function Find-DbaAgentJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Find-DbaAgentJob finds agent job/s that fit certain search filters. .DESCRIPTION This command filters SQL Agent jobs giving the DBA a list of jobs that may need attention or could possibly be options for removal. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server instance. You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or higher. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins as opposed to Windows Auth/Integrated/Trusted. .PARAMETER JobName Filter agent jobs to only the name(s) you list. Supports regular expression (e.g. MyJob*) being passed in. .PARAMETER ExcludeJobName Allows you to enter an array of agent job names to ignore .PARAMETER StepName Filter based on StepName. Supports regular expression (e.g. MyJob*) being passed in. .PARAMETER LastUsed Find all jobs that havent ran in the INT number of previous day(s) .PARAMETER IsDisabled Find all jobs that are disabled .PARAMETER IsFailed Find all jobs that have failed .PARAMETER IsNotScheduled Find all jobs with no schedule assigned .PARAMETER IsNoEmailNotification Find all jobs without email notification configured .PARAMETER Category Filter based on agent job categories .PARAMETER Owner Filter based on owner of the job/s .PARAMETER Since Datetime object used to narrow the results to a date .PARAMETER RestartJob Use this switch to re-run any jobs (usually used in conjunction with the failed switch) .PARAMETER Silent Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages .NOTES Tags: Agent, Job Author: Stephen Bennett ( Website: Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire, License: GNU GPL v3 .LINK .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01 -JobName backup* Returns all agent job(s) that have backup in the name .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01, Dev02 -JobName Mybackup Returns all agent job(s) that are named exactly Mybackup .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01 -LastUsed 10 Returns all agent job(s) that have not ran in 10 days .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01 -IsDisabled -IsNoEmailNotification -IsNotScheduled Returns all agent job(s) that are either disabled, have no email notification or don't have a schedule. returned with detail .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01 -LastUsed 10 -Exclude "Yearly - RollUp Workload", "SMS - Notification" Returns all agent jobs that havent ran in the last 10 ignoring jobs "Yearly - RollUp Workload" and "SMS - Notification" .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01 -Category "REPL-Distribution", "REPL-Snapshot" -Detailed | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap Returns all job/s on Dev01 that are in either category "REPL-Distribution" or "REPL-Snapshot" with detailed output .EXAMPLE Find-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance Dev01, Dev02 -IsFailed -Since '7/1/2016 10:47:00' Returns all agent job(s) that have failed since July of 2016 (and still have history in msdb) .EXAMPLE Get-DbaRegisteredServer -SqlInstance CMSServer -Group Production | Find-DbaAgentJob -Disabled -IsNotScheduled | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap Queries CMS server to return all SQL instances in the Production folder and then list out all agent jobs that have either been disabled or have no schedule. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer", "SqlServers")] [DbaInstanceParameter[]]$SqlInstance, [PSCredential] $SqlCredential, [Alias("Name")] [string[]]$JobName, [string[]]$ExcludeJobName, [string[]]$StepName, [int]$LastUsed, [Alias("Disabled")] [switch]$IsDisabled, [Alias("Failed")] [switch]$IsFailed, [Alias("NoSchedule")] [switch]$IsNotScheduled, [Alias("NoEmailNotification")] [switch]$IsNoEmailNotification, [string[]]$Category, [string]$Owner, [datetime]$Since, [switch]$RestartJob, [switch]$Silent ) begin { if ($IsFailed, [boolean]$JobName, [boolean]$StepName, [boolean]$LastUsed.ToString(), $IsDisabled, $IsNotScheduled, $IsNoEmailNotification, [boolean]$Category, [boolean]$Owner, [boolean]$ExcludeJobName -notcontains $true) { Stop-Function -Message "At least one search term must be specified" } } process { if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return } foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Running Scan on: $instance" try { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $instance" $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $sqlcredential } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } $jobs = $ $output = @() if ($IsFailed) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Checking for failed jobs." $output += $jobs | Where-Object LastRunOutcome -eq "Failed" } if ($JobName) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Retrieving jobs by their name." $output += Get-JobList -SqlInstance $server -JobFilter $JobName } if ($StepName) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Retrieving jobs by their step names." $output += Get-JobList -SqlInstance $server -StepFilter $StepName } if ($LastUsed) { $DaysBack = $LastUsed * -1 $SinceDate = (Get-date).AddDays($DaysBack) Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s not ran in last $LastUsed days" $output += $jobs | Where-Object { $_.LastRunDate -le $SinceDate } } if ($IsDisabled) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s that are disabled" $output += $jobs | Where-Object IsEnabled -eq $false } if ($IsNotScheduled) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s that have no schedule defined" $output += $jobs | Where-Object HasSchedule -eq $false } if ($IsNoEmailNotification) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s that have no email operator defined" $output += $jobs | Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.OperatorToEmail) -eq $true } } if ($Category) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s that have the specified category defined" $output += $jobs | Where-Object { $Category -contains $_.Category } } if ($Owner) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Finding job/s with owner critera" if ($Owner -match "-") { $OwnerMatch = $Owner -replace "-", "" Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Checking for jobs that NOT owned by: $OwnerMatch" $output += $ | Where-Object { $OwnerMatch -notcontains $_.OwnerLoginName } } else { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Checking for jobs that are owned by: $owner" $output += $ | Where-Object { $Owner -contains $_.OwnerLoginName } } } if ($Exclude) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Excluding job/s based on Exclude" $output = $output | Where-Object { $Exclude -notcontains $_.Name } } if ($Since) { #$Since = $Since.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Getting only jobs whose LastRunDate is greater than or equal to $since" $output = $output | Where-Object { $_.LastRunDate -ge $since } } $jobs = $output | Select-Object -Unique foreach ($job in $jobs) { Add-Member -Force -InputObject $job -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -value $server.NetName Add-Member -Force -InputObject $job -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstanceName -value $server.ServiceName Add-Member -Force -InputObject $job -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SqlInstance -value $server.DomainInstanceName $job | Select-DefaultView -Property ComputerName, InstanceName, SqlInstance, 'Name as JobName', LastRunDate, LastRunOutcome, IsEnabled, CreateDate, HasSchedule, OperatorToEmail, Category, OwnerLoginName if ($RestartJob) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Restarting job $job on $server" $job.start() } } } } } |