<# Module Mixed by BarTender A Framework for making PowerShell Modules Version: 6.1.22 Author: Adrian.Andersson Copyright: 2019 Domain Group Module Details: Module: domainAwsPowershellTools Description: Bunch of scripts to help with Aws Powershell Revision: Author: Adrian.Andersson Company: Domain Group Check Manifest for more details #> function get-dynamoDbQueryResult { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute a query against DynamoDB .DESCRIPTION Run a DynamoDB Query Return some results .PARAMETER Tablename Name of the DynamoDB Table .PARAMETER key Name of the table key to look at .PARAMETER awsRegion Name of the awsRegion to use .PARAMETER value The value of the key we are looking for .PARAMETER items Number of items .EXAMPLE get-dynamoDbQueryResult -table my-dynamodb-table -key my-dynamodb-reference -value what-value-do-i-want -items 1 .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-09-05 Changelog: 2018-09-05 - AA - Initial Script - This was a fun crash course in DynamoDB - Reverse-Engineered Mostafa's provided query to use the dotNet class objects over the AWS CLI 2019-03-15 - AA - Rewrote to domainAwsPowershellTools #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Tablename, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$key, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$awsRegion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$items = 5 ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $regionName = $awsRegion $region = [Amazon.RegionEndpoint]::GetBySystemName($regionName) $dbClient = New-Object Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient($region) } process{ $req = New-object Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.QueryRequest $req.tableName = $tableName write-verbose "Invoking against table: $table" $req.KeyConditionExpression = "$key = :anything" $keyAttrObj = new-object Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.AttributeValue $keyAttrObj.S = $value write-verbose "Searching for value $($keyAttrObj.S)" $req.expressionAttributeValues = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.AttributeValue]' $req.expressionAttributeValues.add(':anything',$keyAttrObj.s) $req.limit = $items write-verbose "Limiting to $items resultCount" write-verbose "Executing the query" $qResult = $dbClient.query($req) $qItems = $qResult.items write-verbose "Found $($qItems.count) results" $i = 0 foreach($result in $qItems) { $ht = @{} write-verbose "Parsing result for item $i" foreach($key in $result.keys) { $rValue = $result."$key" if($rValue.S) { $ht."$key" = $rValue.S }elseIf($rValue.N){ $ht."$key" = $rValue.N } } $obj = [pscustomobject]$ht $obj write-verbose "Finished parsing value for item $i" $i++ remove-item ht,obj,rValue -errorAction ignore } } } function get-instanceAmiDetails { <# .SYNOPSIS get an ec2 instance image details .DESCRIPTION Get ec2 instance and ami details return an object .PARAMETER instanceId what instance do you need ------------ .EXAMPLE get-instanceAmiDetails i-abc123456,i-xyz654321 .EXAMPLE $instanceIds = @( 'i-abc123456', 'i-xyz654321' ) get-instanceAmiDetails $instanceIds .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-15 Created On Request Changelog: 2019-03-15 - AA - Initial Script .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]]$instanceId ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $awsOwnerIds = @('801119661308') } process{ foreach($instId in $instanceId) { try{ $instance = $(Get-EC2Instance $instId -ErrorAction Stop).instances[0] }catch{ $null } if($instance) { $image = Get-EC2Image -ImageId $instance.imageId $hash = @{ instanceId = $instance.InstanceId instanceIsWindows = if($instance.Platform.Value){$true}else{$false} instanceType = $instance.instanceType.Value instanceLaunchDate = $(get-date $instance.LaunchTime) } if($image) { $hash.amiName = $ $hash.amiState = $image.state.value $hash.amiAwsOwned = $(if($image.ownerid -in $awsOwnerIds){$true}else{$false}) $hash.amiCreationDate = $(get-date $image.creationdate) }else{ $hash.amiName = 'Unknown' $hash.amiState = 'Unknown' $hash.amiAwsOwned = 'Unknown' $hash.amiCreationDate = 'Unknown' } [psCustomObject]$hash }else{ write-warning "InstanceId: $instId not found" } } } } function remove-s3DeleteMarker { <# .SYNOPSIS OopsiePerson - 'Help, I broked S3, I accidentally deleted all our stuff' DevOpsPerson - 'Dont panic, you have versioning enabled' .DESCRIPTION For when somoene accidentally marks an entire bucket with a delete marker MAKE SURE you have versioning enabled .PARAMETER bucketname Name of the S3 bucket .PARAMETER prefix The s3 keyprefix to search .PARAMETER DaysToRewind How far back should we look for delete markers. I.e. How many days ago did this mistake happen Required so we don't remove versions that perhaps should be legitimately removed .EXAMPLE remove-s3DeleteMarker -bucketName 'mybucket' -prefix 'my/key/prefix' #### DESCRIPTION Remove any versions with delete markers within the default DaysToRewind (3) .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Company: Domain Group Last-Edit-Date: 2018/08/14 Changelog: 2018/08/14 - AA - Initial Script - Added DaysToRewind after feedback - Fixed pagination issue - Added continue switch to proceed 2019-03-15 - AA - Rewrote to domainAwsPowershellTools #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("bucket")] [string]$bucketname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("keyprefix")] [string]$prefix, [ValidateRange(1,180)] [int]$DaysToRewind = 3, [switch]$continue ) begin{ #Flip the days $days = 0 - $daysToRewind $backDate = $(get-date).AddDays( $days) write-verbose "Date to remove deleteMarker from : $($backdate)" write-verbose 'Getting S3 Version Data' #Get a subset of the data to validate the bucket is ok $versionData = Get-S3Version -BucketName $bucketName -Prefix $Prefix -MaxKey 2 if(!($versiondata) -or (!$versiondata.versions) -or ($versiondata.versions.count -lt 1)) { throw 'Unable to retrieve version info. Bucket could be wrong or versions unavailable' } $keymarker = $null $more = $True $page = 0 $versions = @{} while($more -eq $true) { write-verbose "Getting versions from page:$page" $versionData = Get-S3Version -BucketName $bucketName -Prefix $Prefix -KeyMarker $keyMarker $versions."$page" = $versionData.Versions if($versionData.NextKeyMarker) { write-verbose 'More data, incrementing Page' $page++ $keyMarker=$versionData.NextKeyMarker }else{ write-verbose 'No more data' $more = $false } } $allVersions = $($versions.Values|ForEach-Object{$_}) write-verbose "Found data for $($allVersions.count) versions" $Deleted = $allVersions | where-object{$_.IsDeleteMarker -eq $true -and $_.LastModified -gt $backDate} write-verbose "Found data for $($Deleted.count) versions with delete markers" if($allVersions.count -eq $Deleted.count) { throw 'Number of versions is equal to number of deletes. Does this bucket have versioning?' } } process{ write-warning "$($deleted.count) items of $($allversions.count) total items will be deleted)" if(!$continue) { $confirmRead = read-host 'Are you sure about this? (y)' if($confirmRead -eq 'y') { $continue = $true }else{ return } } if($continue) { foreach($file in $deleted) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove key: $($file.Key) `tVersion: $($file.versionId) ")) { remove-S3Object -bucketName $file.bucketName -Key $file.Key -VersionId $file.versionId -Confirm:$false } } } } } |