function Get-DbaHelp { <# .SYNOPSIS Massages inline help data to a more useful format .DESCRIPTION Takes the inline help and outputs a more usable object .PARAMETER Name The function/command to extract help from .PARAMETER OutputAs Output format (raw PSObject or MDString) .NOTES Author: Simone Bizzotto (@niphlod) Website: Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelp Get-DbaDatabase Parses the inline help from Get-DbaDatabase and outputs the massaged object .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelp Get-DbaDatabase -OutputAs "PSObject" Parses the inline help from Get-DbaDatabase and outputs the massaged object .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-DbaHelp Get-DbaDatabase -OutputAs "MDString" | Out-File PS C:\> & code Parses the inline help from Get-DbaDatabase as MarkDown, saves the file and opens it via VSCode #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet("PSObject", "MDString")] [string]$OutputAs = "PSObject" ) begin { function Get-DbaTrimmedString($Text) { return $Text.Trim() -replace '(\r\n){2,}', "`n" } $tagsRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}Tags:(.*)$') $authorRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}Author:(.*)$') $minverRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}MinimumVersion:(.*)$') $maxverRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}MaximumVersion:(.*)$') $availability = 'Windows, Linux, macOS' function Get-DbaDocsMD($doc_to_render) { $rtn = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" $null = $rtn.Add("# $($doc_to_render.CommandName)" ) if ($doc_to_render.Author -or $doc_to_render.Availability) { $null = $rtn.Add('| | |') $null = $rtn.Add('| - | - |') if ($doc_to_render.Author) { $null = $rtn.Add('| **Author** | ' + $doc_to_render.Author.replace('|', ',') + ' |') } if ($doc_to_render.Availability) { $null = $rtn.Add('| **Availability** | ' + $doc_to_render.Availability + ' |') } $null = $rtn.Add('') } $null = $rtn.Add("`n" + ' ' + "`n") if ($doc_to_render.Alias) { $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add('*Aliases : ' + $doc_to_render.Alias + '*') $null = $rtn.Add('') } $null = $rtn.Add('## Synopsis') $null = $rtn.Add($doc_to_render.Synopsis) $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add('## Description') $null = $rtn.Add($doc_to_render.Description) $null = $rtn.Add('') if ($doc_to_render.Syntax) { $null = $rtn.Add('## Syntax') $null = $rtn.Add('```') $splitted_paramsets = @() foreach ($val in ($doc_to_render.Syntax -split $doc_to_render.CommandName)) { if ($val) { $splitted_paramsets += $doc_to_render.CommandName + $val } } foreach ($syntax in $splitted_paramsets) { $x = 0 foreach ($val in ($syntax -split '[\[]+-')) { if ($x -eq 0) { $null = $rtn.Add($val) } else { $null = $rtn.Add(' [-' + $val.replace("`n", '').replace("`n", '')) } $x += 1 } $null = $rtn.Add('') } $null = $rtn.Add('```') $null = $rtn.Add("`n" + ' ' + "`n") } $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add('## Examples') $null = $rtn.Add("`n" + ' ' + "`n") $examples = $doc_to_render.Examples.Replace("`r`n", "`n") -replace '(\r\n){2,8}', '\n' $examples = $examples.replace("`r", '').split("`n") $inside = 0 foreach ($row in $examples) { if ($row -like '*----') { $null = $rtn.Add(""); $null = $rtn.Add('#####' + ($row -replace '-{4,}([^-]*)-{4,}', '$1').replace('EXAMPLE', 'Example: ')) } elseif (($row -like 'PS C:\>*') -or ($row -like '>>*')) { if ($inside -eq 0) { $null = $rtn.Add('```') } $null = $rtn.Add(($row.Trim() -replace 'PS C:\\>\s*', "PS C:\> ")) $inside = 1 } elseif ($row.Trim() -eq '' -or $row.Trim() -eq 'Description') { } else { if ($inside -eq 1) { $inside = 0 $null = $rtn.Add('```') } $null = $rtn.Add($row) } } if ($inside -eq 1) { $inside = 0 $null = $rtn.Add('```') } if ($doc_to_render.Params) { $dotitle = 0 $filteredparams = @() foreach ($p in $doc_to_render.Params) { if ($p[3] -eq $true) { $filteredparams += , $p } } $dotitle = 0 foreach ($el in $filteredparams) { if ($dotitle -eq 0) { $dotitle = 1 $null = $rtn.Add('### Required Parameters') } $null = $rtn.Add('##### -' + $el[0]) $null = $rtn.Add($el[1]) $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add('| | |') $null = $rtn.Add('| - | - |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Alias | ' + $el[2] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Required | ' + $el[3] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Pipeline | ' + $el[4] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Default Value | ' + $el[5] + ' |') if ($el[6]) { $null = $rtn.Add('| Accepted Values | ' + $el[6] + ' |') } $null = $rtn.Add('') } $dotitle = 0 $filteredparams = @() foreach ($p in $doc_to_render.Params) { if ($p[3] -eq $false) { $filteredparams += , $p } } foreach ($el in $filteredparams) { if ($dotitle -eq 0) { $dotitle = 1 $null = $rtn.Add('### Optional Parameters') } $null = $rtn.Add('##### -' + $el[0]) $null = $rtn.Add($el[1]) $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add('| | |') $null = $rtn.Add('| - | - |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Alias | ' + $el[2] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Required | ' + $el[3] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Pipeline | ' + $el[4] + ' |') $null = $rtn.Add('| Default Value | ' + $el[5] + ' |') if ($el[6]) { $null = $rtn.Add('| Accepted Values | ' + $el[6] + ' |') } $null = $rtn.Add('') } } $null = $rtn.Add('') $null = $rtn.Add("`n" + ' ' + "`n") $null = $rtn.Add('Want to see the source code for this command? Check out [' + $doc_to_render.CommandName + '](' + $doc_to_render.CommandName + '.ps1) on GitHub.') $null = $rtn.Add('Want to see the Bill Of Health for this command? Check out [' + $doc_to_render.CommandName + '](' + $doc_to_render.CommandName + ').') $null = $rtn.Add('') return $rtn } } process { if ($Name -in $script:noncoresmo -or $Name -in $script:windowsonly) { $availability = 'Windows only' } try { $thishelp = Get-Help $Name -Full } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Issue getting help for $Name" -Target $Name -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue } $thebase = @{ } $thebase.CommandName = $Name $thebase.Name = $thishelp.Name $thebase.Availability = $availability $alias = Get-Alias -Definition $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $thebase.Alias = $alias.Name -Join ',' ## fetch the description $thebase.Description = $thishelp.Description.Text ## fetch examples $thebase.Examples = Get-DbaTrimmedString -Text ($thishelp.Examples | Out-String -Width 200) ## fetch help link $thebase.Links = ($thishelp.relatedLinks).NavigationLink.Uri ## fetch the synopsis $thebase.Synopsis = $thishelp.Synopsis ## fetch the syntax $thebase.Syntax = Get-DbaTrimmedString -Text ($thishelp.Syntax | Out-String -Width 600) ## store notes $as = $thishelp.AlertSet | Out-String -Width 600 ## fetch the tags $tags = $tagsrex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value if ($tags) { $thebase.Tags = $tags.Split(',').Trim() } ## fetch the author $author = $authorRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value if ($author) { $thebase.Author = $author.Trim() } ## fetch MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion = $minverRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value if ($MinimumVersion) { $thebase.MinimumVersion = $MinimumVersion.Trim() } ## fetch MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion = $maxverRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value if ($MaximumVersion) { $thebase.MaximumVersion = $MaximumVersion.Trim() } ## fetch Parameters $parameters = $thishelp.parameters.parameter $command = Get-Command $Name $params = @() foreach ($p in $parameters) { $paramAlias = $command.parameters[$p.Name].Aliases $validValues = $command.parameters[$p.Name].Attributes.ValidValues -Join ',' $paramDescr = Get-DbaTrimmedString -Text ($p.Description | Out-String -Width 200) $params += , @($p.Name, $paramDescr, ($paramAlias -Join ','), ($p.Required -eq $true), $p.PipelineInput, $p.DefaultValue, $validValues) } $thebase.Params = $params if ($OutputAs -eq "PSObject") { [pscustomobject]$thebase } elseif ($OutputAs -eq "MDString") { Get-DbaDocsMD -doc_to_render $thebase } } end { } } |