$Script:hostsPath = "$($env:windir)\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts" $oldLocation = Get-Location Set-Location ${PSScriptRoot} . .\hosts-file.ps1 . .\port-proxy.ps1 . .\helpers.ps1 Set-Location $oldLocation <# .SYNOPSIS Shows all domains mapped to local ports #> function Show-Domains() { $hostsFileEntries = Get-Content $Script:hostsPath $portProxies = netsh interface portproxy show all $hostsFileEntries | ForEach-Object { $hostsEntryAddress = $_.Split(' ')[0] $hostsEntryDomain = $_.Split(' ')[1] $port = '' $portProxies | ForEach-Object { if($_ -match "^${hostsEntryAddress}.* (?<port>[0-9]+)$") { $port = $Matches.port } } | Out-Null if ($port) { "$hostsEntryDomain $port" } } } Set-Alias -Name sdo -Value Show-Domains <# .SYNOPSIS Maps domain to local port .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-Ddomain 1111 Calls to will be redirected to localhost:1111 .INPUTS the domain the port .OUTPUTS none #> function Add-Domain ($hostname, $mappedLocalPort) { $address = Get-ListenAddress # $duplicates = Show-Domains | where {$_ -match ".*$hostname.*"} # if ($duplicates) { # throw "Domain is already mapped." # } Add-PortProxy -listenAddress $address -connectPort $mappedLocalPort try { Add-ToHostsFile -address $address -hostname $hostname } catch { Write-Error "Error writing to hosts file. $_" Remove-PortProxy $address } } Set-Alias -Name ado -Value Add-Domain <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a domain if mapped to local port .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-Ddomain Removes the mapping of to the local port it has been mapped if any. .INPUTS the domain .OUTPUTS none or throws if domain is not mapped to local port #> function Remove-Domain ($domain) { $address = Remove-FromHostsFile $domain try { Remove-PortProxy $address } catch { Write-Error "Error: $_`nError removing port proxy for $address. Try issuing manually `"netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport= listenaddress=`"." } } Set-Alias -Name rdo -Value Remove-Domain Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |