
function Search-ExcelWorkbook {
    param (
            if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path) ) {
                throw "File or folder does not exist"
            if (-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ) {
                throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
            if ($_ -notmatch "(\.xlsx|\.xls)") {
                throw "The file specified in the path argument must be either of type .xlsx or .xls"
            return $true
        [parameter()][string][Alias("Sheet")]$Worksheet = "",
        [parameter()][string][Alias("OldString","Find")]$TextPattern = "",
        [parameter()][string][Alias("ReplaceWith","NewText")]$NewString = ""
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NewString)) { $DoReplace = $True }
    try {
        if (!(Get-Module ImportExcel -ListAvailable)) { throw "Required module not installed: ImportExcel" }
        if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { throw "file not found: $Path"    }
        [array]$worksheets = (Get-ExcelFileSummary -Path $Path).WorksheetName

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Worksheet)) {
            $xldata = Import-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName $Worksheet -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($xldata) {
                $columns = $xldata[0].psobject.Properties.Name
                $rownum = 1
                foreach ($row in $xldata) {
                    $cellnum = 1
                    foreach ($cell in $columns) {
                        $oldvalue = $row."$cell"
                        if ($oldvalue -match $TextPattern) {
                            [pscustomobject]@{Worksheet = $worksheet; Row = $($rownum); Cell = $($cellnum); Value = $oldvalue}
                        if ($DoReplace) {
                            $newvalue = $oldvalue -replace $oldstring, $newstring
                            $row."$cell" = $newvalue
            } else {
                throw "No data found for worksheet: $Worksheet"
        } else {
            foreach ($worksheet in $worksheets) {
                $xldata = Import-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName $worksheet -ErrorAction Stop
                $columns = $xldata[0].psobject.Properties.Name
                $rownum = 1
                foreach ($row in $xldata) {
                    $cellnum = 1
                    foreach ($cell in $columns) {
                        $oldvalue = $row."$cell"
                        if ($oldvalue -match $TextPattern) {
                            [pscustomobject]@{Worksheet = $worksheet; Row = $($rownum); Cell = $($cellnum); Value = $oldvalue}
                        if ($DoReplace) {
                            $newvalue = $oldvalue -replace $oldstring, $newstring
                            $row."$cell" = $newvalue
                if ($DoReplace) {
                    Write-Verbose "writing modified content back to $Path"
                    $xldata | Export-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName $worksheet -ClearSheet
        Write-Output $filename
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Warning "You probably forgot to submit a change request with a TPS cover sheet."