<# Write-Host "Current Path : $((Get-Location).Path)" Write-Host @" # Listing local variables # #-------------------------# "@ Get-Variable | Format-Table Name, @{ n = "Type"; e = { if ($_.Value -eq $null) { "<Null>" } else { $_.Value.GetType().FullName } } }, Value | Out-String | Out-Host Write-Host @" # Listing environment variables # #-------------------------------# "@ Get-ChildItem "env:" | Out-Host Write-Host @" # Listing arguments # #-------------------# "@ $args | Format-List | Out-Host Write-Host "########################################################################################################" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen #> $previousVersion = Import-Clixml ".\vsts-version.xml" $currentVersion = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo((Get-Item "bin\dbatools.dll").FullName).FileVersion Remove-Item ".\vsts-version.xml" if ($previousVersion -ne $currentVersion) { $branch = $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME Write-Host "Previous: $previousVersion | Current: $currentVersion | Library should be updated" git add . git commit -m "VSTS Library Compile ***NO_CI***" $errorMessage = git push "https://$" head:$branch 2>&1 if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) { throw $errorMessage } } else { Write-Host "Version: $currentVersion | Library is up to date" } |