function Invoke-DbaQuery { <# .SYNOPSIS A command to run explicit T-SQL commands or files. .DESCRIPTION This function is a wrapper command around Invoke-DbaAsync, which in turn is based on Invoke-SqlCmd2. It was designed to be more convenient to use in a pipeline and to behave in a way consistent with the rest of our functions. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The target SQL Server instance or instances. This can be a collection and receive pipeline input to allow the function to be executed against multiple SQL Server instances. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Credential object used to connect to the SQL Server Instance as a different user. This can be a Windows or SQL Server account. Windows users are determined by the existence of a backslash, so if you are intending to use an alternative Windows connection instead of a SQL login, ensure it contains a backslash. .PARAMETER Database The database to select before running the query. This list is auto-populated from the server. .PARAMETER Query Specifies one or more queries to be run. The queries can be Transact-SQL, XQuery statements, or sqlcmd commands. Multiple queries in a single batch may be separated by a semicolon or a GO Escape any double quotation marks included in the string. Consider using bracketed identifiers such as [MyTable] instead of quoted identifiers such as "MyTable". .PARAMETER QueryTimeout Specifies the number of seconds before the queries time out. .PARAMETER File Specifies the path to one or several files to be used as the query input. .PARAMETER SqlObject Specify one or more SQL objects. Those will be converted to script and their scripts run on the target system(s). .PARAMETER As Specifies output type. Valid options for this parameter are 'DataSet', 'DataTable', 'DataRow', 'PSObject', 'PSObjectArray', and 'SingleValue'. PSObject and PSObjectArray output introduces overhead but adds flexibility for working with results: .PARAMETER SqlParameters Specifies a hashtable of parameters for parameterized SQL queries. .PARAMETER AppendServerInstance If this switch is enabled, the SQL Server instance will be appended to PSObject and DataRow output. .PARAMETER MessagesToOutput Use this switch to have on the output stream messages too (e.g. PRINT statements). Output will hold the resultset too. .PARAMETER InputObject A collection of databases (such as returned by Get-DbaDatabase) .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .PARAMETER ReadOnly Execute the query with ReadOnly application intent. .PARAMETER CommandType Specifies the type of command represented by the query string. Valid options for this parameter are 'Text', 'TableDirect', and 'StoredProcedure'. Default is 'Text'. Further information: .NOTES Tags: Database, Query Author: Friedrich Weinmann (@FredWeinmann) Website: Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance server\instance -Query 'SELECT foo FROM bar' Runs the sql query 'SELECT foo FROM bar' against the instance 'server\instance' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DbaRegServer -SqlInstance [SERVERNAME] -Group [GROUPNAME] | Invoke-DbaQuery -Query 'SELECT foo FROM bar' Runs the sql query 'SELECT foo FROM bar' against all instances in the group [GROUPNAME] on the CMS [SERVERNAME] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> "server1", "server1\nordwind", "server2" | Invoke-DbaQuery -File "C:\scripts\sql\rebuild.sql" Runs the sql commands stored in rebuild.sql against the instances "server1", "server1\nordwind" and "server2" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance "server1", "server1\nordwind", "server2" | Invoke-DbaQuery -File "C:\scripts\sql\rebuild.sql" Runs the sql commands stored in rebuild.sql against all accessible databases of the instances "server1", "server1\nordwind" and "server2" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance . -Query 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE Givenname = @name' -SqlParameters @{ Name = "Maria" } Executes a simple query against the users table using SQL Parameters. This avoids accidental SQL Injection and is the safest way to execute queries with dynamic content. Keep in mind the limitations inherent in parameters - it is quite impossible to use them for content references. While it is possible to parameterize a where condition, it is impossible to use this to select which columns to select. The inserted text will always be treated as string content, and not as a reference to any SQL entity (such as columns, tables or databases). .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance aglistener1 -ReadOnly -Query "select something from readonlydb.dbo.atable" Executes a query with ReadOnly application intent on aglistener1. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "server1" -Database tempdb -Query "Example_SP" -SqlParameters @{ Name = "Maria" } -CommandType StoredProcedure Executes a stored procedure Example_SP using SQL Parameters .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $QueryParameters = @{ "StartDate" = $startdate; "EndDate" = $enddate; }; PS C:\> Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "server1" -Database tempdb -Query "Example_SP" -SqlParameters $QueryParameters -CommandType StoredProcedure Executes a stored procedure Example_SP using multiple SQL Parameters #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Query")] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [DbaInstance[]]$SqlInstance, [PsCredential]$SqlCredential, [string]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Query")] [string]$Query, [Int32]$QueryTimeout = 600, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "File")] [Alias("InputFile")] [object[]]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "SMO")] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject[]]$SqlObject, [ValidateSet("DataSet", "DataTable", "DataRow", "PSObject", "PSObjectArray", "SingleValue")] [string]$As = "DataRow", [System.Collections.IDictionary]$SqlParameters, [System.Data.CommandType]$CommandType = 'Text', [switch]$AppendServerInstance, [switch]$MessagesToOutput, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database[]]$InputObject, [switch]$ReadOnly, [switch]$EnableException ) begin { Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "Bound parameters: $($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ", ")" $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync = @{ As = $As CommandType = $CommandType } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "SqlParameters") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["SqlParameters"] = $SqlParameters } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "AppendServerInstance") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["AppendServerInstance"] = $AppendServerInstance } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "Query") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["Query"] = $Query } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "QueryTimeout") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["QueryTimeout"] = $QueryTimeout } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "MessagesToOutput") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["MessagesToOutput"] = $MessagesToOutput } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "Verbose") { $splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync["Verbose"] = $Verbose } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "File") { $files = @() $temporaryFiles = @() $temporaryFilesCount = 0 $temporaryFilesPrefix = (97 .. 122 | Get-Random -Count 10 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) -join '' foreach ($item in $File) { if ($null -eq $item) { continue } $type = $item.GetType().FullName switch ($type) { "System.IO.DirectoryInfo" { if (-not $item.Exists) { Stop-Function -Message "Directory not found" -Category ObjectNotFound return } $files += ($item.GetFiles() | Where-Object Extension -EQ ".sql").FullName } "System.IO.FileInfo" { if (-not $item.Exists) { Stop-Function -Message "Directory not found." -Category ObjectNotFound return } $files += $item.FullName } "System.String" { try { if (Test-PsVersion -Maximum 4) { $uri = [uri]$item } else { $uri = [uri]::New($item) } $uriScheme = $uri.Scheme } catch { $uriScheme = $null } switch -regex ($uriScheme) { "http" { $tempfile = "$(Get-DbatoolsPath -Name temp)\$temporaryFilesPrefix-$temporaryFilesCount.sql" try { try { Invoke-TlsWebRequest -Uri $item -OutFile $tempfile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials Invoke-TlsWebRequest -Uri $item -OutFile $tempfile -ErrorAction Stop } $files += $tempfile $temporaryFilesCount++ $temporaryFiles += $tempfile } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to download file $item" -ErrorRecord $_ return } } default { try { $paths = Resolve-Path $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path | Get-Item -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to resolve path: $item" -ErrorRecord $_ return } foreach ($path in $paths) { if (-not $path.PSIsContainer) { if (Test-PsVersion -Is 3) { if (([uri]$path.FullName).Scheme -ne 'file') { Stop-Function -Message "Could not resolve path $path as filesystem object" return } } else { if ([uri]::New($path).Scheme -ne 'file') { Stop-Function -Message "Could not resolve path $path as filesystem object" return } } $files += $path.FullName } } } } } default { Stop-Function -Message "Unkown input type: $type" -Category InvalidArgument return } } } } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "SqlObject") { $files = @() $temporaryFiles = @() $temporaryFilesCount = 0 $temporaryFilesPrefix = (97 .. 122 | Get-Random -Count 10 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) -join '' foreach ($object in $SqlObject) { try { $code = Export-DbaScript -InputObject $object -Passthru -EnableException } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to generate script for object $object" -ErrorRecord $_ return } try { $newfile = "$(Get-DbatoolsPath -Name temp)\$temporaryFilesPrefix-$temporaryFilesCount.sql" Set-Content -Value $code -Path $newfile -Force -ErrorAction Stop -Encoding UTF8 $files += $newfile $temporaryFilesCount++ $temporaryFiles += $newfile } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to write sql script to temp" -ErrorRecord $_ return } } } } process { if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "Database", "InputObject" -And) { Stop-Function -Category InvalidArgument -Message "You can't use -Database with piped databases" return } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "SqlInstance", "InputObject" -And) { Stop-Function -Category InvalidArgument -Message "You can't use -SqlInstance with piped databases" return } if (Test-Bound -ParameterName "SqlInstance", "InputObject" -Not) { Stop-Function -Category InvalidArgument -Message "Please provide either SqlInstance or InputObject" return } foreach ($db in $InputObject) { if (!$db.IsAccessible) { Write-Message -Level Warning -Message "Database $db is not accessible. Skipping." continue } $server = $db.Parent $conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext if ($conncontext.DatabaseName -ne $db.Name) { #$conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext.Copy() #$conncontext.DatabaseName = $db.Name $conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext.Copy().GetDatabaseConnection($db.Name) } try { if ($File -or $SqlObject) { foreach ($item in $files) { if ($null -eq $item) { continue } $filePath = $(Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $item).ProviderPath $QueryfromFile = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$filePath") Invoke-DbaAsync -SQLConnection $conncontext @splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync -Query $QueryfromFile } } else { Invoke-DbaAsync -SQLConnection $conncontext @splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync } } catch { Stop-Function -Message "[$db] Failed during execution" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $server -Continue } } foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) { Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "SqlInstance passed in, will work on: $instance" try { $connDbaInstanceParams = @{ SqlInstance = $instance SqlCredential = $SqlCredential Database = $Database } if ($ReadOnly) { # TODO: This will not work, if SqlInstance is already a server object $connDbaInstanceParams.ApplicationIntent = "ReadOnly" } $server = Connect-DbaInstance @connDbaInstanceParams } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } $conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext try { if (-not (Get-DbatoolsConfigValue -FullName sql.connection.experimental)) { if ($Database -and $conncontext.DatabaseName -ne $Database) { #$conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext.Copy() #$conncontext.DatabaseName = $Database $conncontext = $server.ConnectionContext.Copy().GetDatabaseConnection($Database) } } if ($File -or $SqlObject) { foreach ($item in $files) { if ($null -eq $item) { continue } $filePath = $(Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $item).ProviderPath $QueryfromFile = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$filePath") Invoke-DbaAsync -SQLConnection $conncontext @splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync -Query $QueryfromFile } } else { Invoke-DbaAsync -SQLConnection $conncontext @splatInvokeDbaSqlAsync } } catch { Stop-Function -Message "[$instance] Failed during execution" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } } } end { # Execute end even when interrupting, as only used for cleanup if ($temporaryFiles) { # Clean up temporary files that were downloaded foreach ($item in $temporaryFiles) { Remove-Item -Path $item -ErrorAction Ignore } } } } |