function Get-DbaWaitingTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays waiting task. .DESCRIPTION This command is based on waiting task T-SQL script published by Paul Randal. Reference: .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server instance. Server version must be SQL Server version XXXX or higher. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins instead of Windows Authentication (AKA Integrated or Trusted). To use: $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SqlCredential parameter. Windows Authentication will be used if SqlCredential is not specified. SQL Server does not accept Windows credentials being passed as credentials. To connect as a different Windows user, run PowerShell as that user. .PARAMETER Spid Find the waiting task of one or more specific process ids .PARAMETER IncludeSystemSpid If this switch is enabled, the output will include the system sessions. .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .NOTES Tags: Waits,Task,WaitTask Author: Shawn Melton (@wsmelton) Website: Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire, License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-DbaWaitingTask -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a Returns the waiting task for all sessions on sqlserver2014a .EXAMPLE Get-DbaWaitingTask -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -IncludeSystemSpid Returns the waiting task for all sessions (user and system) on sqlserver2014a #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer", "SqlServers")] [DbaInstance[]]$SqlInstance, [PSCredential]$SqlCredential, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [object[]]$Spid, [switch]$IncludeSystemSpid, [Alias('Silent')] [switch]$EnableException ) begin { $sql = " SELECT [owt].[session_id] AS [Spid], [owt].[exec_context_id] AS [Thread], [ot].[scheduler_id] AS [Scheduler], [owt].[wait_duration_ms] AS [WaitMs], [owt].[wait_type] AS [WaitType], [owt].[blocking_session_id] AS [BlockingSpid], [owt].[resource_description] AS [ResourceDesc], CASE [owt].[wait_type] WHEN N'CXPACKET' THEN RIGHT ([owt].[resource_description], CHARINDEX (N'=', REVERSE ([owt].[resource_description])) - 1) ELSE NULL END AS [NodeId], [eqmg].[dop] AS [Dop], [er].[database_id] AS [DbId], [est].text AS [SqlText], [eqp].[query_plan] AS [QueryPlan], CAST ('' + [owt].[wait_type] as XML) AS [URL] FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks [owt] INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_tasks [ot] ON [owt].[waiting_task_address] = [ot].[task_address] INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions [es] ON [owt].[session_id] = [es].[session_id] INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests [er] ON [es].[session_id] = [er].[session_id] FULL JOIN sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants [eqmg] ON [owt].[session_id] = [eqmg].[session_id] OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text ([er].[sql_handle]) [est] OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan ([er].[plan_handle]) [eqp] WHERE [es].[is_user_process] = $(if (Test-Bound 'IncludeSystemSpid') {0} else {1}) ORDER BY [owt].[session_id], [owt].[exec_context_id] OPTION(RECOMPILE);" } process { foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Attempting to connect to $instance" try { $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -MinimumVersion 9 } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue } $results = $server.Query($sql) foreach ($row in $results) { if (Test-Bound 'Spid') { if ($row.Spid -notin $Spid) { continue } } [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $server.NetName InstanceName = $server.ServiceName SqlInstance = $server.DomainInstanceName Spid = $row.Spid Thread = $row.Thread Scheduler = $row.Scheduler WaitMs = $row.WaitMs WaitType = $row.WaitType BlockingSpid = $row.BlockingSpid ResourceDesc = $row.ResourceDesc NodeId = $row.NodeId Dop = $row.Dop DbId = $row.DbId SqlText = $row.SqlText QueryPlan = $row.QueryPlan InfoUrl = $row.InfoUrl } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty 'SqlText', 'QueryPlan', 'InfoUrl' } } } } |