using System;
using System.Management.Automation; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Connection; using Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Exceptions; using Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Utility; namespace Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Parameter { /// <summary> /// Input converter for instance information /// </summary> public class DbaInstanceParameter { #region Fields of contract /// <summary> /// Name of the computer as resolvable by DNS /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string ComputerName { get { // Pretend to be localhost for all non-sql functions if (_ComputerName == "(localdb)") return "localhost"; return _ComputerName; } } /// <summary> /// Name of the instance on the target server /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Optional)] public string InstanceName { get { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) return "MSSQLSERVER"; return _InstanceName; } } /// <summary> /// The port over which to connect to the server. Only present if non-default /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Optional)] public int Port { get { if (_Port == 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) return 1433; return _Port; } } /// <summary> /// The network protocol to connect over /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public SqlConnectionProtocol NetworkProtocol { get { return _NetworkProtocol; } } /// <summary> /// Verifies, whether the specified computer is localhost or not. /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public bool IsLocalHost { get { // Pretend to be localhost for all non-sql functions if (_ComputerName == "(localdb)") return true; return Utility.Validation.IsLocalhost(_ComputerName); } } /// <summary> /// Full name of the instance, including the server-name /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string FullName { get { string temp = _ComputerName; if (_Port > 0) { temp += (":" + _Port); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) { temp += ("\\" + _InstanceName); } return temp; } } /// <summary> /// Full name of the instance, including the server-name, used when connecting via SMO /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string FullSmoName { get { string temp = _ComputerName; if (_NetworkProtocol == SqlConnectionProtocol.NP) { temp = "NP:" + temp; } if (_NetworkProtocol == SqlConnectionProtocol.TCP) { temp = "TCP:" + temp; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName) && _Port > 0) { return String.Format(@"{0}\{1},{2}", temp, _InstanceName, _Port); } if (_Port > 0) { return temp + "," + _Port; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) { return temp + "\\" + _InstanceName; } return temp; } } /// <summary> /// Name of the computer as used in an SQL Statement /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string SqlComputerName { get { return "[" + _ComputerName + "]"; } } /// <summary> /// Name of the instance as used in an SQL Statement /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string SqlInstanceName { get { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) return "[MSSQLSERVER]"; return "[" + _InstanceName + "]"; } } /// <summary> /// Full name of the instance, including the server-name as used in an SQL statement /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public string SqlFullName { get { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_InstanceName)) { return "[" + _ComputerName + "]"; } return "[" + _ComputerName + "\\" + _InstanceName + "]"; } } /// <summary> /// Whether the input is a connection string /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public bool IsConnectionString { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// The original object passed to the parameter class. /// </summary> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Field, ParameterContractBehavior.Mandatory)] public object InputObject; #endregion Fields of contract private string _ComputerName; private string _InstanceName; private int _Port; private SqlConnectionProtocol _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.Any; #region Uncontracted properties /// <summary> /// What kind of object was bound to the parameter class? For efficiency's purposes. /// </summary> public DbaInstanceInputType Type { get { try { PSObject tempObject = new PSObject(InputObject); string typeName = tempObject.TypeNames[0].ToLower(); switch (typeName) { case "": return DbaInstanceInputType.Server; case "": return DbaInstanceInputType.Linked; case "": return DbaInstanceInputType.RegisteredServer; case "": return DbaInstanceInputType.SqlConnection; default: return DbaInstanceInputType.Default; } } catch { return DbaInstanceInputType.Default; } } } /// <summary> /// Returns, whether a live SMO object was bound for the purpose of accessing LinkedServer functionality /// </summary> public bool LinkedLive { get { return (((DbaInstanceInputType.Linked | DbaInstanceInputType.Server) & Type) != 0); } } /// <summary> /// Returns the available Linked Server objects from live objects only /// </summary> public object LinkedServer { get { switch (Type) { case DbaInstanceInputType.Linked: return InputObject; case DbaInstanceInputType.Server: PSObject tempObject = new PSObject(InputObject); return tempObject.Properties["LinkedServers"].Value; default: return null; } } } #endregion Uncontracted properties /// <summary> /// Converts the parameter class to its full name /// </summary> /// <param name="Input">The parameter class object to convert</param> [ParameterContract(ParameterContractType.Operator, ParameterContractBehavior.Conversion)] public static implicit operator string(DbaInstanceParameter Input) { return Input.FullName; } #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance Parameter from string /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">The name of the instance</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(string Name) { InputObject = Name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) throw new BloodyHellGiveMeSomethingToWorkWithException("Please provide an instance name", "DbaInstanceParameter"); if (Name == ".") { _ComputerName = Name; _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.NP; return; } string tempString = Name.Trim(); tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @"^\[(.*)\]$", "$1"); if (UtilityHost.IsLike(tempString, @".\*")) { _ComputerName = Name; _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.NP; string instanceName = tempString.Substring(2); if (!Utility.Validation.IsValidInstanceName(instanceName)) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Failed to interpret instance name: '{0}' is not a legal name!", instanceName)); _InstanceName = instanceName; return; } if (UtilityHost.IsLike(tempString, "*.WORKGROUP")) tempString = Regex.Replace(tempString, @"\.WORKGROUP$", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // Named Pipe path notation interpretation if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, @"^\\\\[^\\]+\\pipe\\([^\\]+\\){0,1}sql\\query$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { try { _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.NP; _ComputerName = Regex.Match(tempString, @"^\\\\([^\\]+)\\").Groups[1].Value; if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, @"\\MSSQL\$[^\\]+\\", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) _InstanceName = Regex.Match(tempString, @"\\MSSQL\$([^\\]+)\\", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups[1].Value; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Failed to interpret named pipe path notation: {0} | {1}", InputObject, e.Message), e); } return; } // Connection String interpretation try { System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(tempString); DbaInstanceParameter tempParam = new DbaInstanceParameter(connectionString.DataSource); _ComputerName = tempParam.ComputerName; if (tempParam.InstanceName != "MSSQLSERVER") { _InstanceName = tempParam.InstanceName; } if (tempParam.Port != 1433) { _Port = tempParam.Port; } _NetworkProtocol = tempParam.NetworkProtocol; if (UtilityHost.IsLike(tempString, @"(localdb)\*")) _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.NP; IsConnectionString = true; return; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { string name = "unknown"; try { name = ex.TargetSite.GetParameters()[0].Name; } catch { } if (name == "keyword") { throw; } } catch (FormatException) { throw; } catch { } // Handle and clear protocols. Otherwise it'd make port detection unneccessarily messy if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, "^TCP:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) //TODO: Use case insinsitive String.BeginsWith() { _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.TCP; tempString = tempString.Substring(4); } if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, "^NP:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) // TODO: Use case insinsitive String.BeginsWith() { _NetworkProtocol = SqlConnectionProtocol.NP; tempString = tempString.Substring(3); } // Case: Default instance | Instance by port if (tempString.Split('\\').Length == 1) { if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, @"[:,]\d{1,5}$") && !Regex.IsMatch(tempString, RegexHelper.IPv6) && ((tempString.Split(':').Length == 2) || (tempString.Split(',').Length == 2))) { char delimiter; if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, @"[:]\d{1,5}$")) delimiter = ':'; else delimiter = ','; try { Int32.TryParse(tempString.Split(delimiter)[1], out _Port); if (_Port > 65535) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + tempString); } tempString = tempString.Split(delimiter)[0]; } catch { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } } if (Utility.Validation.IsValidComputerTarget(tempString)) { _ComputerName = tempString; } else { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } } // Case: Named instance else if (tempString.Split('\\').Length == 2) { string tempComputerName = tempString.Split('\\')[0]; string tempInstanceName = tempString.Split('\\')[1]; if (Regex.IsMatch(tempComputerName, @"[:,]\d{1,5}$") && !Regex.IsMatch(tempComputerName, RegexHelper.IPv6)) { char delimiter; if (Regex.IsMatch(tempComputerName, @"[:]\d{1,5}$")) delimiter = ':'; else delimiter = ','; try { Int32.TryParse(tempComputerName.Split(delimiter)[1], out _Port); if (_Port > 65535) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } tempComputerName = tempComputerName.Split(delimiter)[0]; } catch { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } } else if (Regex.IsMatch(tempInstanceName, @"[:,]\d{1,5}$") && !Regex.IsMatch(tempInstanceName, RegexHelper.IPv6)) { char delimiter; if (Regex.IsMatch(tempString, @"[:]\d{1,5}$")) delimiter = ':'; else delimiter = ','; try { Int32.TryParse(tempInstanceName.Split(delimiter)[1], out _Port); if (_Port > 65535) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } tempInstanceName = tempInstanceName.Split(delimiter)[0]; } catch { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } } // LocalDBs mostly ignore regular Instance Name rules, so that validation is only relevant for regular connections if (UtilityHost.IsLike(tempComputerName, "(localdb)") || (Utility.Validation.IsValidComputerTarget(tempComputerName) && Utility.Validation.IsValidInstanceName(tempInstanceName, true))) { if (UtilityHost.IsLike(tempComputerName, "(localdb)")) _ComputerName = "(localdb)"; else _ComputerName = tempComputerName; if ((tempInstanceName.ToLower() != "default") && (tempInstanceName.ToLower() != "mssqlserver")) _InstanceName = tempInstanceName; } else { throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format("Failed to parse instance name: {0}. Computer Name: {1}, Instance {2}", Name, tempComputerName, tempInstanceName)); } } // Case: Bad input else { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse instance name: " + Name); } } /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance Parameter from an IPAddress /// </summary> /// <param name="Address"></param> public DbaInstanceParameter(IPAddress Address) { _ComputerName = Address.ToString(); InputObject = Address; } /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance Parameter from the reply to a ping /// </summary> /// <param name="Ping">The result of a ping</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(PingReply Ping) { _ComputerName = Ping.Address.ToString(); InputObject = Ping; } /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance Parameter from the result of a dns resolution /// </summary> /// <param name="Entry">The result of a dns resolution, to be used for targetting the default instance</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(IPHostEntry Entry) { _ComputerName = Entry.HostName; InputObject = Entry; } /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance Parameter from an established SQL Connection /// </summary> /// <param name="Connection">The connection to reuse</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection) { InputObject = Connection; DbaInstanceParameter tempParam = new DbaInstanceParameter(Connection.DataSource); _ComputerName = tempParam.ComputerName; if (tempParam.InstanceName != "MSSQLSERVER") { _InstanceName = tempParam.InstanceName; } if (tempParam.Port != 1433) { _Port = tempParam.Port; } _NetworkProtocol = tempParam.NetworkProtocol; } /// <summary> /// Accept and understand discovery reports. /// </summary> /// <param name="Report">The report to interpret</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(Discovery.DbaInstanceReport Report) : this(Report.SqlInstance) { InputObject = Report; } /// <summary> /// Creates a DBA Instance parameter from any object /// </summary> /// <param name="Input">Object to parse</param> public DbaInstanceParameter(object Input) { InputObject = Input; PSObject tempInput = new PSObject(Input); string typeName = ""; try { typeName = tempInput.TypeNames[0].ToLower(); } catch { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input); } typeName = typeName.Replace("Deserialized.", ""); switch (typeName) { case "": try { if (tempInput.Properties["ServerType"] != null && (string)tempInput.Properties["ServerType"].Value.ToString() == "SqlAzureDatabase") _ComputerName = (new DbaInstanceParameter((string)tempInput.Properties["Name"].Value)).ComputerName; else { if (tempInput.Properties["NetName"] != null) _ComputerName = (string)tempInput.Properties["NetName"].Value; else _ComputerName = (new DbaInstanceParameter((string)tempInput.Properties["DomainInstanceName"].Value)).ComputerName; } _InstanceName = (string)tempInput.Properties["InstanceName"].Value; PSObject tempObject = new PSObject(tempInput.Properties["ConnectionContext"].Value); string tempConnectionString = (string)tempObject.Properties["ConnectionString"].Value; tempConnectionString = tempConnectionString.Split(';')[0].Split('=')[1].Trim().Replace(" ", ""); if (Regex.IsMatch(tempConnectionString, @",\d{1,5}$") && (tempConnectionString.Split(',').Length == 2)) { try { Int32.TryParse(tempConnectionString.Split(',')[1], out _Port); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse port number on connection string: " + tempConnectionString, e); } if (_Port > 65535) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to parse port number on connection string: " + tempConnectionString); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input + " : " + e.Message, e); } break; case "": try { _ComputerName = (string)tempInput.Properties["Name"].Value; } catch (Exception e) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input, e); } break; case "": try { _ComputerName = (string)tempInput.Properties["Name"].Value; // We prefer using the dnshostname whenever possible if (tempInput.Properties["DNSHostName"].Value != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)tempInput.Properties["DNSHostName"].Value)) _ComputerName = (string)tempInput.Properties["DNSHostName"].Value; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input, e); } break; case "": try { //Pass the ServerName property of the SMO object to the string constrtuctor, //so we don't have to re-invent the wheel on instance name / port parsing DbaInstanceParameter parm = new DbaInstanceParameter((string) tempInput.Properties["ServerName"].Value); _ComputerName = parm.ComputerName; if (parm.InstanceName != "MSSQLSERVER") _InstanceName = parm.InstanceName; if (parm.Port != 1433) _Port = parm.Port; } catch (Exception e) { throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input, e); } break; default: throw new PSArgumentException("Failed to interpret input as Instance: " + Input); } } #endregion Constructors /// <summary> /// Overrides the regular tostring to show something pleasant and useful /// </summary> /// <returns>The full SMO name</returns> public override string ToString() { return FullSmoName; } } } |