
$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1","")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1"

Describe "$commandname Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" {
    BeforeAll {
        $DestBackupDir = 'C:\Temp\backups'
        if (-Not(Test-Path $DestBackupDir)) {
            New-Item -Type Container -Path $DestBackupDir
        $random = Get-Random
        $dbname = "dbatoolsci_history_$random"
        $null = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database $dbname | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false
        $null = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Path $script:appeyorlabrepo\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak -DatabaseName $dbname -DestinationFilePrefix $dbname
        $db = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database $dbname
        $db | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Full -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir
        $db | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Differential -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir
        $db | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Log -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir
        $db | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Log -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir
        $null = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Full
        $db | Backup-DbaDatabase -Type Full -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -BackupFileName CopyOnly.bak -CopyOnly
    AfterAll {
        $null = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database $dbname | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false
    Context "Get last history for single database" {
        $results = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database $dbname -Last
        It "Should be 4 backups returned" {
            $results.count | Should Be 4
        It "First backup should be a Full Backup" {
            $results[0].Type | Should be "Full"
        It "Last Backup Should be a log backup" {
            $results[-1].Type | Should Be "Log"
    Context "Get last history for all databases" {
        $results = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $script:instance1
        It "Should be more than one database" {
            ($results | Where-Object Database -match "master").Count | Should BeGreaterThan 0

    Context "Testing IncludeCopyOnly with LastFull"{
        $results = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -LastFull -Database $dbname
        $resultsCo = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -LastFull -IncludeCopyOnly -Database $dbname
        It "Should return the CopyOnly Backup"{
            ($resultsCo.BackupSetID -ne $Results.BackupSetID) | Should Be $True

    Context "Testing IncludeCopyOnly with Last"{
        $resultsCo = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Last -IncludeCopyOnly -Database $dbname
        It "Should return just the CopyOnly Full Backup"{
            ($resultsCo | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1