Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem . $PSScriptRoot\functions\Get-DBOModuleFileList.ps1 foreach ($bin in (Get-DBOModuleFileList -Type Libraries -Edition $PSVersionTable.PSEdition).FullName) { if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Win32NT') { Unblock-File -Path $bin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Add-Type -Path $bin } 'Functions', 'Internal' | ForEach-Object { foreach ($function in (Get-DBOModuleFileList -Type $_).FullName) { . $function } } # defining validations Register-PSFConfigValidation -Name "transaction" -ScriptBlock { Param ( $Value ) $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Success = $True Value = $null Message = "" } try { if (([string]$Value) -in @('SingleTransaction', 'TransactionPerScript', 'NoTransaction')) { $Result.Value = [string]$Value } else { $Result.Message = "Allowed values: SingleTransaction, TransactionPerScript, NoTransaction" $Result.Success = $False } } catch { $Result.Message = "Failed to convert value to string" $Result.Success = $False } return $Result } Register-PSFConfigValidation -Name "securestring" -ScriptBlock { Param ( $Value ) $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Success = $True Value = $null Message = "" } if ($Value -is [securestring]) { $Result.Value = $Value } else { $Result.Message = 'Only [securestring] is accepted' $Result.Success = $False } return $Result } Register-PSFConfigValidation -Name "hashtable" -ScriptBlock { Param ( $Value ) $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Success = $True Value = $null Message = "" } try { if (([hashtable]$Value) -is [hashtable]) { $Result.Value = [hashtable]$Value } else { $Result.Message = "Only hashtables are allowed" $Result.Success = $False } } catch { $Result.Message = "Failed to convert value to hashtable. Only hashtables are allowed." $Result.Success = $False } return $Result } Register-PSFConfigValidation -Name "connectionType" -ScriptBlock { Param ( $Value ) $allowedTypes = [DBOps.ConnectionType].GetEnumNames() $failMessage = "Only the following values are allowed: $($allowedTypes -join ', ')" $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Success = $True Value = $null Message = "" } try { if (([string]$Value) -is [string] -and [string]$Value -in $allowedTypes) { $Result.Value = [string]$Value } else { $Result.Message = $failMessage $Result.Success = $False } } catch { $Result.Message = "Failed to convert value to string. $failMessage" $Result.Success = $False } return $Result } # defining defaults Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.ApplicationName -Value "dbops" -Initialize -Description "Application name in the connection string" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.SqlInstance -Value "localhost" -Initialize -Description "Server to connect to" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Database -Value $null -Initialize -Description "Name of the database for deployment" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.DeploymentMethod -Value 'NoTransaction' -Initialize -Validation transaction ` -Description "Transactional behavior during deployment. Allowed values: SingleTransaction, TransactionPerScript, NoTransaction (default)" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Username -Value $null -Initialize -Description "Connection username" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Password -Value $null -Initialize -Validation securestring ` -Description "Connection password. Only available to the same OS user, as it will be encrypted" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.SchemaVersionTable -Value 'SchemaVersions' -Initialize -Description "Name of the table where the schema deployment history will be stored" Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Schema -Value $null -Initialize -Description "Schema name to use by default. Not applicable to some RDBMS." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.ConnectionTimeout -Value 30 -Initialize -Validation integerpositive -Description "Connection attempt timeout in seconds. 0 to wait indefinitely." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.ExecutionTimeout -Value 0 -Initialize -Validation integerpositive -Description "Script execution timeout in seconds. 0 to wait indefinitely." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Encrypt -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description "Encrypt connection if supported by the driver." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Silent -Value $false -Initialize -Validation bool -Description "Silent execution with no output to the console." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Credential -Value $null -Initialize -Description "Database credentials to authenticate with." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.Variables -Value $null -Initialize -Validation hashtable -Description "A hashtable with key/value pairs representing #{variables} that will be swapped during execution." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.ConnectionString -Value $null -Initialize -Description "Connection string to the target database. If specified, overrides SqlInstance and Database parameters." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.ConnectionAttribute -Value $null -Validation hashtable -Initialize -Description "Additional connection string parameters. Existing connection string will be augmented." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.CreateDatabase -Value $false -Validation bool -Initialize -Description "Determines whether to create an empty database upon deployment if it haven't been created yet." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.mail.Template -Value "bin\mail_template.htm" -Initialize -Description "Relative or absolute path to the email template file." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.mail.SmtpServer -Value "" -Initialize -Description "Smtp server address." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.mail.From -Value "" -Initialize -Description "'From' field in the outgoing emails." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.mail.To -Value "" -Initialize -Description "'To' field in the outgoing emails." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.mail.Subject -Value "DBOps deployment status" -Initialize -Description "'Subject' field in the outgoing emails." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.security.encryptionkey -Value "~/.dbops.key" -Initialize -Description "Path to a custom encryption key used to encrypt/decrypt passwords. The key should be a binary file with a length of 128, 192 or 256 bits. Key will be generated automatically if not exists." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.security.usecustomencryptionkey -Value ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') -Validation bool -Initialize -Description "Determines whether to use a custom encryption key for storing passwords. Enabled by default only on Unix platforms." Set-PSFConfig -FullName dbops.rdbms.type -Value 'SqlServer' -Validation connectionType -Initialize -Description "Assumes a certain RDBMS as a default one for each command. SQLServer by default" # extensions for SMO $typeData = Get-TypeData -TypeName 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database' if ($typeData) { if (!$typeData.Members.ContainsKey('Deploy')) { Update-TypeData -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database -MemberName Deploy -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value { param ( $Package ) $cS = $this.ExecutionManager.ConnectionContext.ConnectionString.Split(';') | Where-Object { $_.Split('=')[0] -ne 'Database' } $cS += "Database=$($this.Name)" $connectionString = $cS -join ';' Invoke-DBODeployment -InputObject $Package -ConnectionString $connectionString } -ErrorAction Ignore } if (!$typeData.Members.ContainsKey('DeployScript')) { Update-TypeData -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database -MemberName DeployScript -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value { param ( $Path ) $cS = $this.ExecutionManager.ConnectionContext.ConnectionString.Split(';') | Where-Object { $_.Split('=')[0] -ne 'Database' } $cS += "Database=$($this.Name)" $connectionString = $cS -join ';' Invoke-DBODeployment -ScriptPath $Path -ConnectionString $connectionString } -ErrorAction Ignore } } |