
function Get-DbaCmObject {
        Retrieves Wmi/Cim-Style information from computers.
        This function centralizes all requests for information retrieved from Get-WmiObject or Get-CimInstance.
        It uses different protocols as available in this order:
        - Cim over WinRM
        - Cim over DCOM
        - Wmi
        - Wmi over PowerShell Remoting
        It remembers channels that didn't work and will henceforth avoid them. It remembers invalid credentials and will avoid reusing them.
        Much of its behavior can be configured using Test-DbaWmConnection.
    .PARAMETER ClassName
        The name of the class to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER Query
        The Wmi/Cim query tu run against the server.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        The computer(s) to connect to. Defaults to localhost.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Credentials to use. Invalid credentials will be stored in a credentials cache and not be reused.
    .PARAMETER Namespace
        The namespace of the class to use.
        Connection Protocols that should not be used.
    .PARAMETER Force
        Overrides some checks that might otherwise halt execution as a precaution
        - Ignores timeout on bad connections
    .PARAMETER SilentlyContinue
        Use in conjunction with the -Silent switch.
        By default, Get-DbaCmObject will throw a terminating exception when connecting to a target is impossible in silent mode.
        Setting this switch will cause it write a non-terminating exception and continue with the next computer.
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom!
        Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.
        Get-DbaCmObject win32_OperatingSystem
        Retrieves the common operating system informations from the local computer.
        Get-DbaCmObject -Computername "sql2014" -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Credential $cred -DoNotUse CimRM
        Retrieves the common operating system informations from the server sql2014.
        It will use the credewntials stored in $cred to connect, unless they are known to not work, in which case they will default to windows credentials (unless another default has been set).
        Author: Fred Winmann (@FredWeinmann)
        Tags: ComputerManagement
        Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
        License: GNU GPL v3

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Class")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Class")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Query")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        $Namespace = "root\cimv2",
        $DoNotUse = "None",
    Begin {
        #region Configuration Values
        $disable_cache = [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::DisableCache
        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Configuration loaded | Cache disabled: $disable_cache"
        #endregion Configuration Values
        $ParSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    Process {
        :main foreach ($connectionObject in $ComputerName) {
            if (-not $connectionObject.Success) { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to interpret input: $($connectionObject.Input)" -Category InvalidArgument -Target $connectionObject.Input -Continue -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue }
            # Since all connection caching runs using lower-case strings, making it lowercase here simplifies things.
            $computer = $connectionObject.Connection.ComputerName.ToLower()
            Write-Message -Message "[$computer] Retrieving Management Information" -Level VeryVerbose -Target $computer
            $connection = $connectionObject.Connection
            # Ensure using the right credentials
            try { $cred = $connection.GetCredential($Credential) }
            catch {
                $message = "Bad credentials! "
                if ($Credential) { $message += "The credentials for $($Credential.UserName) are known to not work. " }
                else { $message += "The windows credentials are known to not work. " }
                if ($connection.EnableCredentialFailover -or $connection.OverrideExplicitCredential) { $message += "The connection is configured to use credentials that are known to be good, but none have been registered yet. " }
                elseif ($connection.Credentials) { $message += "Working credentials are known for $($connection.Credentials.UserName), however the connection is not configured to automatically use them. This can be done using 'Set-DbaCmConnection -ComputerName $connection -OverrideExplicitCredential' " }
                elseif ($connection.UseWindowsCredentials) { $message += "The windows credentials are known to work, however the connection is not configured to automatically use them. This can be done using 'Set-DbaCmConnection -ComputerName $connection -OverrideExplicitCredential' " }
                $message += $_.Exception.Message
                Stop-Function -Message $message -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $connection -Continue -OverrideExceptionMessage
            # Flags-Enumerations cannot be added in PowerShell 4 or older.
            # Thus we create a string and convert it afterwards.
            $enabledProtocols = "None"
            if ($connection.CimRM -notlike "Disabled") { $enabledProtocols += ", CimRM" }
            if ($connection.CimDCOM -notlike "Disabled") { $enabledProtocols += ", CimDCOM" }
            if ($connection.Wmi -notlike "Disabled") { $enabledProtocols += ", Wmi" }
            if ($connection.PowerShellRemoting -notlike "Disabled") { $enabledProtocols += ", PowerShellRemoting" }
            [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ManagementConnectionType]$enabledProtocols = $enabledProtocols
            # Create list of excluded connection types (Duplicates don't matter)
            $excluded = @()
            foreach ($item in $DoNotUse) { $excluded += $item }
            :sub while ($true) {
                try { $conType = $connection.GetConnectionType(($excluded -join ","), $Force) }
                catch {
                    if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                    Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Unable to find a connection to the target system. Ensure the name is typed correctly, and the server allows any of the following protocols: $enabledProtocols" -Target $computer -Category OpenError -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -ErrorRecord $_
                switch ($conType.ToString()) {
                    #region CimRM
                    "CimRM" {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over WinRM"
                        try {
                            if ($ParSet-eq "Class") { $connection.GetCimRMInstance($cred, $ClassName, $Namespace) }
                            else { $connection.QueryCimRMInstance($cred, $Query, "WQL", $Namespace) }
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over WinRM - Success!"
                            if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                            continue main
                        catch {
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over WinRM - Failed!"
                            # 1 = Generic runtime error
                            if ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 1) {
                                # 0x8007052e, 0x80070005 : Authentication error, bad credential
                                if (($_.Exception.InnerException -eq 0x8007052e) -or ($_.Exception.InnerException -eq 0x80070005)) {
                                    # Ignore the global setting for bad credential cache disabling, since the connection object is aware of that state and will ignore input if it should.
                                    # This is due to the ability to locally override the global setting, thus it must be done on the object and can then be done in code
                                    if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                                    Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid connection credentials" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                                else {
                                    $excluded += "CimRM"
                                    continue sub
                            # 2 = Access to specific resource denied
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 2) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Access to computer granted, but access to $Namespace\$ClassName denied!" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 3 = Invalid Namespace
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 3) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid namespace: $Namespace" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 5 = Invalid Class
                            # See here for code reference:
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 5) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid class name ($ClassName), not found in current namespace ($Namespace)" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 0 & ExtendedStatus = Weird issue beyond the scope of the CIM standard. Often a server-side issue
                            elseif (($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 0) -and ($_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorData.original_error -like "__ExtendedStatus")) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Something went wrong when looking for $ClassName, in $Namespace. This often indicates issues with the target system." -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue
                            else {
                                $excluded += "CimRM"
                                continue sub
                    #endregion CimRM
                    #region CimDCOM
                    "CimDCOM" {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over DCOM"
                        try {
                            if ($ParSet -eq "Class") { $connection.GetCimDCOMInstance($cred, $ClassName, $Namespace) }
                            else { $connection.QueryCimDCOMInstance($cred, $Query, "WQL", $Namespace) }
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over DCOM - Success!"
                            if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                            continue main
                        catch {
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using Cim over DCOM - Failed!"
                            # 1 = Generic runtime error
                            if ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 1) {
                                # 0x8007052e, 0x80070005 : Authentication error, bad credential
                                if (($_.Exception.InnerException -eq 0x8007052e) -or ($_.Exception.InnerException -eq 0x80070005)) {
                                    # Ignore the global setting for bad credential cache disabling, since the connection object is aware of that state and will ignore input if it should.
                                    # This is due to the ability to locally override the global setting, thus it must be done on the object and can then be done in code
                                    if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                                    Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid connection credentials" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                                else {
                                    $excluded += "CimDCOM"
                                    continue sub
                            # 2 = Access to specific resource denied
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 2) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Access to computer granted, but access to $Namespace\$ClassName denied!" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 3 = Invalid Namespace
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 3) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid namespace: $Namespace" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 5 = Invalid Class
                            # See here for code reference:
                            elseif ($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 5) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid class name ($ClassName), not found in current namespace ($Namespace)" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue -OverrideExceptionMessage
                            # 0 & ExtendedStatus = Weird issue beyond the scope of the CIM standard. Often a server-side issue
                            elseif (($_.Exception.InnerException.StatusCode -eq 0) -and ($_.Exception.InnerException.ErrorData.original_error -like "__ExtendedStatus")) {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Something went wrong when looking for $ClassName, in $Namespace. This often indicates issues with the target system." -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue
                            else {
                                $excluded += "CimDCOM"
                                continue sub
                    #endregion CimDCOM
                    #region Wmi
                    "Wmi" {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using WMI"
                        try {
                            switch ($ParSet) {
                                "Class" {
                                    $parameters = @{
                                        ComputerName  = $computer
                                        ClassName      = $ClassName
                                        ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
                                    if ($cred) { $parameters["Credential"] = $cred }
                                    if (Test-Bound "Namespace") { $parameters["Namespace"] = $Namespace }
                                "Query" {
                                    $parameters = @{
                                        ComputerName  = $computer
                                        Query          = $Query
                                        ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
                                    if ($cred) { $parameters["Credential"] = $cred }
                                    if (Test-Bound "Namespace") { $parameters["Namespace"] = $Namespace }
                            Get-WmiObject @parameters
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using WMI - Success!"
                            if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                            continue main
                        catch {
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using WMI - Failed!" -ErrorRecord $_
                            if ($_.CategoryInfo.Reason -eq "UnauthorizedAccessException") {
                                # Ignore the global setting for bad credential cache disabling, since the connection object is aware of that state and will ignore input if it should.
                                # This is due to the ability to locally override the global setting, thus it must be done on the object and can then be done in code
                                if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid connection credentials" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue
                            elseif ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -eq "InvalidType") {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Invalid class name ($ClassName), not found in current namespace ($Namespace)" -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue
                            elseif ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -eq "ProviderLoadFailure") {
                                Stop-Function -Message "[$computer] Failed to access: $ClassName, in namespace: $Namespace - There was a provider error. This indicates a potential issue with WMI on the server side." -Target $computer -Continue -ContinueLabel "main" -ErrorRecord $_ -SilentlyContinue:$SilentlyContinue
                            else {
                                $excluded += "Wmi"
                                continue sub
                    #endregion Wmi
                    #region PowerShell Remoting
                    "PowerShellRemoting" {
                        try {
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using PowerShell Remoting"
                            $scp_string = "Get-WmiObject -Class $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop"
                            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Namespace")) { $scp_string += " -Namespace $Namespace" }
                            $parameters = @{
                                ScriptBlock   = ([System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create($scp_string))
                                ComputerName  = $ComputerName
                                ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
                            if ($Credential) { $parameters["Credential"] = $Credential }
                            Invoke-Command @parameters
                            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "[$computer] Accessing computer using PowerShell Remoting - Success!"
                            if (-not $disable_cache) { [Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection.ConnectionHost]::Connections[$computer] = $connection }
                            continue main
                        catch {
                            # Will always consider authenticated, since any call with credentials to a server that doesn't exist will also carry invalid credentials error.
                            # There simply is no way to differentiate between actual authentication errors and server not reached
                            $excluded += "PowerShellRemoting"
                            continue sub
                    #endregion PowerShell Remoting
    End {