$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$commandname Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { <# Context "Properly restores a database on the local drive using Path" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory C:\temp\backups It "Should return a database name, specifically master" { ($results.DatabaseName -contains 'master') | Should -Be $true } It "Should return successful restore" { $results.ForEach{ $_.BackupComplete | Should -Be $true } } } #> BeforeAll { $DestBackupDir = 'C:\Temp\backups' $random = Get-Random $DestDbRandom = "dbatools_ci_backupdbadatabase$random" if (-Not(Test-Path $DestBackupDir)) { New-Item -Type Container -Path $DestBackupDir } Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database "dbatoolsci_singlerestore" | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database $DestDbRandom | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false } AfterAll { Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database "dbatoolsci_singlerestore" | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database $DestDbRandom | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false if (Test-Path $DestBackupDir) { Remove-Item "$DestBackupDir\*" -Force -Recurse } } Context "Should not backup if database and exclude match" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -Database master -Exclude master It "Should not return object" { $results | Should -Be $null } } Context "Database should backup 1 database" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -Database master It "Database backup object count Should Be 1" { $results.DatabaseName.Count | Should -Be 1 $results.BackupComplete | Should -Be $true } } Context "Database should backup 2 databases" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -Database master, msdb It "Database backup object count Should Be 2" { $results.DatabaseName.Count | Should -Be 2 $results.BackupComplete | Should -Be @($true, $true) } } Context "Should take path and filename" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -Database master -BackupFileName 'PesterTest.bak' It "Should report it has backed up to the path with the correct name"{ $results.Fullname | Should -BeLike "$DestBackupDir*PesterTest.bak" } It "Should have backed up to the path with the correct name"{ Test-Path "$DestBackupDir\PesterTest.bak" | Should -Be $true } } Context "Handling backup paths that don't exist" { $MissingPathTrailing = "$DestBackupDir\Missing1\Awol2\" $MissingPath = "$DestBackupDir\Missing1\Awol2" $null = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $MissingPath -WarningVariable warnvar *>$null It "Should warn and fail if path doesn't exist and BuildPath not set" { $warnvar | Should -BeLike "*$MissingPath*" } # $MissingPathTrailing has a trailing slash but we normalize the path before doing the actual backup $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $MissingPathTrailing -WarningVariable warnvar -BuildPath It "Should have backed up to $MissingPath" { $results.BackupFolder | Should -Be "$MissingPath" $results.Path | Should -Not -BeLike '*\\*' } } Context "CreateFolder switch should append the databasename to the backup path" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -CreateFolder It "Should have appended master to the backup path" { $results.BackupFolder | Should -Be "$DestBackupDir\master" } } Context "CreateFolder switch should append the databasename to the backup path even when striping" { $backupPaths = "$DestBackupDir\stripewithdb1", "$DestBackupDir\stripewithdb2" $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $backupPaths -CreateFolder It "Should have appended master to all backup paths" { foreach($path in $results.BackupFolder) { ($results.BackupFolder | Sort-Object) | Should -Be ($backupPaths | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { [IO.Path]::Combine($_, 'master') }) } } } Context "A fully qualified path should override a backupfolder" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory c:\temp -BackupFileName "$DestBackupDir\PesterTest2.bak" It "Should report backed up to $DestBackupDir" { $results.FullName | Should -BeLike "$DestBackupDir\PesterTest2.bak" $results.BackupFolder | Should Not Be 'c:\temp' } It "Should have backuped up to $DestBackupDir\PesterTest2.bak" { Test-Path "$DestBackupDir\PesterTest2.bak" | Should -Be $true } } Context "Should stripe if multiple backupfolders specified" { $backupPaths = "$DestBackupDir\stripe1", "$DestBackupDir\stripe2", "$DestBackupDir\stripe3" $null = New-item -Path $backupPaths -ItemType Directory $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $backupPaths It "Should have created 3 backups" { $results.BackupFilesCount | Should -Be 3 } It "Should have written to all 3 folders" { $backupPaths | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should -BeIn ($results.BackupFolder) } } It "Should have written files with extensions" { foreach($path in $results.BackupFile) { [IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) | Should -Be '.bak' } } # Assure that striping logic favours -BackupDirectory and not -Filecount $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $backupPaths -FileCount 2 It "Should have created 3 backups, even when FileCount is different" { $results.BackupFilesCount | Should -Be 3 } } Context "Should stripe on filecount > 1" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -FileCount 3 It "Should have created 3 backups" { $results.BackupFilesCount | Should -Be 3 } } It "Should have 1 period in file extension" { foreach($path in $results.BackupFile) { [IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) | Should -Not -BeLike '*..*' } } Context "Should Backup to default path if none specified" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupFileName 'PesterTest.bak' $DefaultPath = (Get-DbaDefaultPath -SqlInstance $script:instance1).Backup It "Should report it has backed up to the path with the corrrect name"{ $results.Fullname | Should -BeLike "$DefaultPath*PesterTest.bak" } It "Should have backed up to the path with the corrrect name"{ Test-Path "$DefaultPath\PesterTest.bak" | Should -Be $true } } Context "Backup can pipe to restore" { $null = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlServer $script:instance1 -Path $script:appveyorlabrepo\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak -DatabaseName "dbatoolsci_singlerestore" $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -BackupDirectory $DestBackupDir -Database "dbatoolsci_singlerestore" | Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -DatabaseName $DestDbRandom -TrustDbBackupHistory -ReplaceDbNameInFile It "Should return successful restore" { $results.RestoreComplete | Should -Be $true } } Context "Should handle NUL as an input path" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupFileName NUL It "Should return succesful backup" { $results.BackupComplete | Should -Be $true } It "Should have backed up to NUL:" { $results.FullName[0] | Should -Be 'NUL:' } } Context "Should only output a T-SQL String if OutputScriptOnly specified" { $results = Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database master -BackupFileName c:\notexists\file.bak -OutputScriptOnly It "Should return a string" { $results.GetType().ToString() | Should -Be 'System.String' } it "Should return BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N'c:\notexists\file.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NOSKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 1" { $results | Should -Be "BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N'c:\notexists\file.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NOSKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 1" } } } |