[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "")] param() import-module $PSScriptRoot\dnsimpleps.psm1 -Force InModuleScope dnsimpleps { Describe 'Dnsimple cmdlets' { Context 'Token handling ' { It 'Should write access tokens to file' { $tempFile = join-path $TestDrive '.access.token' Write-AccessToken -Account 11111 -AccessToken thetoken ` -Path $tempFile [xml](Get-Content $tempFile) ` | Select-xml "//s:I32[@N='Key' and text()='11111']" ` -Namespace @{s='http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04'} ` | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should be able to read access tokens from file' { #Arrange $tempFile = join-path $TestDrive '.access.token' $account = 11111 $accessToken = 'thetoken' Write-AccessToken -Account $account -AccessToken $accessToken ` -Path $tempFile #Act $result = Read-AccessToken $account -Path $tempFile #Assert $result.Account | Should Be $account (new-object pscredential 'foo',$result.AccessToken).GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should Be $AccessToken } } Context 'Records handling' { Mock Invoke-RestMethod { $bodyPS = ConvertFrom-Json $Body return [PSCustomObject]@{ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ id=11278049 zone_id=$Zone parent_id=$null name=$bodyPS.name content=$bodyPS.Content ttl=3600 priority=$null type=$bodyPS.type regions=@('global') system_record=$false created_at='2017-03-24T11:53:27Z' updated_at='2017-03-24T11:53:27Z' } } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'POST' -and $Uri -eq "https://api.dnsimple.com/v2/$account/zones/$zone/records" } $account = [pscustomobject]@{ Account=11111 AccessToken=(ConvertTo-SecureString 'thetoken' -AsPlainText -Force) } $zone = 'pwrsh.io' It 'should be able to add zone record' { $recordType = 'MX' $content = 'smtp.pwrsh.io' $name = 'record1' $result = $account | Add-ZoneRecord -Zone $zone -RecordType $recordType ` -Name $name -Content $content $result.zone_id | Should be $zone $result.content | Should be $content $result.name | Should be $name } Mock Invoke-WebRequest { return [pscustomobject]@{ StatusCode=204 StatusDescription='No Content' Content='' RawContentLength=0 } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'DELETE' -and $Uri -eq "https://api.dnsimple.com/v2/$Account/zones/$Zone/records/$id" } It 'should be able to delete record' { $id = 1 $result = $account | Remove-ZoneRecord -Zone $zone -Id $id $result.StatusCode | Should Be 204 } Mock Invoke-RestMethod { return [PSCustomObject]@{ data = [PSCustomObject]@{ id=11278049 zone_id=$Zone parent_id=$null name="name" content="content" ttl=3600 priority=$null type="MX" regions=@('global') system_record=$false created_at='2017-03-24T11:53:27Z' updated_at='2017-03-24T11:53:27Z' } } } -ParameterFilter { $Method -eq 'get' -and $Uri -eq "https://api.dnsimple.com/v2" } It 'should unwrap result' { CallDnsimpleApi 'get' 'https://api.dnsimple.com/v2' $null $Account.AccessToken } } } } |