function Set-DbaTempdbConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets tempdb data and log files according to best practices. .DESCRIPTION Calculates tempdb size and file configurations based on passed parameters, calculated values, and Microsoft best practices. User must declare SQL Server to be configured and total data file size as mandatory values. Function then calculates the number of data files based on logical cores on the target host and create evenly sized data files based on the total data size declared by the user, with a log file 25% of the total data file size. Other parameters can adjust the settings as the user desires (such as different file paths, number of data files, and log file size). No functions that shrink or delete data files are performed. If you wish to do this, you will need to resize tempdb so that it is "smaller" than what the function will size it to before running the function. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server Instance to connect to. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Windows and SQL Authentication supported. Accepts credential objects (Get-Credential) .PARAMETER DataFileCount Specifies the number of data files to create. If this number is not specified, the number of logical cores of the host will be used. .PARAMETER DataFileSizeMB Specifies the total data file size in megabytes. This is distributed across the total number of data files. .PARAMETER LogFileSizeMB Specifies the log file size in megabytes. If not specified, this will be set to 25% of total data file size. .PARAMETER DataFileGrowthMB Specifies the growth amount for the data file(s) in megabytes. The default is 512 MB. .PARAMETER LogFileGrowthMB Specifies the growth amount for the log file in megabytes. The default is 512 MB. .PARAMETER DataPath Specifies the filesystem path in which to create the tempdb data files. If not specified, current tempdb location will be used. .PARAMETER LogPath Specifies the filesystem path in which to create the tempdb log file. If not specified, current tempdb location will be used. .PARAMETER OutputScriptOnly If this switch is enabled, only the T-SQL script to change the tempdb configuration is created and output. .PARAMETER OutFile Specifies the filesystem path into which the generated T-SQL script will be saved. .PARAMETER DisableGrowth If this switch is enabled, the tempdb files will be configured to not grow. This overrides -DataFileGrowthMB and -LogFileGrowthMB. .PARAMETER WhatIf If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run. .PARAMETER Confirm If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state. .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .NOTES Tags: Tempdb, Space, Configure, Configuration Author: Michael Fal (@Mike_Fal), Website: Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaTempdbConfig -SqlInstance localhost -DataFileSizeMB 1000 Creates tempdb with a number of data files equal to the logical cores where each file is equal to 1000MB divided by the number of logical cores, with a log file of 250MB. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaTempdbConfig -SqlInstance localhost -DataFileSizeMB 1000 -DataFileCount 8 Creates tempdb with 8 data files, each one sized at 125MB, with a log file of 250MB. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaTempdbConfig -SqlInstance localhost -DataFileSizeMB 1000 -OutputScriptOnly Provides a SQL script output to configure tempdb according to the passed parameters. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaTempdbConfig -SqlInstance localhost -DataFileSizeMB 1000 -DisableGrowth Disables the growth for the data and log files. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-DbaTempdbConfig -SqlInstance localhost -DataFileSizeMB 1000 -OutputScriptOnly Returns the T-SQL script representing tempdb configuration. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter]$SqlInstance, [PSCredential]$SqlCredential, [int]$DataFileCount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$DataFileSizeMB, [int]$LogFileSizeMB, [int]$DataFileGrowthMB = 512, [int]$LogFileGrowthMB = 512, [string]$DataPath, [string]$LogPath, [string]$OutFile, [switch]$OutputScriptOnly, [switch]$DisableGrowth, [Alias('Silent')] [switch]$EnableException ) begin { $sql = @() Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $SqlInstance" $server = Connect-SqlInstance $sqlinstance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential if ($server.VersionMajor -lt 9) { Stop-Function -Message "SQL Server 2000 is not supported" return } } process { if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return } $cores = $server.Processors if ($cores -gt 8) { $cores = 8 } #Set DataFileCount if not specified. If specified, check against best practices. if (-not $DataFileCount) { $DataFileCount = $cores Write-Message -Message "Data file count set to number of cores: $DataFileCount" -Level Verbose } else { if ($DataFileCount -gt $cores) { Write-Message -Message "Data File Count of $DataFileCount exceeds the Logical Core Count of $cores. This is outside of best practices." -Level Warning } Write-Message -Message "Data file count set explicitly: $DataFileCount" -Level Verbose } $DataFilesizeSingleMB = $([Math]::Floor($DataFileSizeMB / $DataFileCount)) Write-Message -Message "Single data file size (MB): $DataFilesizeSingleMB." -Level Verbose if ($DataPath) { if ((Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $server -Path $DataPath) -eq $false) { Stop-Function -Message "$datapath is an invalid path." return } } else { $Filepath = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults('SELECT physical_name as FileName FROM sys.database_files WHERE file_id = 1').Tables[0].Rows[0].FileName $DataPath = Split-Path $Filepath } Write-Message -Message "Using data path: $datapath." -Level Verbose if ($LogPath) { if ((Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $server -Path $LogPath) -eq $false) { Stop-Function -Message "$LogPath is an invalid path." return } } else { $Filepath = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults('SELECT physical_name as FileName FROM sys.database_files WHERE file_id = 2').Tables[0].Rows[0].FileName $LogPath = Split-Path $Filepath } Write-Message -Message "Using log path: $LogPath." -Level Verbose # Check if the file growth needs to be disabled if ($DisableGrowth) { $DataFileGrowthMB = 0 $LogFileGrowthMB = 0 } # Check current tempdb. Throw an error if current tempdb is larger than config. $CurrentFileCount = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults('SELECT count(1) as FileCount FROM sys.database_files WHERE type=0').Tables[0].Rows[0].FileCount $TooBigCount = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults("SELECT TOP 1 (size/128) as Size FROM sys.database_files WHERE size/128 > $DataFilesizeSingleMB AND type = 0").Tables[0].Rows[0].Size if ($CurrentFileCount -gt $DataFileCount) { Stop-Function -Message "Current tempdb not suitable to be reconfigured. The current tempdb has a greater number of files ($CurrentFileCount) than the calculated configuration ($DataFileCount)." return } if ($TooBigCount) { Stop-Function -Message "Current tempdb not suitable to be reconfigured. The current tempdb ($TooBigCount MB) is larger than the calculated individual file configuration ($DataFilesizeSingleMB MB)." return } $EqualCount = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults("SELECT count(1) as FileCount FROM sys.database_files WHERE size/128 = $DataFilesizeSingleMB AND type = 0").Tables[0].Rows[0].FileCount if ($EqualCount -gt 0) { Stop-Function -Message "Current tempdb not suitable to be reconfigured. The current tempdb is the same size as the specified DataFileSizeMB." return } Write-Message -Message "tempdb configuration validated." -Level Verbose $DataFiles = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults("select as Name, f.physical_name as FileName from sys.filegroups fg join sys.database_files f on fg.data_space_id = f.data_space_id where = 'PRIMARY' and f.type_desc = 'ROWS'").Tables[0]; #Checks passed, process reconfiguration for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DataFileCount; $i++) { $File = $DataFiles.Rows[$i] if ($File) { $Filename = Split-Path $File.FileName -Leaf $LogicalName = $File.Name $NewPath = "$datapath\$Filename" $sql += "ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE(name=$LogicalName,filename='$NewPath',size=$DataFilesizeSingleMB MB,filegrowth=$DataFileGrowthMB);" } else { $NewName = "tempdev$i.ndf" $NewPath = "$datapath\$NewName" $sql += "ALTER DATABASE tempdb ADD FILE(name=tempdev$i,filename='$NewPath',size=$DataFilesizeSingleMB MB,filegrowth=$DataFileGrowthMB);" } } if (-not $LogFileSizeMB) { $LogFileSizeMB = [Math]::Floor($DataFileSizeMB / 4) } $logfile = $server.Databases['tempdb'].ExecuteWithResults("SELECT name, physical_name as FileName FROM sys.database_files WHERE file_id = 2").Tables[0].Rows[0]; $Filename = Split-Path $logfile.FileName -Leaf $LogicalName = $logfile.Name $NewPath = "$LogPath\$Filename" $sql += "ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE(name=$LogicalName,filename='$NewPath',size=$LogFileSizeMB MB,filegrowth=$LogFileGrowthMB);" Write-Message -Message "SQL Statement to resize tempdb." -Level Verbose Write-Message -Message ($sql -join "`n`n") -Level Verbose if ($OutputScriptOnly) { return $sql } elseif ($OutFile) { $sql | Set-Content -Path $OutFile } else { if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($SqlInstance, "Executing query and informing that a restart is required.")) { try { $server.Databases['master'].ExecuteNonQuery($sql) Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "tempdb successfully reconfigured." [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $server.ComputerName InstanceName = $server.ServiceName SqlInstance = $server.DomainInstanceName DataFileCount = $DataFileCount DataFileSizeMB = $DataFileSizeMB SingleDataFileSizeMB = $DataFilesizeSingleMB LogSizeMB = $LogFileSizeMB DataPath = $DataPath LogPath = $LogPath DataFileGrowthMB = $DataFileGrowthMB LogFileGrowthMB = $LogFileGrowthMB } Write-Message -Level Output -Message "tempdb reconfigured. You must restart the SQL Service for settings to take effect." } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Unable to reconfigure tempdb. Exception: $_" -Target $sql -InnerErrorRecord $_ return } } } } end { Test-DbaDeprecation -DeprecatedOn "1.0.0" -EnableException:$false -Alias Set-SqlTempDbConfiguration Test-DbaDeprecation -DeprecatedOn "1.0.0" -EnableException:$false -Alias Set-DbaTempDbConfiguration } } |