.SYNOPSIS Invoke-Grep .DESCRIPTION Search text or file content for matching string pattern .PARAMETER Pattern Text pattern to search for .PARAMETER InputString String to search for matching Pattern value .PARAMETER Path Path to search files for matching Pattern value If Path is provided, InputString is ignored .PARAMETER Recurse Optional. Only used with Path parameter. Default is to scan files in the Path location only, not sub-folders. If Recurse is used, scan will include sub-folders .EXAMPLE Invoke-Grep -Pattern "Contoso Corp" -InputString "The facility is owned by Contoso Corp, who recently leased it." .EXAMPLE Invoke-Grep -Pattern "Contoso Corp" -Path "c:\mydocs" -Recurse .LINK #> function Invoke-Grep { param ( [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Pattern, [parameter()][string]$InputString = "", [parameter()][string]$Path, [parameter()][switch]$Recurse ) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse | Select-String $Pattern } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InputString)) { $InputString | Select-String $Pattern } } |