
Function Get-DbaFile {
Get-DbaFile finds files in any directory specified on a remote SQL Server
This command searches all specified directories, allowing a DBA to see file information on a server without direct access
You can filter by extension using the -FileType parameter. By default, the default data directory will be returned. You can provide and additional paths to search using the -Path parameter.
Thanks to serg-52 for the query:
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The SQL Server instance.
.PARAMETER SqlCredential
Allows you to login to servers using alternative credentials
Used to specify extra directories to search in addition to the default data directory.
Used to specify filter by filetype. No dot required, just pass the extension.
Used to specify recursive folder depth. Default is 1, non-recursive.
Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages
Tags: Discovery
Author: Brandon Abshire,
Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
License: GNU GPL v3
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -Path E:\Dir1
Logs into the SQL Server "sqlserver2014a" using Windows credentials and searches E:\Dir for all files
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -SqlCredential $cred -Path 'E:\sql files'
Logs into the SQL Server "sqlserver2014a" using alternative credentials and returns all files in 'E:\sql files'
$all = Get-DbaDefaultPath -SqlInstance sql2014
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance sql2014 -Path $all.Data, $all.Log, $all.Backup -Depth 3
Returns the files in the default data, log and backup directories on sql2014, 3 directories deep (recursively).
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance sql2014 -Path 'E:\Dir1', 'E:\Dir2'
Returns the files in "E:\Dir1" and "E:Dir2" on sql2014
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance -Path 'E:\Dir1' sql2014, sql2016 -FileType fsf, mld
Finds files in E:\Dir1 ending with ".fsf" and ".mld" for both the servers sql2014 and sql2016.
Get-DbaFile -SqlInstance -Path 'E:\Dir1' sql2014, sql2016 -FileType fsf, mld
Finds files in E:\Dir1 ending with ".fsf" and ".mld" for both the servers sql2014 and sql2016.

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
        [int]$Depth = 1,
    begin {
        $sql = ""
        function Get-SQLDirTreeQuery {
            $q1 += "DECLARE @myPath nvarchar(4000);
                    DECLARE @depth SMALLINT = $Depth;
                    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DirectoryTree') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE #DirectoryTree;
                    CREATE TABLE #DirectoryTree (
                       id int IDENTITY(1,1)
                       ,subdirectory nvarchar(512)
                       ,depth int
                       ,isfile bit
                       , ParentDirectory int
                       ,flag tinyint default(0));"

            $q2 = "SET @myPath = 'dirname'
                    -- top level directory
                    INSERT #DirectoryTree (subdirectory,depth,isfile)
                       VALUES (@myPath,0,0);
                    -- all the rest under top level
                    INSERT #DirectoryTree (subdirectory,depth,isfile)
                       EXEC master.sys.xp_dirtree @myPath,@depth,1;
                    UPDATE #DirectoryTree
                       SET ParentDirectory = (
                          SELECT MAX(Id) FROM #DirectoryTree
                          WHERE Depth = d.Depth - 1 AND Id < d.Id )
                    FROM #DirectoryTree d
                    WHERE ParentDirectory is NULL;"

            $query_files_sql = "-- SEE all with full paths
                    WITH dirs AS (
                           , CAST (null AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS container
                           , CAST([subdirectory] AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS dpath
                           FROM #DirectoryTree
                           WHERE ParentDirectory IS NULL
                        UNION ALL
                           , dpath as container
                           , dpath +'\'+d.[subdirectory]
                        FROM #DirectoryTree AS d
                        INNER JOIN dirs ON d.ParentDirectory =
                        WHERE dpath NOT LIKE '%RECYCLE.BIN%'
                    SELECT subdirectory as filename, container as filepath, isfile, dpath as fullpath FROM dirs
                    WHERE container IS NOT NULL
                    -- Dir style ordering
                    ORDER BY container, isfile, subdirectory"

            # build the query string based on how many directories they want to enumerate
            $sql = $q1
            $sql += $($PathList | Where-Object { $_ -ne '' } | ForEach-Object { "$([System.Environment]::Newline)$($q2 -Replace 'dirname', $_)" })
            $sql += $query_files_sql
            #Write-Message -Level Debug -Message $sql
            return $sql
        function Format-Path {
            param ($path)
            $path = $path.Trim()
            #Thank you windows 2000
            $path = $path -replace '[^A-Za-z0-9 _\.\-\\:]', '__'
            return $path
        if ($FileType) {
            $FileTypeComparison = $FileType | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLower() } | Where-Object { $_ } | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            $paths = @()
            try {
                Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $instance"
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $sqlcredential
            catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue
            # Get the default data and log directories from the instance
            if (-not (Test-Bound -ParameterName Path)) { $Path = (Get-DbaDefaultPath -SqlInstance $server).Data }
            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Adding paths"
            $sql = Get-SQLDirTreeQuery $Path
            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message $sql
            $datatable = $server.Query($sql)
            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "$($datatable.Rows.Count) files found."
            if ($FileTypeComparison) {
                foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                    foreach ($type in $FileTypeComparison) {
                        if ($row.filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".$type")) {
                                ComputerName    = $server.NetName
                                InstanceName    = $server.ServiceName
                                SqlInstance        = $server.DomainInstanceName
                                Filename        = $row.fullpath
                                RemoteFilename  = Join-AdminUnc -Servername $server.netname -Filepath $row.fullpath
                            } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty ComputerName, InstanceName, RemoteFilename
            else {
                foreach ($row in $datatable) {
                        ComputerName    = $server.NetName
                        InstanceName    = $server.ServiceName
                        SqlInstance        = $server.DomainInstanceName
                        Filename        = $row.fullpath
                        RemoteFilename  = Join-AdminUnc -Servername $server.netname -Filepath $row.fullpath
                    } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty ComputerName, InstanceName, RemoteFilename