function Connect-DisaRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to a DISA Repository and creates a web session for reuse within Get-DisaFile and Save-DisaFile .DESCRIPTION Connects to a DISA Repository and creates a web session for reuse within Get-DisaFile and Save-DisaFile .PARAMETER Repository The repository to connect to. Currently, only the following repos are supported: MicrosoftSecurityBulletins MicrosoftSecurityAdvisories MicrosoftApplications MicrosoftToolkits Defaults to MicrosoftSecurityBulletins .PARAMETER Thumbprint Certificate thumbprint of the authorized smartcard By default, the command will try to figure out the right one .EXAMPLE PS> Connect-DisaRepository Connects to the MicrosoftSecurityBulletins repository with a thumbprint that matches "Authentication - " .EXAMPLE PS> Connect-DisaRepository -Repository MicrosoftSecurityAdvisories -Thumbprint A909502DD82AE41433E6F83886B00D4277A32A7B Connects to the MicrosoftSecurityAdvisories repository using certificate with thumbprint A909502DD82AE41433E6F83886B00D4277A32A7B #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Repository = "MicrosoftSecurityBulletins", [string]$Thumbprint = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[]](Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object FriendlyName -like "*Authentication -*") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Thumbprint) ) process { if (-not $Thumbprint -and -not $global:disarepotools.certthumbprint) { throw "Certificate thumbprint could not be automatically determined. Please use Connect-DisaRepository -Thumbprint to specify the desired certificate." } else { if (-not $Thumbprint) { $Thumbprint = $global:disarepotools.certthumbprint } $global:disarepotools.certthumbprint = $Thumbprint } $global:disarepotools.currentrepo = $Repository $global:disarepotools.repoid = $global:disarepotools.repos[$Repository] $PSDefaultParameterValues["Invoke-*:CertificateThumbprint"] = $global:disarepotools.certthumbprint $loginurl = "" try { Write-Verbose "Logging in to $Repository with Thumbprint $Thumbprint" try { $null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginurl -SessionVariable loginvar -WebSession $null } catch { # Sometimes it fails for an unknown reason. Try again. $null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginurl -SessionVariable loginvar -WebSession $null } $global:disarepotools.disalogin = $loginvar } catch { $global:disarepotools.disalogin = $null throw $PSItem } Write-Verbose "Setting global WebSession" $PSDefaultParameterValues["Invoke-*:WebSession"] = $global:disarepotools.disalogin $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ collectionId = $global:disarepotools.repoid _search = $false rows = 15 page = 1 filters = "" } $params = @{ Uri = "" Method = "POST" ContentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8" Body = $body | ConvertTo-Json } try { Write-Verbose "Getting total records" $global:disarepotools.totalrows = (Invoke-RestMethod @params | ConvertFrom-Json).Total } catch { throw $PSItem } [PSCustomObject]@{ Repository = $Repository RepositoryId = $global:disarepotools.repoid TotalRows = $global:disarepotools.totalrows Thumbprint = $global:disarepotools.certthumbprint Status = "Connected" } } } |