
function Test-DbaCompression {
        Returns tables and indexes with preferred compression setting.
        This function returns the results of a fulle table/index compression analysis.
        This function returns the best option to date for either NONE, Page, or Row Compression.
        Remember Uptime is critical, the longer uptime, the more accurate the analysis is.
        You would probably be best if you utilized Get-DbaUptime first, before running this command.
        Test-DbaCompression script derived from GitHub and the tigertoolbox
         Currently very large databases may present an issue, but a fix is i the works.
    .PARAMETER SqlInstance
        SqlInstance name or SMO object representing the SQL Server to connect to. This can be a collection and recieve pipeline input
    .PARAMETER SqlCredential
        PSCredential object to connect under. If not specified, current Windows login will be used.
    .PARAMETER Database
        The database(s) to process - this list is autopopulated from the server. If unspecified, all databases will be processed.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeDatabase
        The database(s) to exclude - this list is autopopulated from the server
    .PARAMETER IncludeSystemDBs
        Switch parameter that when used will display system database information
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom!
        Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.
        Author: Jason Squires (@js_0505)
        Tags: Compression, Table, Database
        Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
        License: GNU GPL v3
        Test-DbaCompression -SqlInstance localhost
        Returns all user database files and free space information for the local host
        Test-DbaCompression -SqlInstance ServerA -Database DBName | Out-GridView
        Returns results of all potential compression options for a single database
        with the recommendation of either Page or Row into and nicely formated GridView
        Test-DbaCompression -SqlInstance ServerA
        Returns results of all potential compression options for all databases
        with the recommendation of either Page or Row
        $servers = 'Server1','Server2'
        foreach ($svr in $servers)
            Test-DbaCompression -SqlInstance $svr | Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\CompressionAnalysisPAC.csv -Append
        This produces a full analysis of all your servers listed and is pushed to a csv for you to

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
    begin {
        Write-Message -Level System -Message "Bound parameters: $($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ", ")"
        $sql = "SET NOCOUNT ON;
                CREATE TABLE ##testdbacompression ([Schema] sysname
                    ,[Table_Name] sysname
                    ,[Index_Name] sysname NULL
                    ,[Partition] int
                    ,[Index_ID] int
                    ,[Index_Type] VARCHAR(12)
                    ,[Percent_Scan] smallint
                    ,[Percent_Update] smallint
                    ,[ROW_estimate_Pct_of_orig] bigint
                    ,[PAGE_estimate_Pct_of_orig] bigint
                    ,[Compression_Type_Recommendation] VARCHAR(7)
                    ,size_cur bigint
                    ,size_req bigint
                CREATE TABLE ##tmpEstimateRow (
                    objname sysname
                    ,schname sysname
                    ,indid int
                    ,partnr int
                    ,size_cur bigint
                    ,size_req bigint
                    ,sample_cur bigint
                    ,sample_req bigint
                CREATE TABLE ##tmpEstimatePage (
                    objname sysname
                    ,schname sysname
                    ,indid int
                    ,partnr int
                    ,size_cur bigint
                    ,size_req bigint
                    ,sample_cur bigint
                    ,sample_req bigint
                INSERT INTO ##testdbacompression
                SELECT AS [Schema], AS [Table_Name], AS [Index_Name],
                       i.partition_number AS [Partition], i.index_id AS [Index_ID], x.type_desc AS [Index_Type],
                       i.range_scan_count * 100.0 / (i.range_scan_count + i.leaf_insert_count + i.leaf_delete_count + i.leaf_update_count + i.leaf_page_merge_count + i.singleton_lookup_count) AS [Percent_Scan],
                       i.leaf_update_count * 100.0 / (i.range_scan_count + i.leaf_insert_count + i.leaf_delete_count + i.leaf_update_count + i.leaf_page_merge_count + i.singleton_lookup_count) AS [Percent_Update]
                FROM sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats (db_id(), NULL, NULL, NULL) i
                    INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = i.object_id
                    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id
                    INNER JOIN sys.indexes x ON x.object_id = i.object_id AND x.index_id = i.index_id
                WHERE (i.range_scan_count + i.leaf_insert_count + i.leaf_delete_count + leaf_update_count + i.leaf_page_merge_count + i.singleton_lookup_count) <> 0
                    AND objectproperty(i.object_id,'IsUserTable') = 1
                ORDER BY [Table_Name] ASC;
                DECLARE @schema sysname, @tbname sysname, @ixid int
                DECLARE cur CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT [Schema], [Table_Name], [Index_ID] FROM ##testdbacompression
                OPEN cur
                FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @schema, @tbname, @ixid
                WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                    --SELECT @schema, @tbname
                    INSERT INTO ##tmpEstimateRow
                    EXEC ('sp_estimate_data_compression_savings ''' + @schema + ''', ''' + @tbname + ''', ''' + @ixid + ''', NULL, ''ROW''' );
                    INSERT INTO ##tmpEstimatePage
                    EXEC ('sp_estimate_data_compression_savings ''' + @schema + ''', ''' + @tbname + ''', ''' + @ixid + ''', NULL, ''PAGE''');
                    FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @schema, @tbname, @ixid
                CLOSE cur
                DEALLOCATE cur;
                WITH tmp_cte (objname, schname, indid, pct_of_orig_row, pct_of_orig_page, size_cur,size_req)
                     AS (SELECT tr.objname,
                                ( tr.sample_req * 100 ) / CASE
                                                            WHEN tr.sample_cur = 0 THEN 1
                                                            ELSE tr.sample_cur
                                                          END AS pct_of_orig_row,
                                ( tp.sample_req * 100 ) / CASE
                                                            WHEN tp.sample_cur = 0 THEN 1
                                                            ELSE tp.sample_cur
                                                          END AS pct_of_orig_page,
                         FROM ##tmpestimaterow tr
                                INNER JOIN ##tmpestimatepage tp
                                        ON tr.objname = tp.objname
                                           AND tr.schname = tp.schname
                                           AND tr.indid = tp.indid
                                           AND tr.partnr = tp.partnr)
                UPDATE ##testdbacompression
                SET [row_estimate_pct_of_orig] = tcte.pct_of_orig_row,
                       [page_estimate_pct_of_orig] = tcte.pct_of_orig_page,
                FROM tmp_cte tcte,
                       ##testdbacompression tcomp
                WHERE tcte.objname = tcomp.table_name
                       AND tcte.schname = tcomp.[schema]
                       AND tcte.indid = tcomp.index_id;
                WITH tmp_cte2 (table_name, [schema], index_id, [compression_type_recommendation]
                     AS (SELECT table_name,
                                  WHEN [row_estimate_pct_of_orig] >= 100
                                       AND [page_estimate_pct_of_orig] >= 100 THEN 'NO_GAIN'
                                  WHEN [percent_update] >= 10 THEN 'ROW'
                                  WHEN [percent_scan] <= 1
                                       AND [percent_update] <= 1
                                       AND [row_estimate_pct_of_orig] <
                                  WHEN [percent_scan] <= 1
                                       AND [percent_update] <= 1
                                       AND [row_estimate_pct_of_orig] >
                                  WHEN [percent_scan] >= 60
                                       AND [percent_update] <= 5 THEN 'PAGE'
                                  WHEN [percent_scan] <= 35
                                       AND [percent_update] <= 5 THEN '?'
                                  ELSE 'ROW'
                         FROM ##testdbacompression)
                UPDATE ##testdbacompression
                SET [compression_type_recommendation] =
                FROM tmp_cte2 tcte2,
                       ##testdbacompression tcomp2
                WHERE tcte2.table_name = tcomp2.table_name
                       AND tcte2.[schema] = tcomp2.[schema]
                       AND tcte2.index_id = tcomp2.index_id;
                SET NOCOUNT ON;
                DECLARE @UpTime VARCHAR(12), @StartDate DATETIME, @sqlmajorver int, @sqlcmd NVARCHAR(500), @params NVARCHAR(500)
                SELECT @sqlmajorver = CONVERT(int, (@@microsoftversion / 0x1000000) & 0xff);
                IF @sqlmajorver = 9
                    SET @sqlcmd = N'SELECT @StartDateOUT = login_time, @UpTimeOUT = DATEDIFF(mi, login_time, GETDATE()) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = 1';
                    SET @sqlcmd = N'SELECT @StartDateOUT = sqlserver_start_time, @UpTimeOUT = DATEDIFF(mi,sqlserver_start_time,GETDATE()) FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info';
                SET @params = N'@StartDateOUT DATETIME OUTPUT, @UpTimeOUT VARCHAR(12) OUTPUT';
                EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlcmd, @params, @StartDateOUT=@StartDate OUTPUT, @UpTimeOUT=@UpTime OUTPUT;
                --SELECT @StartDate AS Collecting_Data_Since, CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),@UpTime/60/24) + 'd ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),@UpTime/60%24) + 'h ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),@UpTime%60) + 'm' AS Collecting_Data_For
                DBName = DB_Name()
                ,size_curKB = [size_cur]
                ,size_reqKB = [size_req]
                FROM ##testdbacompression;
                DROP TABLE ##testdbacompression
                DROP TABLE ##tmpEstimateRow
                DROP TABLE ##tmpEstimatePage;"

    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            try {
                Write-Message -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Connecting to $instance" -Target $instance
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SourceSqlCredential -MinimumVersion 10
            catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Failed to process Instance $Instance" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue
            $Server.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 0

            #If IncludeSystemDBs is true, include systemdbs
            #look at all databases, online/offline/accessible/inaccessible and tell user if a db can't be queried.
            try {
                if ($Database) {
                    $dbs = $server.Databases | Where-Object Name -In $Database
                elseif ($IncludeSystemDBs) {
                    $dbs = $server.Databases | Where-Object Status -eq 'Normal'
                else {
                    $dbs = $server.Databases | Where-Object { $_.IsAccessible -and $_.IsSystemObject -eq 0 }
                if (Test-Bound "ExcludeDatabase") {
                    $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object Name -NotIn $ExcludeDatabase
            catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Unable to gather list of databases for $instance" -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue

            foreach ($db in $dbs) {
                try {
                    Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Querying $instance - $db"
                    If ($db.status -ne 'Normal' -or $db.IsAccessible -eq $false) 
                        Write-Message -Level Warning -Message "$db is not accessible." -Target $db
                    #Execute query against individual database and add to output
                    foreach ($row in ($server.Query($sql, $db.Name)))
                            ComputerName = $server.NetName
                            InstanceName = $server.ServiceName
                            SqlInstance = $server.DomainInstanceName
                            Database = $row.DBName
                            Schema = $row.Schema
                            Table_Name = $row.Table_Name
                            Index_Name = $row.Index_Name
                            Partition = $row.Partition
                            Index_ID = $row.Index_ID
                            Index_Type = $row.Index_Type
                            Percent_Scan = $row.Percent_Scan
                            Percent_Update = $row.Percent_Update
                            ROW_estimate_Pct_of_orig = $row.ROW_estimate_Pct_of_orig
                            PAGE_estimate_Pct_of_orig = $row.PAGE_estimate_Pct_of_orig
                            Compression_Type_Recommendation = $row.Compression_Type_Recommendation
                            size_curKB = $row.size_curKB
                            size_reqKB = $row.size_reqKB
                catch {
                    Stop-Function -Message "Unable to query $instance - $db" -Target $db -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue