$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$commandname Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { BeforeAll { $null = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1, $script:instance2 | Where-Object Name -Match 'dbatoolsci' | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false } Context "Set some options" { foreach ($instance in ($script:instance1, $script:instance2)) { $server = Get-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $instance $results = Get-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions -SqlInstance $instance -WarningVariable warning 3>&1 if ($server.VersionMajor -lt 13) { It "should warn" { $warning | Should Not Be $null } } else { It "should return a default" { $result = $results | Where-Object Database -eq msdb $result.MaxStorageSizeInMB | Should BeGreaterThan 1 } $newnumber = $oldnumber + 1 $null = Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions -SqlInstance $instance -Database msdb -State Off It "should warn that state is off" { $results = Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions -SqlInstance $instance -Database msdb -FlushInterval $newnumber -WarningVariable warning 3>&1 $warning | Should Not Be $null } It "should change the specified param to the new value" { $results = Set-DbaDbQueryStoreOptions -SqlInstance $instance -Database msdb -FlushInterval $newnumber -State ReadWrite $results.DataFlushIntervalInSeconds | Should Be $newnumber } } } } } |