function Invoke-DbaDiagnosticQueryScriptParser { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] Param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})] [System.IO.FileInfo]$filename, [Switch]$ExcludeQueryTextColumn, [Switch]$ExcludePlanColumn, [Switch]$NoColumnParsing ) $out = "Parsing file {0}" -f $filename write-verbose -Message $out $ParsedScript = @() [string]$scriptpart = "" $fullscript = Get-Content -Path $filename $start = $false $querynr = 0 $DBSpecific = $false if ($ExcludeQueryTextColumn) {$QueryTextColumn = ""} else {$QueryTextColumn = ", t.[text] AS [Complete Query Text]"} if ($ExcludePlanColumn) {$PlanTextColumn = ""} else {$PlanTextColumn = ", qp.query_plan AS [Query Plan]"} foreach ($line in $fullscript) { if ($start -eq $false) { if (($line -match "You have the correct major version of SQL Server for this diagnostic information script") -or ($line.StartsWith("-- Server level queries ***") -or ($line.StartsWith("-- Instance level queries ***")))) { $start = $true } continue } if ($line.StartsWith("-- Database specific queries ***") -or ($line.StartsWith("-- Switch to user database **"))) { $DBSpecific = $true } if (!$NoColumnParsing) { if (($line -match "-- uncomment out these columns if not copying results to Excel") -or ($line -match "-- comment out this column if copying results to Excel")) { $line = $QueryTextColumn + $PlanTextColumn } } if ($line -match "-{2,}\s{1,}(.*) \(Query (\d*)\) \((\D*)\)") { $prev_querydescription = $Matches[1] $prev_querynr = $Matches[2] $prev_queryname = $Matches[3] if ($querynr -gt 0) { $properties = @{QueryNr = $querynr; QueryName = $queryname; DBSpecific = $DBSpecific; Description = $queryDescription; Text = $scriptpart} $newscript = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $ParsedScript += $newscript $scriptpart = "" } $querydescription = $prev_querydescription $querynr = $prev_querynr $queryname = $prev_queryname } else { if (!$line.startswith("--") -and ($line.trim() -ne "") -and ($null -ne $line) -and ($line -ne "\n")) { $scriptpart += $line + "`n" } } } $properties = @{QueryNr = $querynr; QueryName = $queryname; DBSpecific = $DBSpecific; Description = $queryDescription; Text = $scriptpart} $newscript = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties $ParsedScript += $newscript $ParsedScript } |