$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\internal\Connect-SqlInstance.ps1" Describe "$commandname Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { Context "Command actually works" { $instanceName = (Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $script:instance2).ServiceName $results = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 It "shows some services" { $results.DisplayName | Should Not Be $null } $results = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -Type Agent It "shows only one service type" { foreach ($result in $results) { $result.DisplayName -match "Agent" | Should Be $true } } $results = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -InstanceName $instanceName -Type Agent It "shows a service from a specific instance" { $results.ServiceType| Should Be "Agent" } $service = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -Type Agent -InstanceName $instanceName It "sets startup mode of the service to 'Manual'" { { $service.ChangeStartMode('Manual') } | Should Not Throw } $results = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -Type Agent -InstanceName $instanceName It "verifies that startup mode of the service is 'Manual'" { $results.StartMode | Should Be 'Manual' } $service = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -Type Agent -InstanceName $instanceName It "sets startup mode of the service to 'Automatic'" { { $service.ChangeStartMode('Automatic') } | Should Not Throw } $results = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $script:instance2 -Type Agent -InstanceName $instanceName It "verifies that startup mode of the service is 'Automatic'" { $results.StartMode | Should Be 'Automatic' } } } |