function Get-DbaHelpIndex { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns size, row and configuration information for indexes in databases. .DESCRIPTION This function will return detailed information on indexes (and optionally statistics) for all indexes in a database, or a given index should one be passed along. As this uses SQL Server DMVs to access the data it will only work in 2005 and up (sorry folks still running SQL Server 2000). For performance reasons certain statistics information will not be returned from SQL Server 2005 if an ObjectName is not provided. The data includes: - ObjectName: the table containing the index - IndexType: clustered/non-clustered/columnstore and whether the index is unique/primary key - KeyColumns: the key columns of the index - IncludeColumns: any include columns in the index - FilterDefinition: any filter that may have been used in the index - DataCompression: row/page/none depending upon whether or not compression has been used - IndexReads: the number of reads of the index since last restart or index rebuild - IndexUpdates: the number of writes to the index since last restart or index rebuild - SizeKB: the size the index in KB - IndexRows: the number of the rows in the index (note filtered indexes will have fewer rows than exist in the table) - IndexLookups: the number of lookups that have been performed (only applicable for the heap or clustered index) - MostRecentlyUsed: when the index was most recently queried (default to 1900 for when never read) - StatsSampleRows: the number of rows queried when the statistics were built/rebuilt (not included in SQL Server 2005 unless ObjectName is specified) - StatsRowMods: the number of changes to the statistics since the last rebuild - HistogramSteps: the number of steps in the statistics histogram (not included in SQL Server 2005 unless ObjectName is specified) - StatsLastUpdated: when the statistics were last rebuilt (not included in SQL Server 2005 unless ObjectName is specified) .PARAMETER SqlInstance SQL Server name or SMO object representing the SQL Server to connect to. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins as opposed to Windows Auth/Integrated/Trusted. To use: $cred = Get-Credential, then pass $cred variable to this parameter. Windows Authentication will be used when SqlCredential is not specified. To connect as a different Windows use .PARAMETER Database The database(s) to process. This list is auto-populated from the server. If unspecified, all databases will be processed. .PARAMETER ExcludeDatabase The database(s) to exclude. This list is auto-populated from the server. .PARAMETER ObjectName The name of a table for which you want to obtain the index information. If the two part naming convention for an object is not used it will use the default schema for the executing user. If not passed it will return data on all indexes in a given database. .PARAMETER IncludeStats If this switch is enabled, statistics as well as indexes will be returned in the output (statistics information such as the StatsRowMods will always be returned for indexes). .PARAMETER IncludeDataTypes If this switch is enabled, the output will include the data type of each column that makes up a part of the index definition (key and include columns). .PARAMETER Raw If this switch is enabled, results may be less user-readable but more suitable for processing by other code. .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .NOTES Tags: Indexes Author: Nic Cain, Website: Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire, License: MIT .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB Returns information on all indexes on the MyDB database on the localhost. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB,MyDB2 Returns information on all indexes on the MyDB & MyDB2 databases. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB -ObjectName dbo.Table1 Returns index information on the object dbo.Table1 in the database MyDB. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB -ObjectName dbo.Table1 -IncludeStats Returns information on the indexes and statistics for the table dbo.Table1 in the MyDB database. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB -ObjectName dbo.Table1 -IncludeDataTypes Returns the index information for the table dbo.Table1 in the MyDB database, and includes the data types for the key and include columns. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB -ObjectName dbo.Table1 -Raw Returns the index information for the table dbo.Table1 in the MyDB database, and returns the numerical data without localized separators. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaHelpIndex -SqlInstance localhost -Database MyDB -IncludeStats -Raw Returns the index information for all indexes in the MyDB database as well as their statistics, and formats the numerical data without localized separators. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter[]]$SqlInstance, [Alias("Credential")] [PSCredential] $SqlCredential, [Alias("Databases")] [object[]]$Database, [object[]]$ExcludeDatabase, [string]$ObjectName, [switch]$IncludeStats, [switch]$IncludeDataTypes, [switch]$Raw, [switch][Alias('Silent')]$EnableException ) begin { #Add the table predicate to the query if (!$ObjectName) { $TablePredicate = "DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(256);"; } else { $TablePredicate = "DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(256); SET @TableName = '$ObjectName';"; } #Figure out if we are including stats in the results if ($IncludeStats) { $IncludeStatsPredicate = ""; } else { $IncludeStatsPredicate = "WHERE IndexType != 'STATISTICS'"; } #Data types being returns with the results? if ($IncludeDataTypes) { $IncludeDataTypesPredicate = 'DECLARE @IncludeDataTypes BIT; SET @IncludeDataTypes = 1'; } else { $IncludeDataTypesPredicate = 'DECLARE @IncludeDataTypes BIT; SET @IncludeDataTypes = 0'; } #region SizesQuery $SizesQuery = " SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; $TablePredicate $IncludeDataTypesPredicate ; DECLARE @IndexUsageStats TABLE ( object_id INT , index_id INT , user_scans BIGINT , user_seeks BIGINT , user_updates BIGINT , user_lookups BIGINT , last_user_lookup DATETIME2(0) , last_user_scan DATETIME2(0) , last_user_seek DATETIME2(0) ); DECLARE @StatsInfo TABLE ( object_id INT , stats_id INT , stats_column_name NVARCHAR(128) , stats_column_id INT , stats_name NVARCHAR(128) , stats_last_updated DATETIME2(0) , stats_sampled_rows BIGINT , rowmods BIGINT , histogramsteps INT , StatsRows BIGINT , FullObjectName NVARCHAR(256) ); INSERT INTO @IndexUsageStats ( object_id , index_id , user_scans , user_seeks , user_updates , user_lookups , last_user_lookup , last_user_scan , last_user_seek ) SELECT object_id , index_id , user_scans , user_seeks , user_updates , user_lookups , last_user_lookup , last_user_scan , last_user_seek FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats WHERE database_id = DB_ID(); INSERT INTO @StatsInfo ( object_id , stats_id , stats_column_name , stats_column_id , stats_name , stats_last_updated , stats_sampled_rows , rowmods , histogramsteps , StatsRows , FullObjectName ) SELECT s.object_id , s.stats_id , , sc.stats_column_id , , sp.last_updated , sp.rows_sampled , sp.modification_counter , sp.steps , sp.rows , QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName FROM [sys].[stats] AS [s] INNER JOIN sys.stats_columns sc ON s.stats_id = sc.stats_id AND s.object_id = sc.object_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = sc.object_id AND c.column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = t.schema_id OUTER APPLY sys.dm_db_stats_properties([s].[object_id], [s].[stats_id]) AS [sp] WHERE s.object_id = CASE WHEN @TableName IS NULL THEN s.object_id else OBJECT_ID(@TableName) END; ; WITH cteStatsInfo AS ( SELECT object_id , si.stats_id , si.stats_name , STUFF((SELECT N', ' + stats_column_name FROM @StatsInfo si2 WHERE si2.object_id = si.object_id AND si2.stats_id = si.stats_id ORDER BY si2.stats_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N'') AS StatsColumns , MAX(si.stats_sampled_rows) AS SampleRows , MAX(si.rowmods) AS RowMods , MAX(si.histogramsteps) AS HistogramSteps , MAX(si.stats_last_updated) AS StatsLastUpdated , MAX(si.StatsRows) AS StatsRows, FullObjectName FROM @StatsInfo si GROUP BY si.object_id , si.stats_id , si.stats_name , si.FullObjectName ), cteIndexSizes AS ( SELECT object_id , index_id , CASE WHEN index_id < 2 THEN ( ( SUM(in_row_data_page_count + lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count) * 8192 ) / 1024 ) else ( ( SUM(used_page_count) * 8192 ) / 1024 ) END AS SizeKB FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats GROUP BY object_id , index_id ), cteRows AS ( SELECT object_id , index_id , SUM(rows) AS IndexRows FROM sys.partitions GROUP BY object_id , index_id ), cteIndex AS ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id) AS ObjectName , c.object_id , c.index_id , COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS AS name , c.index_column_id , c.column_id , c.is_included_column , CASE WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 0 AND c.is_descending_key = 1 THEN + ' DESC' WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 0 AND c.is_descending_key = 0 THEN WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 1 AND c.is_descending_key = 1 AND c.is_included_column = 0 THEN + ' DESC (' + + ') ' WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 1 AND c.is_descending_key = 0 AND c.is_included_column = 0 THEN + ' (' + + ')' else END AS ColumnName , i.filter_definition , ISNULL(dd.user_scans, 0) AS user_scans , ISNULL(dd.user_seeks, 0) AS user_seeks , ISNULL(dd.user_updates, 0) AS user_updates , ISNULL(dd.user_lookups, 0) AS user_lookups , CONVERT(DATETIME2(0), ISNULL(dd.last_user_lookup, '1901-01-01')) AS LastLookup , CONVERT(DATETIME2(0), ISNULL(dd.last_user_scan, '1901-01-01')) AS LastScan , CONVERT(DATETIME2(0), ISNULL(dd.last_user_seek, '1901-01-01')) AS LastSeek , i.fill_factor , c.is_descending_key , p.data_compression_desc , i.type_desc , i.is_unique , i.is_unique_constraint , i.is_primary_key , ci.SizeKB , cr.IndexRows , QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName FROM sys.indexes i JOIN sys.index_columns c ON i.object_id = c.object_id AND i.index_id = c.index_id JOIN sys.columns sc ON c.object_id = sc.object_id AND c.column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl ON c.object_id = tbl.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = tbl.schema_id LEFT JOIN sys.types t ON sc.user_type_id = t.user_type_id LEFT JOIN @IndexUsageStats dd ON i.object_id = dd.object_id AND i.index_id = dd.index_id --and dd.database_id = db_id() JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id JOIN cteIndexSizes ci ON i.object_id = ci.object_id AND i.index_id = ci.index_id JOIN cteRows cr ON i.object_id = cr.object_id AND i.index_id = cr.index_id WHERE i.object_id = CASE WHEN @TableName IS NULL THEN i.object_id else OBJECT_ID(@TableName) END ), cteResults AS ( SELECT ci.FullObjectName , ci.object_id , MAX(index_id) AS Index_Id , ci.type_desc + CASE WHEN ci.is_primary_key = 1 THEN ' (PRIMARY KEY)' WHEN ci.is_unique_constraint = 1 THEN ' (UNIQUE CONSTRAINT)' WHEN ci.is_unique = 1 THEN ' (UNIQUE)' else '' END AS IndexType , name AS IndexName , STUFF((SELECT N', ' + ColumnName FROM cteIndex ci2 WHERE = AND ci2.is_included_column = 0 GROUP BY ci2.index_column_id , ci2.ColumnName ORDER BY ci2.index_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N'') AS KeyColumns , ISNULL(STUFF((SELECT N', ' + ColumnName FROM cteIndex ci3 WHERE = AND ci3.is_included_column = 1 GROUP BY ci3.index_column_id , ci3.ColumnName ORDER BY ci3.index_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N''), '') AS IncludeColumns , ISNULL(filter_definition, '') AS FilterDefinition , ci.fill_factor , CASE WHEN ci.data_compression_desc = 'NONE' THEN '' else ci.data_compression_desc END AS DataCompression , MAX(ci.user_seeks) + MAX(ci.user_scans) + MAX(ci.user_lookups) AS IndexReads , MAX(ci.user_lookups) AS IndexLookups , ci.user_updates AS IndexUpdates , ci.SizeKB AS SizeKB , ci.IndexRows AS IndexRows , CASE WHEN LastScan > LastSeek AND LastScan > LastLookup THEN LastScan WHEN LastSeek > LastScan AND LastSeek > LastLookup THEN LastSeek WHEN LastLookup > LastScan AND LastLookup > LastSeek THEN LastLookup else '' END AS MostRecentlyUsed FROM cteIndex ci GROUP BY ci.ObjectName , , ci.filter_definition , ci.object_id , ci.LastLookup , ci.LastSeek , ci.LastScan , ci.user_updates , ci.fill_factor , ci.data_compression_desc , ci.type_desc , ci.is_primary_key , ci.is_unique , ci.is_unique_constraint , ci.SizeKB , ci.IndexRows , ci.FullObjectName ), AllResults AS ( SELECT c.FullObjectName , ISNULL(IndexType, 'STATISTICS') AS IndexType , ISNULL(IndexName, si.stats_name) AS IndexName , ISNULL(KeyColumns, si.StatsColumns) AS KeyColumns , ISNULL(IncludeColumns, '') AS IncludeColumns , FilterDefinition , fill_factor AS [FillFactor] , DataCompression , IndexReads , IndexUpdates , SizeKB , IndexRows , IndexLookups , MostRecentlyUsed , SampleRows AS StatsSampleRows , RowMods AS StatsRowMods , si.HistogramSteps , si.StatsLastUpdated , 1 AS Ordering FROM cteResults c INNER JOIN cteStatsInfo si ON si.object_id = c.object_id AND si.stats_id = c.Index_Id UNION SELECT QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName , 'STATISTICS' , stats_name , StatsColumns , '' , '' AS FilterDefinition , '' AS Fill_Factor , '' AS DataCompression , '' AS IndexReads , '' AS IndexUpdates , '' AS SizeKB , StatsRows AS IndexRows , '' AS IndexLookups , '' AS MostRecentlyUsed , SampleRows AS StatsSampleRows , RowMods AS StatsRowMods , csi.HistogramSteps , csi.StatsLastUpdated , 2 FROM cteStatsInfo csi INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl ON csi.object_id = tbl.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = tbl.schema_id WHERE stats_id NOT IN ( SELECT stats_id FROM cteResults c INNER JOIN cteStatsInfo si ON si.object_id = c.object_id AND si.stats_id = c.Index_Id ) ) SELECT FullObjectName , ISNULL(IndexType, 'STATISTICS') AS IndexType , IndexName , KeyColumns , ISNULL(IncludeColumns, '') AS IncludeColumns , FilterDefinition , [FillFactor] AS [FillFactor] , DataCompression , IndexReads , IndexUpdates , SizeKB , IndexRows , IndexLookups , MostRecentlyUsed , StatsSampleRows , StatsRowMods , HistogramSteps , StatsLastUpdated FROM AllResults $IncludeStatsPredicate OPTION ( RECOMPILE ); " #endRegion SizesQuery #region sizesQuery2005 $SizesQuery2005 = " SET NOCOUNT ON; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; $TablePredicate $IncludeDataTypesPredicate ; DECLARE @AllResults TABLE ( RowNum INT , FullObjectName NVARCHAR(300) , IndexType NVARCHAR(256) , IndexName NVARCHAR(256) , KeyColumns NVARCHAR(2000) , IncludeColumns NVARCHAR(2000) , FilterDefinition NVARCHAR(100) , [FillFactor] TINYINT , DataCompression CHAR(4) , IndexReads BIGINT , IndexUpdates BIGINT , SizeKB BIGINT , IndexRows BIGINT , IndexLookups BIGINT , MostRecentlyUsed DATETIME , StatsSampleRows BIGINT , StatsRowMods BIGINT , HistogramSteps INT , StatsLastUpdated DATETIME , object_id BIGINT , index_id BIGINT ); DECLARE @IndexUsageStats TABLE ( object_id INT , index_id INT , user_scans BIGINT , user_seeks BIGINT , user_updates BIGINT , user_lookups BIGINT , last_user_lookup DATETIME , last_user_scan DATETIME , last_user_seek DATETIME ); DECLARE @StatsInfo TABLE ( object_id INT , stats_id INT , stats_column_name NVARCHAR(128) , stats_column_id INT , stats_name NVARCHAR(128) , stats_last_updated DATETIME , stats_sampled_rows BIGINT , rowmods BIGINT , histogramsteps INT , StatsRows BIGINT , FullObjectName NVARCHAR(256) ); INSERT INTO @IndexUsageStats ( object_id , index_id , user_scans , user_seeks , user_updates , user_lookups , last_user_lookup , last_user_scan , last_user_seek ) SELECT object_id , index_id , user_scans , user_seeks , user_updates , user_lookups , last_user_lookup , last_user_scan , last_user_seek FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats WHERE database_id = DB_ID(); INSERT INTO @StatsInfo ( object_id , stats_id , stats_column_name , stats_column_id , stats_name , stats_last_updated , stats_sampled_rows , rowmods , histogramsteps , StatsRows , FullObjectName ) SELECT s.object_id , s.stats_id , , sc.stats_column_id , , NULL AS last_updated , NULL AS rows_sampled , NULL AS modification_counter , NULL AS steps , NULL AS rows , QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName FROM [sys].[stats] AS [s] INNER JOIN sys.stats_columns sc ON s.stats_id = sc.stats_id AND s.object_id = sc.object_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = sc.object_id AND c.column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = t.schema_id -- OUTER APPLY sys.dm_db_stats_properties([s].[object_id], -- [s].[stats_id]) AS [sp] WHERE s.object_id = CASE WHEN @TableName IS NULL THEN s.object_id else OBJECT_ID(@TableName) END; ; WITH cteStatsInfo AS ( SELECT object_id , si.stats_id , si.stats_name , STUFF((SELECT N', ' + stats_column_name FROM @StatsInfo si2 WHERE si2.object_id = si.object_id AND si2.stats_id = si.stats_id ORDER BY si2.stats_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N'') AS StatsColumns , MAX(si.stats_sampled_rows) AS SampleRows , MAX(si.rowmods) AS RowMods , MAX(si.histogramsteps) AS HistogramSteps , MAX(si.stats_last_updated) AS StatsLastUpdated , MAX(si.StatsRows) AS StatsRows, FullObjectName FROM @StatsInfo si GROUP BY si.object_id , si.stats_id , si.stats_name , si.FullObjectName ), cteIndexSizes AS ( SELECT object_id , index_id , CASE WHEN index_id < 2 THEN ( ( SUM(in_row_data_page_count + lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count) * 8192 ) / 1024 ) else ( ( SUM(used_page_count) * 8192 ) / 1024 ) END AS SizeKB FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats GROUP BY object_id , index_id ), cteRows AS ( SELECT object_id , index_id , SUM(rows) AS IndexRows FROM sys.partitions GROUP BY object_id , index_id ), cteIndex AS ( SELECT OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id) AS ObjectName , c.object_id , c.index_id , COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS AS name , c.index_column_id , c.column_id , c.is_included_column , CASE WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 0 AND c.is_descending_key = 1 THEN + ' DESC' WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 0 AND c.is_descending_key = 0 THEN WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 1 AND c.is_descending_key = 1 AND c.is_included_column = 0 THEN + ' DESC (' + + ') ' WHEN @IncludeDataTypes = 1 AND c.is_descending_key = 0 AND c.is_included_column = 0 THEN + ' (' + + ')' else END AS ColumnName , '' AS filter_definition , ISNULL(dd.user_scans, 0) AS user_scans , ISNULL(dd.user_seeks, 0) AS user_seeks , ISNULL(dd.user_updates, 0) AS user_updates , ISNULL(dd.user_lookups, 0) AS user_lookups , CONVERT(DATETIME, ISNULL(dd.last_user_lookup, '1901-01-01')) AS LastLookup , CONVERT(DATETIME, ISNULL(dd.last_user_scan, '1901-01-01')) AS LastScan , CONVERT(DATETIME, ISNULL(dd.last_user_seek, '1901-01-01')) AS LastSeek , i.fill_factor , c.is_descending_key , 'NONE' as data_compression_desc , i.type_desc , i.is_unique , i.is_unique_constraint , i.is_primary_key , ci.SizeKB , cr.IndexRows , QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName FROM sys.indexes i JOIN sys.index_columns c ON i.object_id = c.object_id AND i.index_id = c.index_id JOIN sys.columns sc ON c.object_id = sc.object_id AND c.column_id = sc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl ON c.object_id = tbl.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = tbl.schema_id LEFT JOIN sys.types t ON sc.user_type_id = t.user_type_id LEFT JOIN @IndexUsageStats dd ON i.object_id = dd.object_id AND i.index_id = dd.index_id --and dd.database_id = db_id() JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id JOIN cteIndexSizes ci ON i.object_id = ci.object_id AND i.index_id = ci.index_id JOIN cteRows cr ON i.object_id = cr.object_id AND i.index_id = cr.index_id WHERE i.object_id = CASE WHEN @TableName IS NULL THEN i.object_id else OBJECT_ID(@TableName) END ), cteResults AS ( SELECT ci.FullObjectName , ci.object_id , MAX(index_id) AS Index_Id , ci.type_desc + CASE WHEN ci.is_primary_key = 1 THEN ' (PRIMARY KEY)' WHEN ci.is_unique_constraint = 1 THEN ' (UNIQUE CONSTRAINT)' WHEN ci.is_unique = 1 THEN ' (UNIQUE)' else '' END AS IndexType , name AS IndexName , STUFF((SELECT N', ' + ColumnName FROM cteIndex ci2 WHERE = AND ci2.is_included_column = 0 GROUP BY ci2.index_column_id , ci2.ColumnName ORDER BY ci2.index_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N'') AS KeyColumns , ISNULL(STUFF((SELECT N', ' + ColumnName FROM cteIndex ci3 WHERE = AND ci3.is_included_column = 1 GROUP BY ci3.index_column_id , ci3.ColumnName ORDER BY ci3.index_column_id FOR XML PATH(N'') , TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(1000)'), 1, 2, N''), '') AS IncludeColumns , ISNULL(filter_definition, '') AS FilterDefinition , ci.fill_factor , CASE WHEN ci.data_compression_desc = 'NONE' THEN '' else ci.data_compression_desc END AS DataCompression , MAX(ci.user_seeks) + MAX(ci.user_scans) + MAX(ci.user_lookups) AS IndexReads , MAX(ci.user_lookups) AS IndexLookups , ci.user_updates AS IndexUpdates , ci.SizeKB AS SizeKB , ci.IndexRows AS IndexRows , CASE WHEN LastScan > LastSeek AND LastScan > LastLookup THEN LastScan WHEN LastSeek > LastScan AND LastSeek > LastLookup THEN LastSeek WHEN LastLookup > LastScan AND LastLookup > LastSeek THEN LastLookup else '' END AS MostRecentlyUsed FROM cteIndex ci GROUP BY ci.ObjectName , , ci.filter_definition , ci.object_id , ci.LastLookup , ci.LastSeek , ci.LastScan , ci.user_updates , ci.fill_factor , ci.data_compression_desc , ci.type_desc , ci.is_primary_key , ci.is_unique , ci.is_unique_constraint , ci.SizeKB , ci.IndexRows , ci.FullObjectName ), AllResults AS ( SELECT c.FullObjectName , ISNULL(IndexType, 'STATISTICS') AS IndexType , ISNULL(IndexName, '') AS IndexName , ISNULL(KeyColumns, '') AS KeyColumns , ISNULL(IncludeColumns, '') AS IncludeColumns , FilterDefinition , fill_factor AS [FillFactor] , DataCompression , IndexReads , IndexUpdates , SizeKB , IndexRows , IndexLookups , MostRecentlyUsed , NULL AS StatsSampleRows , NULL AS StatsRowMods , NULL AS HistogramSteps , NULL AS StatsLastUpdated , 1 AS Ordering , c.object_id , c.Index_Id FROM cteResults c INNER JOIN cteStatsInfo si ON si.object_id = c.object_id AND si.stats_id = c.Index_Id UNION SELECT QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME( AS FullObjectName , 'STATISTICS' , stats_name , StatsColumns , '' , '' AS FilterDefinition , '' AS Fill_Factor , '' AS DataCompression , '' AS IndexReads , '' AS IndexUpdates , '' AS SizeKB , StatsRows AS IndexRows , '' AS IndexLookups , '' AS MostRecentlyUsed , SampleRows AS StatsSampleRows , RowMods AS StatsRowMods , csi.HistogramSteps , csi.StatsLastUpdated , 2 , csi.object_id , csi.stats_id FROM cteStatsInfo csi INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl ON csi.object_id = tbl.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON sch.schema_id = tbl.schema_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT si.object_id, si.stats_id FROM cteResults c INNER JOIN cteStatsInfo si ON si.object_id = c.object_id AND si.stats_id = c.Index_Id ) AS x on csi.object_id = x.object_id and csi.stats_id = x.stats_id WHERE x.object_id is null ) INSERT INTO @AllResults SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY FullObjectName) AS RowNum , FullObjectName , ISNULL(IndexType, 'STATISTICS') AS IndexType , IndexName , KeyColumns , ISNULL(IncludeColumns, '') AS IncludeColumns , FilterDefinition , [FillFactor] AS [FillFactor] , DataCompression , IndexReads , IndexUpdates , SizeKB , IndexRows , IndexLookups , MostRecentlyUsed , StatsSampleRows , StatsRowMods , HistogramSteps , StatsLastUpdated , object_id , index_id FROM AllResults $IncludeStatsPredicate OPTION ( RECOMPILE ); /* Only update the stats data on 2005 for a single table, otherwise the run time for this is a potential problem for large table/index volumes */ if @TableName IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @StatsInfo2005 TABLE (Name nvarchar(128), Updated DATETIME, Rows BIGINT, RowsSampled BIGINT, Steps INT, Density INT, AverageKeyLength INT, StringIndex NVARCHAR(20)) DECLARE @SqlCall NVARCHAR(2000), @RowNum INT; SELECT @RowNum = min(RowNum) FROM @AllResults; WHILE @RowNum IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SqlCall = 'dbcc show_statistics('+FullObjectName+', '+IndexName+') with stat_header' FROM @AllResults WHERE RowNum = @RowNum; INSERT INTO @StatsInfo2005 exec (@SqlCall); UPDATE @AllResults SET StatsSampleRows = RowsSampled, HistogramSteps = Steps, StatsLastUpdated = Updated FROM @StatsInfo2005 WHERE RowNum = @RowNum; DELETE FROM @StatsInfo2005 SELECT @RowNum = min(RowNum) FROM @AllResults WHERE RowNum > @RowNum; END; END; UPDATE a SET a.StatsRowMods = i.rowmodctr FROM @AllResults a JOIN sys.sysindexes i ON a.object_id = AND a.index_id = i.indid; SELECT FullObjectName , IndexType , IndexName , KeyColumns , IncludeColumns , FilterDefinition , [FillFactor] , DataCompression , IndexReads , IndexUpdates , SizeKB , IndexRows , IndexLookups , MostRecentlyUsed , StatsSampleRows , StatsRowMods , HistogramSteps , StatsLastUpdated FROM @AllResults;" #endregion sizesQuery2005 $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $sqlinstance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } process { Write-Message -Level Debug -Message $SizesQuery Write-Message -Level Debug -Message $SizesQuery2005 #Need to check the version of SQL if ($server.versionMajor -ge 10) { $indexesQuery = $SizesQuery } elseif ($server.Information.Version.Major -eq 9) { $indexesQuery = $SizesQuery2005 } else { Write-Warning "This function does not support versions lower than SQL Server 2005 (v9)." continue } if ($pipedatabase.Length -gt 0) { $databases = $ } $databases = $server.Databases if ($Database) { $databases = $databases | Where-Object Name -In $Database } if ($ExcludeDatabase) { $databases = $databases | Where-Object Name -NotIn $ExcludeDatabase } foreach ($db in $databases) { if (!$db.IsAccessible) { Write-Message -Level Warning -Message "$db is not accessible. Skipping." continue } try { $IndexDetails = ($server.Databases[$db.Name].ExecuteWithResults($indexesQuery)).Tables[0]; if (!$Raw) { foreach ($detail in $IndexDetails) { $recentlyused = [datetime]$detail.MostRecentlyUsed if ($recentlyused.year -eq 1900) { $recentlyused = $null } [pscustomobject]@{ DatabaseName = $db.Name ObjectName = $detail.FullObjectName IndexName = $detail.IndexName IndexType = $detail.IndexType KeyColumns = $detail.KeyColumns IncludeColumns = $detail.IncludeColumns FilterDefinition = $detail.FilterDefinition DataCompression = $detail.DataCompression IndexReads = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.IndexReads IndexUpdates = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.IndexUpdates SizeKB = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.SizeKB IndexRows = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.IndexRows IndexLookups = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.IndexLookups MostRecentlyUsed = $recentlyused StatsSampleRows = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.StatsSampleRows StatsRowMods = "{0:N0}" -f $detail.StatsRowMods HistogramSteps = $detail.HistogramSteps StatsLastUpdated = $detail.StatsLastUpdated } } } else { foreach ($detail in $IndexDetails) { $recentlyused = [datetime]$detail.MostRecentlyUsed if ($recentlyused.year -eq 1900) { $recentlyused = $null } [pscustomobject]@{ DatabaseName = $db.Name ObjectName = $detail.FullObjectName IndexName = $detail.IndexName IndexType = $detail.IndexType KeyColumns = $detail.KeyColumns IncludeColumns = $detail.IncludeColumns FilterDefinition = $detail.FilterDefinition DataCompression = $detail.DataCompression IndexReads = $detail.IndexReads IndexUpdates = $detail.IndexUpdates SizeKB = $detail.SizeKB IndexRows = $detail.IndexRows IndexLookups = $detail.IndexLookups MostRecentlyUsed = $recentlyused StatsSampleRows = $detail.StatsSampleRows StatsRowMods = $detail.StatsRowMods HistogramSteps = $detail.HistogramSteps StatsLastUpdated = $detail.StatsLastUpdated } } } } catch { Write-Warning "Cannot process $db on $server." } } } } |