#Basic Enums used by DSC enum Ensure { Present Absent } <# Module Mixed by BarTender A Framework for making PowerShell Modules Version: 6.1.22 Author: Adrian.Andersson Copyright: 2019 Domain Group Module Details: Module: domainAwsDSCResources Description: DSC Resources for AWS EC2 Instances Revision: Author: Adrian.Andersson Company: Domain Group Check Manifest for more details #> [DscResource()] class dmAwsTagInstance{ [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $name [DscProperty()] [hashtable] $instanceTags [DscProperty()] [string]$instanceId [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [Nullable[datetime]] $CreationTime hidden [hashtable] $currentTags = @{} [void] Set() { write-verbose 'Set kicked off' if($this.currentTags.count -eq 0) { write-verbose 'I have no tags, getting them' $this.GetCurrentTags() } if($this.instanceTags.count -gt 0) { write-verbose 'Adding new tags' Foreach($tag in $this.instanceTags.keys) { write-verbose "Adding tag for $tag" $tagValue = $this.instanceTags."$tag".tostring().trim() write-verbose "Value: $tagValue" New-EC2Tag -Tag (New-Object -TypeName Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag -ArgumentList @($tag, $tagValue )) -Resource $this.instanceId } }else{ write-verbose 'No new tags to add' } } [bool] Test() { write-verbose 'test init' if($this.currentTags.count -eq 0) { write-verbose 'I have no tags, getting them' $this.GetCurrentTags() } write-verbose 'Comparing tags' try{ $tagsCompare = $this.instanceTags|where-object {$this.CurrentTags.Values -notcontains $_} if($($tagsCompare|measure-object).count -ge 1) { return $false }else{ return $true } }catch{ write-error 'Stuffed up the tag compare' return $false } } [dmAwsTagInstance] Get() { return $this } [void] GetCurrentTags() { write-verbose 'Getting current tags' write-verbose 'Importing module' write-verbose 'Reading the current tags in' try{ $tags = $(get-ec2instance $this.InstanceId).Instances.Tags foreach($tag in $tags) { $this.currentTags."$($tag.key)" = "$($tag.value)" } write-verbose 'Got the current tags' }catch{ write-error 'Unable to read the current tags for some reason' } } } [DscResource()] class dmAwsTimeSync{ [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $timeZoneName [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [Nullable[datetime]] $CreationTime #The AWS Hard-Coded Time Server endpoint IP hidden [string] $awsTimeSyncServer = '' #How often should we sync the time, in seconds, 3600 = 1 hr hidden [int] $timePollSeconds = 3600 #NtpClientPath hidden [string] $NtpClientPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient' #Used by getPollInterval hidden [string] $currentPollInterval #Used by getTimeServerDetails hidden [string] $currentTimeSource hidden [datetime] $lastTimeSync #Used by getTimeZone hidden [string] $currentTimeZone [void] Set() { if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($($this.test()) -eq $false) { #We need to set the time stuff up, so run the subfunctions Write-Verbose 'Setting the time up' Stop-Service w32time -Force $this.setPollInterval() $this.setAwsTimeServer() $this.setTimeZone() Start-Service W32Time write-verbose 'Sleeping for 10 seconds, then trying to force a date update' Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 #Seems to be needed for the computer to realise its changed get-timezone | out-null get-date |Out-Null } } else { #Well we just dont care I guess } } [bool] Test() { $this.getPollInterval() $this.getTimeServerDetails() $this.getTimeZone() if($this.currentTimeZone -eq $this.timezonename -and $this.currentPollInterval -eq $this.currentPollInterval -and $this.currentTimeSource -eq $this.awsTimeSyncServer) { return $true }else{ return $false } } [dmAwsTimeSync] Get() { $this.getPollInterval() $this.getTimeServerDetails() $this.getTimeZone() return $this } [void] setAwsTimeServer() { Write-Verbose 'Configuring to use AWS time sync' try{ Start-Process -FilePath 'w32tm' -ArgumentList "/config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:`"$($this.awsTimeSyncServer)`"" Start-Process -FilePath 'w32tm' -ArgumentList '/config /reliable:yes' Write-Verbose 'AWS TimeServer Configured' }catch{ Write-Verbose 'Configuring AWS TimeSync failed' Write-Error 'Config of AWS TimeSync failed' } } [void] setPollInterval() { Write-Verbose 'Setting Time Poll Interval in Registry' $this.getPollInterval() Write-Verbose "Existing property value: $($this.currentPollInterval)" try{ Set-ItemProperty -Path $this.NtpClientPath -Name SpecialPollInterval -Value $this.timePollSeconds Write-Verbose 'Time Poll Set' }catch{ Write-Verbose 'Time Poll not set' Write-Error 'Config of Time Poll failed' } } [void] getPollInterval() { $this.currentPollInterval = $(get-ItemProperty -Path $this.NtpClientPath -Name SpecialPollInterval) } [void] getTimeServerDetails() { $status = w32tm /query /status $this.currentTimeSource = $($($status|Where-Object{$_ -like 'Source:*'}) -replace 'Source: ','').trim() $this.lastTimeSync = get-date "$($($status|Where-Object{$_ -like 'Last Successful Sync Time:*'}) -replace 'Last Successful Sync Time: ','')" } [void] getTimeZone() { $this.currentTimeZone = $(get-timezone).Id } [void] setTimeZone() { write-verbose 'setting TimeZone' try{ set-timezone -Name $this.timezoneName write-verbose 'Timezone Set' }catch{ Write-Verbose 'Setting Timezone Failed' write-error 'Error setting timezone' } } } |