Describe "Get-DbaAgReplica Unit Tests" -Tag "UnitTests" { InModuleScope dbatools { Context "Validate parameters" { $params = (Get-ChildItem function:\Get-DbaAgReplica).Parameters it "should have a parameter named SqlInstance" { $params.ContainsKey("SqlInstance") | Should Be $true } it "should have a parameter named Credential" { $params.ContainsKey("SqlCredential") | Should Be $true } it "should have a parameter named Silent" { $params.ContainsKey("Silent") | Should Be $true } } Context "Validate input" { it "Should throw message if SqlInstance is not accessible" { mock Resolve-DbaNetworkName {$null} {Get-DbaAgReplica -SqlInstance 'DoesNotExist142' -WarningAction Stop 3> $null} | Should Throw } } } } Describe "Get-DbaAgReplica Integration Test" -Tag "Integrationtests" { Write-Host "No integration test can be performed for this command" } |