$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' { Context "Validate parameters" { $paramCount = 5 $defaultParamCount = 11 [object[]]$params = (Get-ChildItem function:\Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile).Parameters.Keys $knownParameters = 'SqlInstance', 'SqlCredential', 'Job', 'ExcludeJob', 'EnableException' It "Contains our specific parameters" { ( (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $knownParameters -DifferenceObject $params -IncludeEqual | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq "==").Count ) | Should Be $paramCount } It "Contains $paramCount parameters" { $params.Count - $defaultParamCount | Should Be $paramCount } } } Describe "$CommandName Unittests" -Tag 'UnitTests' { InModuleScope 'dbatools' { Context "Return values" { Mock Connect-SQLInstance -MockWith { [object]@{ Name = 'SQLServerName' ComputerName = 'SQLServerName' JobServer = @{ Jobs = @( @{ Name = 'Job1' JobSteps = @( @{ Id = 1 Name = 'Job1Step1' OutputFileName = 'Job1Output1' }, @{ Id = 2 Name = 'Job1Step2' OutputFileName = 'Job1Output2' } ) }, @{ Name = 'Job2' JobSteps = @( @{ Id = 1 Name = 'Job2Step1' OutputFileName = 'Job2Output1' }, @{ Id = 2 Name = 'Job2Step2' } ) }, @{ Name = 'Job3' JobSteps = @( @{ Id = 1 Name = 'Job3Step1' }, @{ Id = 2 Name = 'Job3Step2' } ) } ) } } #object } #mock connect-sqlserver It "Gets only steps with output files" { $Results = @() $Results += Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile -SqlInstance 'SQLServerName' $Results.Length | Should Be 3 $Results.Job | Should Match 'Job[12]' $Results.JobStep | Should Match 'Job[12]Step[12]' $Results.OutputFileName | Should Match 'Job[12]Output[12]' $Results.RemoteOutputFileName | Should Match '\\\\SQLServerName\\Job[12]Output[12]' } It "Honors the Job parameter" { $Results = @() $Results += Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile -SqlInstance 'SQLServerName' -Job 'Job1' $Results.Job | Should Match 'Job1' $Results.JobStep | Should Match 'Job1Step[12]' $Results.OutputFileName | Should Match 'Job1Output[12]' } It "Honors the ExcludeJob parameter" { $Results = @() $Results += Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile -SqlInstance 'SQLServerName' -ExcludeJob 'Job1' $Results.Length | Should Be 1 $Results.Job | Should Match 'Job2' $Results.OutputFileName | Should Be 'Job2Output1' $Results.StepId | Should Be 1 } It "Does not return even with a specific job without outputfiles" { $Results = @() $Results += Get-DbaAgentJobOutputFile -SqlInstance 'SQLServerName' -Job 'Job3' $Results.Length | Should Be 0 } } } } |