Function Get-LoggedOnUser { <# .SYNOPSIS This will check the specified machine to see all users who are logged on. For updated help and examples refer to -Online version. This was added to DS-UTILS but I did not write this function (see below) .NOTES Name: Get-LoggedInUser Author: Paul Contreras Version: 3.0 DateUpdated: 2021-Sep-21 .LINK - For updated help and examples refer to -Online version. .PARAMETER ComputerName Specify a computername to see which users are logged into it. If no computers are specified, it will default to the local computer. .PARAMETER UserName If the specified username is found logged into a machine, it will display it in the output. .EXAMPLE Get-LoggedOnUser -ComputerName Server01 Display all the users that are logged in server01 .EXAMPLE Get-LoggedOnUser -ComputerName Server01, Server02 -UserName jsmith Display if the user, jsmith, is logged into server01 and/or server02 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position=0 )] [string[]] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [Alias("SamAccountName")] [string] $UserName ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { try { $Computer = $Computer.ToUpper() $SessionList = quser /Server:$Computer 2>$null if ($SessionList) { $UserInfo = foreach ($Session in ($SessionList | select -Skip 1)) { $Session = $Session.ToString().trim() -replace '\s+', ' ' -replace '>', '' if ($Session.Split(' ')[3] -eq 'Active') { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer UserName = $session.Split(' ')[0] SessionName = $session.Split(' ')[1] SessionID = $Session.Split(' ')[2] SessionState = $Session.Split(' ')[3] IdleTime = $Session.Split(' ')[4] LogonTime = $session.Split(' ')[5, 6, 7] -as [string] -as [datetime] } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $Computer UserName = $session.Split(' ')[0] SessionName = $null SessionID = $Session.Split(' ')[1] SessionState = 'Disconnected' IdleTime = $Session.Split(' ')[3] LogonTime = $session.Split(' ')[4, 5, 6] -as [string] -as [datetime] } } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Username')) { $UserInfo | Where-Object {$_.UserName -eq $UserName} } else { $UserInfo | Sort-Object LogonTime } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } } END {} } |