Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan Describe "Restore-DbaDatabase Integration Tests" -Tags "Integrationtests" { #Setup variable for multuple contexts $DataFolder = 'c:\temp\datafiles' $LogFolder = 'C:\temp\logfiles' New-Item -Type Directory $DataFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue new-Item -Type Directory $LogFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Context "Properly restores a database on the local drive using Path" { $null = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase $results = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Path C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak It "Should Return the proper backup file location" { $results.BackupFile | Should Be "C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak" } It "Should return successful restore" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } } Context "Ensuring warning is thrown if database already exists" { $results = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Path C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak -WarningVariable warning It "Should warn" { $warning | Should Match "exists and WithReplace not specified, stopping" } It "Should not return object" { $results | Should Be $null } } Context "Database is properly removed again after withreplace test" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database singlerestore It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Properly restores a database on the local drive using piped Get-ChildItem results" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost It "Should Return the proper backup file location" { $results.BackupFile | Should Be "C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak" } It "Should return successful restore" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } } Context "Database is properly removed again after gci tests" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database singlerestore It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Database is restored with correct renamings" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationFilePrefix prefix It "Should return successful restore with prefix" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } It "Should return the 2 prefixed files" { (($results.RestoredFile -split ',').substring(0, 6) -eq 'prefix').count | Should be 2 } $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationFileSuffix suffix -WithReplace It "Should return successful restore with suffix" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } It "Should return the 2 suffixed files" { (($Results.RestoredFile -split ',') -match "suffix\.").count | Should be 2 } $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationFileSuffix suffix -DestinationFilePrefix prefix -WithReplace It "Should return successful restore with suffix and prefix" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } It "Should return the 2 prefixed and suffixed files" { (($Results.RestoredFile -split ',') -match "^prefix.*suffix\.").count | Should be 2 } } Context "Database is properly removed again post prefix and suffix tests" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database singlerestore It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Replace databasename in Restored File" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DatabaseName Pestering -replaceDbNameInFile -WithReplace It "Should return the 2 files swapping singlerestore for pestering (output)" { (($Results.RestoredFile -split ',') -like "*pestering*").count | Should be 2 } ForEach ($file in ($results.RestoredFileFull -split ',')) { It "$file Should exist on Filesystem" { $file | Should Exist } } } Context "Database is properly removed (name change)" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database pestering It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Folder restore options" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationDataDirectory $DataFolder It "Should return successful restore with DestinationDataDirectory" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } It "Should have moved all files to $DataFolder" { (($results.restoredfilefull -split ',') -like "$DataFolder*").count | Should be 2 } ForEach ($file in ($results.RestoredFileFull -split ',')) { It "$file Should exist on Filesystem" { $file | Should Exist } } $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationDataDirectory $DataFolder -DestinationLogDirectory $LogFolder -WithReplace It "Should have moved data file to $DataFolder" { (($results.restoredfilefull -split ',') -like "$DataFolder*").count | Should be 1 } It "Should have moved Log file to $LogFolder" { (($results.restoredfilefull -split ',') -like "$LogFolder*").count | Should be 1 } ForEach ($file in ($results.RestoredFileFull -split ',')) { It "$file Should exist on Filesystem" { $file | Should Exist } } } Context "Database is properly removed again after folder options tests" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database singlerestore It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Putting all restore file modification options together" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -DestinationDataDirectory $DataFolder -DestinationLogDirectory $LogFolder -DestinationFileSuffix Suffix -DestinationFilePrefix prefix It "Should return successful restore with all file mod options" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should Be $true } It "Should have moved data file to $DataFolder (output)" { (($results.restoredfilefull -split ',') -like "$DataFolder*").count | Should be 1 } It "Should have moved Log file to $LogFolder (output)" { (($results.restoredfilefull -split ',') -like "$LogFolder*").count | Should be 1 } It "Should return the 2 prefixed and suffixed files" { (($Results.RestoredFile -split ',') -match "^prefix.*suffix\.").count | Should be 2 } ForEach ($file in ($results.RestoredFileFull -split ',')) { It "$file Should exist on Filesystem" { $file | Should Exist } } } Context "Database is properly removed again after all file mods test" { $results = Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database singlerestore It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } Context "Properly restores an instance using ola-style backups" { $results = Get-ChildItem C:\github\appveyor-lab\sql2008-backups | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost It "Restored files count should be 30" { $results.databasename.count | Should Be 15 } It "Should return successful restore" { ($results.Restorecomplete -contains $false) | Should Be $false } } Context "All user databases are removed post ola-style test" { $results = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase It "Should say the status was dropped" { $results.ForEach{ $_.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } } Context "RestoreTime setup checks" { $results = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -path c:\github\appveyor-lab\RestoreTimeClean $sqlresults = Invoke-DbaSqlCmd -ServerInstance localhost -Query "select convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),max(dt),120)) as maxdt, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),min(dt),120)) as mindt from RestoreTimeClean.dbo.steps" It "Should restore cleanly" { ($results.RestoreComplete -contains $false) | Should Be $false } It "Should have restored 5 files" { $results.count | Should be 5 } It "Should have restored from 2017-06-01 12:59:12" { $sqlresults.mindt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 12:59:12") } It "Should have restored to 2017-06-01 13:28:43" { $sqlresults.maxdt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 13:28:43") } } Context "All user databases are removed post RestoreTime check" { $results = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase It "Should say the status was dropped" { Foreach ($db in $results) { $db.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } } Context "RestoreTime point in time" { $results = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -path c:\github\appveyor-lab\RestoreTimeClean -RestoreTime (get-date "2017-06-01 13:22:44") $sqlresults = Invoke-DbaSqlCmd -ServerInstance localhost -Query "select convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),max(dt),120)) as maxdt, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),min(dt),120)) as mindt from RestoreTimeClean.dbo.steps" It "Should have restored 4 files" { $results.count | Should be 4 } It "Should have restored from 2017-06-01 12:59:12" { $sqlresults.mindt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 12:59:12") } It "Should have restored to 2017-06-01 13:28:43" { $sqlresults.maxdt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 13:22:43") } } Context "All user databases are removed" { $results = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase It "Should say the status was dropped post point in time test" { Foreach ($db in $results){ $db.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } } Context "RestoreTime point in time and continue" { $results = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -path c:\github\appveyor-lab\RestoreTimeClean -RestoreTime (get-date "2017-06-01 13:22:44") -StandbyDirectory c:\temp $sqlresults = Invoke-DbaSqlCmd -ServerInstance localhost -Query "select convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),max(dt),120)) as maxdt, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),min(dt),120)) as mindt from RestoreTimeClean.dbo.steps" It "Should have restored 4 files" { $results.count | Should be 4 } It "Should have restored from 2017-06-01 12:59:12" { $sqlresults.mindt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 12:59:12") } It "Should have restored to 2017-06-01 13:22:43" { $sqlresults.maxdt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 13:22:43") } $results2 = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -path c:\github\appveyor-lab\RestoreTimeClean -Continue $sqlresults2 = Invoke-DbaSqlCmd -ServerInstance localhost -Query "select convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),max(dt),120)) as maxdt, convert(datetime,convert(varchar(20),min(dt),120)) as mindt from RestoreTimeClean.dbo.steps" It "Should have restored 2 files" { $results2.count | Should be 2 } It "Should have restored from 2017-06-01 12:59:12" { $sqlresults2.mindt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 12:59:12") } It "Should have restored to 2017-06-01 13:28:43" { $sqlresults2.maxdt | Should be (get-date "2017-06-01 13:28:43") } } Context "Backup DB For next test" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database RestoreTimeClean -BackupDirectory C:\temp\backups It "Should return successful backup" { $results.BackupComplete | Should Be $true } } Context "All user databases are removed post continue test" { $results = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase It "Should say the status was dropped" { Foreach ($db in $results) { $db.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } } Context "Check Get-DbaBackupHistory pipes into Restore-DbaDatabase" { $history = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance localhost -Database RestoreTimeClean -Last $results = $history | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -WithReplace -TrustDbBackupHistory It "Should have restored everything successfully" { ($results.RestorComplete -contains $false) | Should be $False } } Context "All user databases are removed post history test" { $results = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase It "Should say the status was dropped" { Foreach ($db in $results) { $db.Status | Should Be "Dropped" } } } } |