
Set-Alias -Name Replace -Value Replace-Object
function Replace-Object {
        Object based regex replacer
        Replace-Object lets you update one or more properties in an input object
        with the desired regular expressions. This is to save you from having to
        do long calculated properies if you just want to do a quick regex replace.
        Also lets you replace on primitive input types
        .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object(s) to be operated on.
        .PARAMETER Property
        Description of each of the parameters
        .PARAMETER Pattern
        Description of each of the parameters
        .PARAMETER Replacement
        Description of each of the parameters
        .PARAMETER MultiReplace
        Description of each of the parameters
        Accepts primitive objects like strings and psobjects
        Outputs the same object type
        > "Foo","Bot","Cat" | Replace o e
        > "Foo","Bot","Cat" | Replace o,e
        Using alias and positions for shorthand use (2 examples in 1!)
        "Foo","Bar","Cat" | Replace-Object -Regex "a.$" -RegexReplacement "am"
        Using pipeline on primitive objects (strings)
        Replace-Object -InputObject ([pscustomobject]@{a=3;b=42}) -Property a -Regex "$" -RegexReplacement "a"
        a b
        - -
        3a 42
        No pipeline, single property regex replacement
        Replace-Object -InputObject ([pscustomobject]@{a=3;b=42}) -Property b -Regex "^."
        a b
        - -
        3 2
        [pscustomobject]@{a=3;b=42} | Replace-Object -HashTable @{"b"=4,1337; a="\d","BAR"}
        a b
        - -
        BAR 13372

    Begin {
        $WorkerHT = [ordered]@{}
        if ($MultiReplace)
            foreach ($HT in $MultiReplace)
                foreach ($Entry in $HT.GetEnumerator())
                    # We call [regex]::Replace() later that requires 3 params. Add a dummy 3rd if not given
                    if ($Entry.Value.Count -eq 1)
                        $WorkerHT["$i"] = $Entry.Name,$Entry.Value[0],''
                    else {
                        $WorkerHT["$i"] = $Entry.Name,$Entry.Value[0],$Entry.Value[1]
            if (!$property) {
                $property = ""
            elseif ($Property -eq "*")
            { #This won't work because in the begin, I don't know what the objects in the pipe are like yet.
            foreach ($PropertyName in $Property)
                if ($Pattern.Count -gt 1) {
                    $WorkerHT["$i"] = $PropertyName,$Pattern[0],$Pattern[1]
                elseif ($Pattern.count -eq 1 -and $Replacement) {
                $WorkerHT["$i"] = $PropertyName,$Pattern[0],$Replacement
                #$MultiReplace = @{$property = $Pattern,$Replacement}
                elseif ($Pattern.count -eq 1 -and !$Replacement) {
                $WorkerHT["$i"] = $PropertyName,$Pattern[0],''
                #$MultiReplace = @{$property = $Pattern,''}
                Process {
                Foreach ($Object in $InputObject)
                foreach ($Entry in $WorkerHT.GetEnumerator())
                If (!$Entry.Value[0])
                $Object = [regex]::replace($Object,$Entry.value[1],$Entry.value[2],1)
                $Object.($Entry.Value[0]) = [regex]::replace(
                1 #
                End {