function Invoke-DbaDatabaseCorruption { <# .SYNOPSIS Utilizes the DBCC WRITEPAGE functionality to corrupt a specific database table for testing. In no uncertain terms, this is a non-production command. This will absolutely break your databases and that is its only purpose. Using DBCC WritePage will definitely void any support options for your database. .DESCRIPTION This command can be used to verify your tests for corruption are successful, and to demo various scenarios for corrupting page data. This command will take an instance and database (and optionally a table) and set the database to single user mode, corrupt either the specified table or the first table it finds, and returns it to multi-user. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server instance holding the databases to be removed.You must have sysadmin access and Server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or higher. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to Servers using SQL Logins instead of Windows Authentication (AKA Integrated or Trusted). To use: $cred = Get-Credential, this pass this $cred to the param. Windows Authentication will be used if SqlCredential is not specified. SQL Server does not accept Windows credentials being passed as credentials. To connect as a different Windows user, run PowerShell as that user. .PARAMETER Database The single database you would like to corrupt, this command does not support multiple databases (on purpose.) .PARAMETER Table The specific table you want corrupted, if you do not choose one, the first user table (alphabetically) will be chosen for corruption. .PARAMETER WhatIf If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run. .PARAMETER Confirm If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state. .PARAMETER Silent If this switch is enabled, the internal messaging functions will be silenced. .NOTES Tags: Corruption, Testing Author: Constantine Kokkinos (@mobileck Reference: Website: Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire, License: GNU GPL v3 .LINK .EXAMPLE Invoke-DbaDatabaseCorruption -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database containeddb Prompts for confirmation then selects the first table in database containeddb and corrupts it (by putting database into single user mode, writing to garbage to its first non-iam page, and returning it to multi-user.) .EXAMPLE Invoke-DbaDatabaseCorruption -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database containeddb -Table Customers -Confirm:$false Does not prompt and immediately corrupts table customers in database containeddb on the sql2016 instance (by putting database into single user mode, writing to garbage to its first non-iam page, and returning it to multi-user.) #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter]$SqlInstance, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias("Credential")] [PSCredential] $SqlCredential, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Database, [string]$Table, [switch]$Silent ) # For later if we want to do bit flipping. # function Dbcc-ReadPage { # param ( # $SqlInstance, # $Database, # $TableName, # $IndexID = 1 # ) # $DbccPage = "DBCC PAGE (N'$Database',N'$($TableName)',$IndexID)" # Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "$DbccPage" # $pages = $SqlInstance.Query($DbccPage) | Where-Object { $_.IAMFID -ne [DBNull]::Value } # return $Pages # } function Dbcc-Index { param ( $SqlInstance, $Database, $TableName, $IndexID = 1 ) $DbccInd = "DBCC IND (N'$Database',N'$($TableName)',$IndexID)" Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "$DbccInd" $pages = $SqlInstance.Query($DbccInd) | Where-Object { $_.IAMFID -ne [DBNull]::Value } return $Pages } function Dbcc-WritePage { param ( $SqlInstance, $Database, $FileId = 1, $PageId, $Offset = 4000, $NumberOfBytesToChange = 1, $HexString = '0x45', $bypassbufferpool = 1 ) $DbccWritePage = "DBCC WRITEPAGE (N'$Database', $FileId, $PageId, $Offset, $NumberOfBytesToChange, $HexString, $bypassbufferpool);" Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "$DbccWritePage" $WriteInfo = $SqlInstance.Databases[$Database].Query($DbccWritePage) return $WriteInfo } if ("master", "tempdb", "model", "msdb" -contains $Database) { Stop-Function -Message "You may not corrupt system databases." return } try { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $SqlInstance" $Server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -MinimumVersion 9 } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $SqlInstance return } $db = $Server.Databases | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Database } if (!$db) { Stop-Function -Message "The database specified does not exist." return } if ($Table) { $tb = $db.Tables | Where-Object Name -eq $Table } else { $tb = $db.Tables | select -First 1 } if (-not $tb) { Stop-Function -Message "There are no accessible tables in $Database on $SqlInstance." -Target $Database return } $RowCount = $db.Query("select top 1 * from $($") if ($RowCount.count -eq 0) { Stop-Function -Message "The table $tb has no rows" -Target $table return } if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$db on $SqlInstance", "Corrupt $tb in $Database")) { $pages = Dbcc-Index -SqlInstance $Server -Database $Database -TableName $tb.Name | select -First 1 #Dbcc-ReadPage -SqlInstance $Server -Database $Database -PageId $pages.PagePID -FileId $pages.PageFID Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Setting single-user mode." $null = Stop-DbaProcess -SqlInstance $Server -Database $Database $null = Set-DbaDatabaseState -SqlServer $Server -Database $Database -SingleUser -Force try { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Stopping processes in target database." $null = Stop-DbaProcess -SqlInstance $Server -Database $Database Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Corrupting data." Dbcc-WritePage -SqlInstance $Server -Database $Database -PageId $pages.PagePID -FileId $pages.PageFID } catch { $Server.ConnectionContext.Disconnect() $Server.ConnectionContext.Connect() $null = Set-DbaDatabaseState -SqlServer $Server -Database $Database -MultiUser -Force Stop-Function -Message "Failed to write page" -Category WriteError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance return } Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Setting database into multi-user mode." # If you do not disconnect and reconnect, multiuser fails. $Server.ConnectionContext.Disconnect() $Server.ConnectionContext.Connect() $null = Set-DbaDatabaseState -SqlServer $Server -Database $Database -MultiUser -Force [pscustomobject]@{ ComputerName = $Server.NetName InstanceName = $Server.ServiceName SqlInstance = $Server.DomainInstanceName Database = $db.Name Table = $tb.Name Status = "Corrupted" } } } |