function New-DbaAgentJob { <# .SYNOPSIS New-DbaAgentJob creates a new job .DESCRIPTION New-DbaAgentJob makes is possible to create a job in the SQL Server Agent. It returns an array of the job(s) created .PARAMETER SqlInstance SQL Server instance. You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or greater. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins as opposed to Windows Auth/Integrated/Trusted. To use: $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SqlCredential parameter. To connect as a different Windows user, run PowerShell as that user. .PARAMETER Job The name of the job. The name must be unique and cannot contain the percent (%) character. .PARAMETER Schedule Schedule to attach to job. This can be more than one schedule. .PARAMETER ScheduleId Schedule ID to attach to job. This can be more than one schedule ID. .PARAMETER Disabled Sets the status of the job to disabled. By default a job is enabled. .PARAMETER Description The description of the job. .PARAMETER StartStepId The identification number of the first step to execute for the job. .PARAMETER Category The category of the job. .PARAMETER CategoryId A language-independent mechanism for specifying a job category. .PARAMETER OwnerLogin The name of the login that owns the job. .PARAMETER EventLogLevel Specifies when to place an entry in the Microsoft Windows application log for this job. Allowed values 0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always" The text value van either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER EmailLevel Specifies when to send an e-mail upon the completion of this job. Allowed values 0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always" The text value van either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER NetsendLevel Specifies when to send a network message upon the completion of this job. Allowed values 0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always" The text value van either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER PageLevel Specifies when to send a page upon the completion of this job. Allowed values 0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always" The text value van either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER EmailOperator The e-mail name of the operator to whom the e-mail is sent when EmailLevel is reached. .PARAMETER NetsendOperator The name of the operator to whom the network message is sent. .PARAMETER PageOperator The name of the operator to whom a page is sent. .PARAMETER DeleteLevel Specifies when to delete the job. Allowed values 0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always" The text value van either be lowercase, uppercase or something in between as long as the text is correct. .PARAMETER Force The force parameter will ignore some errors in the parameters and assume defaults. .PARAMETER WhatIf Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command. .PARAMETER Silent Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages .NOTES Original Author: Sander Stad (@sqlstad, Tags: Agent, Job, Job Step Website: Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire, License: GNU GPL v3 .LINK .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql1 -Job 'Job One' -Description 'Just another job' Creates a job with the name "Job1" and a small description .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql1 -Job 'Job One' -Disabled Creates the job but sets it to disabled .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql1 -Job 'Job One' -EventLogLevel OnSuccess Creates the job and sets the notification to write to the Windows Application event log on success .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance SSTAD-PC -Job 'Job One' -EmailLevel OnFailure -EmailOperator dba Creates the job and sets the notification to send an e-mail to the e-mail operator .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql1 -Job 'Job One' -Description 'Just another job' -Whatif Doesn't create the job but shows what would happen. .EXAMPLE New-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance sql1, sql2, sql3 -Job 'Job One' Creates a job with the name "Job One" on multiple servers .EXAMPLE "sql1", "sql2", "sql3" | New-DbaAgentJob -Job 'Job One' Creates a job with the name "Job One" on multiple servers using the pipe line #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Low")] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter[]]$SqlInstance, [PSCredential]$SqlCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Job, [object[]]$Schedule, [int[]]$ScheduleId, [switch]$Disabled, [string]$Description, [int]$StartStepId, [string]$Category, [int]$CategoryId, [string]$OwnerLogin, [ValidateSet(0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always")] [object]$EventLogLevel, [ValidateSet(0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always")] [object]$EmailLevel, [ValidateSet(0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always")] [Parameter()] [ValidateSet(0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always")] [object]$PageLevel, [string]$EmailOperator, [string]$NetsendOperator, [string]$PageOperator, [ValidateSet(0, "Never", 1, "OnSuccess", 2, "OnFailure", 3, "Always")] [object]$DeleteLevel, [switch]$Force, [switch]$Silent ) begin { # Check of the event log level is of type string and set the integer value if ($EventLogLevel -notin 1, 2, 3) { $EventLogLevel = switch ($EventLogLevel) { "Never" { 0 } "OnSuccess" { 1 } "OnFailure" { 2 } "Always" { 3 } default { 0 } } } # Check of the email level is of type string and set the integer value if ($EmailLevel -notin 1, 2, 3) { $EmailLevel = switch ($EmailLevel) { "Never" { 0 } "OnSuccess" { 1 } "OnFailure" { 2 } "Always" { 3 } default { 0 } } } # Check of the net send level is of type string and set the integer value if ($NetsendLevel -notin 1, 2, 3) { $NetsendLevel = switch ($NetsendLevel) { "Never" { 0 } "OnSuccess" { 1 } "OnFailure" { 2 } "Always" { 3 } default { 0 } } } # Check of the page level is of type string and set the integer value if ($PageLevel -notin 1, 2, 3) { $PageLevel = switch ($PageLevel) { "Never" { 0 } "OnSuccess" { 1 } "OnFailure" { 2 } "Always" { 3 } default { 0 } } } # Check of the delete level is of type string and set the integer value if ($DeleteLevel -notin 1, 2, 3) { $DeleteLevel = switch ($DeleteLevel) { "Never" { 0 } "OnSuccess" { 1 } "OnFailure" { 2 } "Always" { 3 } default { 0 } } } # Check the e-mail operator name if (($EmailLevel -ge 1) -and (-not $EmailOperator)) { Stop-Function -Message "Please set the e-mail operator when the e-mail level parameter is set." -Target $sqlinstance return } # Check the e-mail operator name if (($NetsendLevel -ge 1) -and (-not $NetsendOperator)) { Stop-Function -Message "Please set the netsend operator when the netsend level parameter is set." -Target $sqlinstance return } # Check the e-mail operator name if (($PageLevel -ge 1) -and (-not $PageOperator)) { Stop-Function -Message "Please set the page operator when the page level parameter is set." -Target $sqlinstance return } } process { if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return } foreach ($instance in $sqlinstance) { # Try connecting to the instance Write-Message -Message "Attempting to connect to $instance" -Level Verbose try { $server = Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } # Check if the job already exists if (-not $Force -and ($server.JobServer.Jobs.Name -contains $Job)) { Stop-Function -Message "Job $Job already exists on $instance" -Target $instance -Continue } elseif ($Force -and ($server.JobServer.Jobs.Name -contains $Job)) { Write-Message -Message "Job $Job already exists on $instance. Removing.." -Level Verbose if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($instance, "Removing the job the job $instance")) { try { Remove-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance $instance -Job $Job -Silent } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Couldn't remove job $Job from $instance" -Target $instance -Continue -InnerErrorRecord $_ } } } # Create the job object try { $currentjob = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.Job($server.JobServer, $Job) } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong creating the job. `n$($_.Exception.Message)" -Target $Job -Continue -InnerErrorRecord $_ } #region job options # Settings the options for the job if ($Disabled) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job to disabled" -Level Verbose $currentjob.IsEnabled = $false } else { Write-Message -Message "Setting job to enabled" -Level Verbose $currentjob.IsEnabled = $true } if ($Description.Length -ge 1) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job description" -Level Verbose $currentjob.Description = $Description } if ($StartStepId -ge 1) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job start step id" -Level Verbose $currentjob.StartStepID = $StartStepId } if ($Category.Length -ge 1) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job category" -Level Verbose $currentjob.Category = $Category } if ($CategoryId -ge 1) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job category id" -Level Verbose $currentjob.CategoryID = $CategoryId } if ($OwnerLogin.Length -ge 1) { # Check if the login name is present on the instance if ($server.Logins.Name -contains $OwnerLogin) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job owner login name to $OwnerLogin" -Level Verbose $currentjob.OwnerLoginName = $OwnerLogin } else { Stop-Function -Message "The owner $OwnerLogin does not exist on instance $instance" -Target $Job -Continue } } if ($EventLogLevel -ge 0) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job event log level" -Level Verbose $currentjob.EventLogLevel = $EventLogLevel } if ($EmailOperator) { if ($EmailLevel -ge 1) { # Check if the operator name is present if ($server.JobServer.Operators.Name -contains $EmailOperator) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job e-mail level" -Level Verbose $currentjob.EmailLevel = $EmailLevel Write-Message -Message "Setting job e-mail operator" -Level Verbose $currentjob.OperatorToEmail = $EmailOperator } else { Stop-Function -Message "The e-mail operator name $EmailOperator does not exist on instance $instance. Exiting.." -Target $Job -Continue } } else { Stop-Function -Message "Invalid combination of e-mail operator name $EmailOperator and email level $EmailLevel. Not setting the notification." -Target $Job -Continue } } if ($NetsendOperator) { if ($NetsendLevel -ge 1) { # Check if the operator name is present if ($server.JobServer.Operators.Name -contains $NetsendOperator) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job netsend level" -Level Verbose $currentjob.NetSendLevel = $NetsendLevel Write-Message -Message "Setting job netsend operator" -Level Verbose $currentjob.OperatorToNetSend = $NetsendOperator } else { Stop-Function -Message "The netsend operator name $NetsendOperator does not exist on instance $instance. Exiting.." -Target $Job -Continue } } else { Write-Message -Message "Invalid combination of netsend operator name $NetsendOperator and netsend level $NetsendLevel. Not setting the notification." } } if ($PageOperator) { if ($PageLevel -ge 1) { # Check if the operator name is present if ($server.JobServer.Operators.Name -contains $PageOperator) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job pager level" -Level Verbose $currentjob.PageLevel = $PageLevel Write-Message -Message "Setting job pager operator" -Level Verbose $currentjob.OperatorToPage = $PageOperator } else { Stop-Function -Message "The page operator name $PageOperator does not exist on instance $instance. Exiting.." -Target $Job -Continue } } else { Write-Message -Message "Invalid combination of page operator name $PageOperator and page level $PageLevel. Not setting the notification." -Level Warning } } if ($DeleteLevel -ge 0) { Write-Message -Message "Setting job delete level" -Level Verbose $currentjob.DeleteLevel = $DeleteLevel } #endregion job options # Execute if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($instance, "Creating the job on $instance")) { try { Write-Message -Message "Creating the job" -Level Verbose # Create the job $currentjob.Create() Write-Message -Message "Job created with UID $($currentjob.JobID)" -Level Verbose # Make sure the target is set for the job Write-Message -Message "Applying the target (local) to job $Job" -Level Verbose $currentjob.ApplyToTargetServer("(local)") # If a schedule needs to be attached if ($Schedule) { Set-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance $instance -Job $currentjob -Schedule $Schedule -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } if ($ScheduleId) { Set-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance $instance -Job $currentjob -ScheduleId $ScheduleId -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong creating the job. `n$($_.Exception.Message)" -Continue -InnerErrorRecord $_ } } # Return the job $currentjob } } end { Write-Message -Message "Finished creating job(s)." -Level Verbose } } |