longest, $_.Length) } $null = $result.AppendLine(@' # return dynamic parameter collection: $paramDictionary } begin { '@) $null = $result.AppendLine(' #region initialize variables for dynamic parameters') foreach($varName in $dynParamList) { $null = $result.AppendLine('') $null = $result.AppendLine((' if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(''{0}'')) {{ ${0} = $PSBoundParameters[''{0}''] }}' -f $varName)) if ($defaultValues.ContainsKey($varName)) { $null = $result.AppendLine((' else {{ ${0} = {1} }}' -f $varName, $defaultValues[$varName])) } else { $null = $result.AppendLine((' else {{ ${0} = $null}}' -f $varName)) } } $null = $result.AppendLine(' #endregion initialize variables for dynamic parameters') $null = $result.AppendLine(@" $beginBlock } process { "@) if ($pipelineAttribs.Count -gt 0) { $null = $result.AppendLine(' #region update variables for pipeline-aware parameters:') foreach($varName in $pipelineParamList) { $null = $result.AppendLine((' if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(''{0}'')) {{ ${0} = $PSBoundParameters[''{0}''] }}' -f $varName)) } $null = $result.AppendLine(' #endregion update variables for pipeline-aware parameters') $null = $result.AppendLine(@' #region output pipeline-aware parameters for diagnostic purposes: [PSCustomObject]@{ ParameterSetName = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName '@) foreach($varName in $pipelineParamList) { # pad the parameter name so the assignments are aligned: $null = $result.AppendLine((' {0} = ${1}' -f $varName.PadRight($longest), $varName)) } $null = $result.AppendLine(@' } | Format-List #endregion output pipeline-aware parameters for diagnostic purposes '@) } $null = $result.AppendLine(@" $processBlock } end { #region output submitted parameters for diagnostic purposes: [PSCustomObject]@{ "@) $dynParamList | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { # pad the parameter name so the assignments are aligned: $null = $result.AppendLine((' {0} = ${1}' -f $_.PadRight($longest), $_)) } $null = $result.AppendLine(@" } | Format-List #endregion output submitted parameters for diagnostic purposes $endBlock } } "@) # insert list of static parameters (if any present) # into param() inside the composed code: # turn array of parameters in comma-separated list: $staticParams = $paramList -join ",`r`n`r`n " # replace placeholder in the result with the static parameter list: $null = $result.Replace('##StaticParams##', $staticParams) # return composed script code: return [ScriptBlock]::Create($result) } } Set-Alias -Name Get-DynamicParameterDefinition -Value Get-PsoDynamicParameterDefinition Set-Alias -Name Get-DynamicParameterDefinition -Value gdp |