$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' { Context "Validate parameters" { $paramCount = 3 $defaultParamCount = 11 [object[]]$params = (Get-ChildItem function:\Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc).Parameters.Keys $knownParameters = 'SqlInstance', 'SqlCredential', 'EnableException' It "Should contain our specific parameters" { ( (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $knownParameters -DifferenceObject $params -IncludeEqual | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq "==").Count ) | Should Be $paramCount } It "Should only contain $paramCount parameters" { $params.Count - $defaultParamCount | Should Be $paramCount } } } Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { Context "Command actually works" { $results = Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc -SqlInstance $script:instance2 It "Should return result for the server" { $results | Should Not Be Null } It "Should return 'CurrentOptimizeAdHoc' property as int" { $results.CurrentOptimizeAdHoc | Should BeOfType System.Int32 } It "Should return 'RecommendedOptimizeAdHoc' property as int" { $results.RecommendedOptimizeAdHoc | Should BeOfType System.Int32 } } Context "Fails gracefully" { It "Should throw on an invalid Connection" { Mock -ModuleName 'dbatools' Connect-SqlInstance { throw } {Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc -ComputerName 'MadeUpServer' -EnableException } | Should Throw } } } |