function Get-DbopsFile { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [object[]]$Path, [bool]$Absolute = ($Absolute -eq $true), [bool]$Relative = ($Relative -eq $true), [bool]$Recurse = ($NoRecurse -ne $true), [string[]]$Match = $Match ) Function Select-DbopsFile { Param ( [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$Item, [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$Root ) Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Getting child items from $Item; Root defined as $Root" $fileItems = Get-ChildItem $Item.FullName if ($Match) { $fileItems = $fileItems | Where-Object Name -match ($Match -join '|') } foreach ($childItem in $fileItems) { if ($childItem.PSIsContainer) { if ($Recurse) { Select-DbopsFile -Item (Get-Item $childItem.FullName) -Root $Root } } else { if ($Relative) { $pkgPath = Resolve-Path $childItem.FullName -Relative } elseif ($Absolute) { $pkgPath = $childItem.FullName } elseif ($Root) { $pkgPath = $childItem.FullName -replace "^$([Regex]::Escape($Root.FullName))", '.' } else { $pkgPath = $childItem.Name } # replace ^.\ ^./ ^\\ and : $slash = [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $slashRegex = [Regex]::Escape(".$slash") $pkgPath = $pkgPath -replace "^$slashRegex|^\\\\|:", '' [DBOpsFile]::new($childItem, $pkgPath, $true) } } } foreach ($p in $Path) { if ($p.GetType() -in @([System.IO.FileSystemInfo], [System.IO.FileInfo])) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Item $p ($($p.GetType())) is a File object" $stringPath = $p.FullName } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Item $p ($($p.GetType())) will be treated as a string" $stringPath = [string]$p } if (!(Test-Path $stringPath)) { Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "The following path is not valid: $stringPath" return } $fileItems = Get-Item $stringPath -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($currentItem in $fileItems) { if ($currentItem.PSIsContainer) { Select-DbopsFile -Item $currentItem -Root $currentItem.Parent } else { Select-DbopsFile -Item $currentItem -Root $currentItem.Directory } } } } |