function Set-DbaAgentServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-DbaAgentServer updates properties of a SQL Agent Server. .DESCRIPTION Set-DbaAgentServer updates properties in the SQL Server Server with parameters supplied. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The target SQL Server instance or instances. You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or greater. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Windows and SQL Authentication supported. Accepts credential objects (Get-Credential) .PARAMETER InputObject Enables piping agent server objects .PARAMETER AgentLogLevel Specifies the agent log level. Allowed values 1, "Errors", 2, "Warnings", 3, "Errors, Warnings", 4, "Informational", 5, "Errors, Informational", 6, "Warnings, Informational", 7, "All" The text value can either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER AgentMailType Specifies the agent mail type. Allowed values 0, "SqlAgentMail", 1, "DatabaseMail" The text value can either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER AgentShutdownWaitTime The Agent Shutdown Wait Time value of the server agent. .PARAMETER DatabaseMailProfile The Database Mail Profile to be used. Must exists on database mail profiles. .PARAMETER ErrorLogFile Error log file location .PARAMETER IdleCpuDuration Idle CPU Duration value to be used .PARAMETER IdleCpuPercentage Idle CPU Percentage value to be used .PARAMETER CpuPolling Enable or Disable the Polling. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER LocalHostAlias The value for Local Host Alias configuration .PARAMETER LoginTimeout The value for Login Timeout configuration .PARAMETER MaximumHistoryRows Indicates the Maximum job history log size (in rows). If you want to turn it off use the value -1 .PARAMETER MaximumJobHistoryRows Indicates the Maximum job history rows per job. If you want to turn it off use the value 0 .PARAMETER NetSendRecipient The Net send recipient value .PARAMETER ReplaceAlertTokens Enable or Disable the Token replacement property. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER SaveInSentFolder Enable or Disable the copy of the sent messages is save in the Sent Items folder. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER SqlAgentAutoStart Enable or Disable the SQL Agent Auto Start. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER SqlAgentMailProfile The SQL Server Agent Mail Profile to be used. Must exists on database mail profiles. .PARAMETER SqlAgentRestart Enable or Disable the SQL Agent Restart. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER SqlServerRestart Enable or Disable the SQL Server Restart. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER WriteOemErrorLog Enable or Disable the Write OEM Error Log. Allowed values Enabled, Disabled .PARAMETER WhatIf Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command. .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .NOTES Tags: Agent, Server Author: Cláudio Silva (@claudioessilva), Website: Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaAgentServer -SqlInstance sql1 -MaximumHistoryRows 10000 -MaximumJobHistoryRows 100 Changes the job history retention to 10000 rows with an maximum of 100 rows per job. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaAgentServer -SqlInstance sql1 -CpuPolling Enabled Enable the CPU Polling configurations. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaAgentServer -SqlInstance sql1, sql2, sql3 -AgentLogLevel 'Errors, Warnings' Set the agent log level to Errors and Warnings on multiple servers. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaAgentServer -SqlInstance sql1 -CpuPolling Disabled Disable the CPU Polling configurations. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Low")] param ( [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter[]]$SqlInstance, [PSCredential]$SqlCredential, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobServer[]]$InputObject, [ValidateSet(1, "Errors", 2, "Warnings", 3, "Errors, Warnings", 4, "Informational", 5, "Errors, Informational", 6, "Warnings, Informational", 7, "All")] [object]$AgentLogLevel, [ValidateSet(0, "SqlAgentMail", 1, "DatabaseMail")] [object]$AgentMailType, [int]$AgentShutdownWaitTime, [string]$DatabaseMailProfile, [string]$ErrorLogFile, [int]$IdleCpuDuration, [int]$IdleCpuPercentage, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$CpuPolling, [string]$LocalHostAlias, [int]$LoginTimeout, [int]$MaximumHistoryRows, [int]$MaximumJobHistoryRows, [string]$NetSendRecipient, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$ReplaceAlertTokens, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$SaveInSentFolder, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$SqlAgentAutoStart, [string]$SqlAgentMailProfile, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$SqlAgentRestart, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$SqlServerRestart, [ValidateSet("Enabled", "Disabled")] [string]$WriteOemErrorLog, [switch]$EnableException ) begin { # Check of the agent mail type is of type string and set the integer value if (($AgentMailType -notin 0, 1) -and ($null -ne $AgentMailType)) { $AgentMailType = switch ($AgentMailType) { "SqlAgentMail" { 0 } "DatabaseMail" { 1 } } } # Check of the agent log level is of type string and set the integer value if (($AgentLogLevel -notin 0, 1) -and ($null -ne $AgentLogLevel)) { $AgentLogLevel = switch ($AgentLogLevel) { "Errors" { 1 } "Warnings" { 2 } "Errors, Warnings" { 3 } "Informational" { 4 } "Errors, Informational" { 5 } "Warnings, Informational" { 6 } "All" { 7 } } } } process { if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return } if ((-not $InputObject) -and (-not $SqlInstance)) { Stop-Function -Message "You must specify an Instance or pipe in results from another command" -Target $sqlinstance return } foreach ($instance in $sqlinstance) { # Try connecting to the instance try { $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Error occured while establishing connection to $instance" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } $InputObject += $server.JobServer $InputObject.Refresh() } foreach ($jobServer in $InputObject) { $server = $jobServer.Parent #region job server options # Settings the options for the job server if ($AgentLogLevel) { Write-Message -Message "Setting Agent log level to $AgentLogLevel" -Level Verbose $jobServer.AgentLogLevel = $AgentLogLevel } if ($AgentMailType) { Write-Message -Message "Setting Agent Mail Type to $AgentMailType" -Level Verbose $jobServer.AgentMailType = $AgentMailType } if ($AgentShutdownWaitTime) { Write-Message -Message "Setting Agent Shutdown Wait Time to $AgentShutdownWaitTime" -Level Verbose $jobServer.AgentShutdownWaitTime = $AgentShutdownWaitTime } if ($DatabaseMailProfile) { if ($DatabaseMailProfile -in (Get-DbaDbMail -SqlInstance $server).Profiles.Name) { Write-Message -Message "Setting Database Mail Profile to $DatabaseMailProfile" -Level Verbose $jobServer.DatabaseMailProfile = $DatabaseMailProfile } else { Write-Message -Message "Database mail profile not found on $server" -Level Warning } } if ($ErrorLogFile) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server ErrorLogFile to $ErrorLogFile" -Level Verbose $jobServer.ErrorLogFile = $ErrorLogFile } if ($IdleCpuDuration) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server IdleCpuDuration to $IdleCpuDuration" -Level Verbose $jobServer.IdleCpuDuration = $IdleCpuDuration } if ($IdleCpuPercentage) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server IdleCpuPercentage to $IdleCpuPercentage" -Level Verbose $jobServer.IdleCpuPercentage = $IdleCpuPercentage } if ($CpuPolling) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server IsCpuPollingEnabled to $IsCpuPollingEnabled" -Level Verbose $jobServer.IsCpuPollingEnabled = if ($CpuPolling -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($LocalHostAlias) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server LocalHostAlias to $LocalHostAlias" -Level Verbose $jobServer.LocalHostAlias = $LocalHostAlias } if ($LoginTimeout) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server LoginTimeout to $LoginTimeout" -Level Verbose $jobServer.LoginTimeout = $LoginTimeout } if ($MaximumHistoryRows) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server MaximumHistoryRows to $MaximumHistoryRows" -Level Verbose $jobServer.MaximumHistoryRows = $MaximumHistoryRows } if ($MaximumJobHistoryRows) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server MaximumJobHistoryRows to $MaximumJobHistoryRows" -Level Verbose $jobServer.MaximumJobHistoryRows = $MaximumJobHistoryRows } if ($NetSendRecipient) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server NetSendRecipient to $NetSendRecipient" -Level Verbose $jobServer.NetSendRecipient = $NetSendRecipient } if ($ReplaceAlertTokens) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server ReplaceAlertTokensEnabled to $ReplaceAlertTokens" -Level Verbose $jobServer.ReplaceAlertTokens = if ($ReplaceAlertTokens -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($SaveInSentFolder) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server SaveInSentFolder to $SaveInSentFolder" -Level Verbose $jobServer.SaveInSentFolder = if ($SaveInSentFolder -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($SqlAgentAutoStart) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server SqlAgentAutoStart to $SqlAgentAutoStart" -Level Verbose $jobServer.SqlAgentAutoStart = if ($SqlAgentAutoStart -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($SqlAgentMailProfile) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server SqlAgentMailProfile to $SqlAgentMailProfile" -Level Verbose $jobServer.SqlAgentMailProfile = $SqlAgentMailProfile } if ($SqlAgentRestart) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server SqlAgentRestart to $SqlAgentRestart" -Level Verbose $jobServer.SqlAgentRestart = if ($SqlAgentRestart -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($SqlServerRestart) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server SqlServerRestart to $SqlServerRestart" -Level Verbose $jobServer.SqlServerRestart = if ($SqlServerRestart -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } if ($WriteOemErrorLog) { Write-Message -Message "Setting agent server WriteOemErrorLog to $WriteOemErrorLog" -Level Verbose $jobServer.WriteOemErrorLog = if ($WriteOemErrorLog -eq "Enabled") {$true} else {$false} } #endregion server agent options # Execute if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SqlInstance, "Changing the agent server")) { try { Write-Message -Message "Changing the agent server" -Level Verbose # Change the agent server $jobServer.Alter() } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong changing the agent server" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } Get-DbaAgentServer -SqlInstance $server | Where-Object Name -eq $ } } } end { Write-Message -Message "Finished changing agent server(s)" -Level Verbose } } |