Function Resolve-VariableToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Replaces all the tokens in a string with provided variables .DESCRIPTION Parses input string and replaces all the #{tokens} inside it with provided variables .PARAMETER InputString String to parse .PARAMETER Runtime Variables collection. Token names should match keys in the hashtable .EXAMPLE Resolve-VariableToken -InputString "SELECT '#{foo}' as str" -Runtime @{ foo = 'bar'} #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [object[]]$InputObject, [object]$Runtime ) foreach ($obj in $InputObject) { if ($obj -is [string]) { $output = $obj foreach ($token in (Get-VariableTokens $obj)) { #Replace variables found in the config $tokenRegEx = "\#\{$token\}" if ($Runtime) { if ($Runtime -is [hashtable]) { $variableList = $Runtime.Keys } else { $variableList = $Runtime.psobject.Properties.Name } if ($variableList -contains $token) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Replacing token $token" $output = $output -replace $tokenRegEx, $Runtime.$token } } } $output } else { $obj } } } |