
function Get-DbaWindowsLog {
        Gets Windows Application events associated with an instance
        Gets Windows Application events associated with an instance
    .PARAMETER SqlInstance
        The instance(s) to retrieve the event logs from
    .PARAMETER Start
        Default: 1970
        Retrieve all events starting from this timestamp.
        Default: Now
        Retrieve all events that happened before this timestamp
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Credential to be used to connect to the Server. Note this is a Windows credential, as this command requires we communicate with the computer and not with the SQL instance.
    .PARAMETER MaxThreads
        Default: Unlimited
        The maximum number of parallel threads used on the local computer.
        Given that those will mostly be waiting for the remote system, there is usually no need to limit this.
    .PARAMETER MaxRemoteThreads
        Default: 2
        The maximum number of parallel threads that are executed on the target sql server.
        These processes will cause considerable CPU load, so a low limit is advisable in most scenarios.
        Any value lower than 1 disables the limit
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages
        Tags: Logging
        Original Author: Drew Furgiuele
        Editor: Friedrich "Fred" Weinmann
        Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
        License: GNU GPL v3
        $ErrorLogs = Get-DbaWindowsLog -SqlInstance sql01\sharepoint
        $ErrorLogs | Where-Object ErrorNumber -eq 18456
        Returns all lines in the errorlogs that have event number 18456 in them
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
        $SqlInstance = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        $Start = "1/1/1970 00:00:00",
        $End = (Get-Date),
        $MaxThreads = 0,
        $MaxRemoteThreads = 2,
    begin {
        Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "Bound parameters: $($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ", ")"
        #region Helper Functions
        function Start-Runspace {
            $Powershell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock_ParallelRemoting).AddParameter("SqlInstance", $instance).AddParameter("Start", $Start).AddParameter("End", $End).AddParameter("Credential", $Credential).AddParameter("MaxRemoteThreads", $MaxRemoteThreads).AddParameter("ScriptBlock", $scriptBlock_RemoteExecution)
            $Powershell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Launching remote runspace against <c='green'>$instance</c>" -Target $instance
            $null = $RunspaceCollection.Add((New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Runspace = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke(); PowerShell = $PowerShell; Instance = $instance.FullSmoName }))
        function Receive-Runspace {
            Param (
            do {
                foreach ($Run in $RunspaceCollection.ToArray()) {
                    if ($Run.Runspace.IsCompleted) {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Receiving results from <c='green'>$($Run.Instance)</c>" -Target $Run.Instance
                if ($Wait -and ($RunspaceCollection.Count -gt 0)) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250 }
            while ($Wait -and ($RunspaceCollection.Count -gt 0))
        #endregion Helper Functions
        #region Scriptblocks
        $scriptBlock_RemoteExecution = {
            Param (
            #region Helper function
            function Convert-ErrorRecord {
                Param (
                if (Get-Variable -Name codesAndStuff -Scope 1) {
                    $line2 = (Get-Variable -Name codesAndStuff -Scope 1).Value
                    Remove-Variable -Name codesAndStuff -Scope 1
                    $groups = [regex]::Matches($line2, '^([\d- :]+.\d\d) (\w+)[ ]+Error: (\d+), Severity: (\d+), State: (\d+)').Groups
                    $groups2 = [regex]::Matches($line, '^[\d- :]+.\d\d \w+[ ]+(.*)$').Groups
                    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Timestamp   = [DateTime]::ParseExact($groups[1].Value, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff", $null)
                        Spid        = $groups[2].Value
                        Message        = $groups2[1].Value
                        ErrorNumber = [int]($groups[3].Value)
                        Severity    = [int]($groups[4].Value)
                        State        = [int]($groups[5].Value)
                if ($Line -match '^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d[\w ]+((\w+): (\d+)[,\.]\s?){3}') {
                    Set-Variable -Name codesAndStuff -Value $Line -Scope 1
            #endregion Helper function
            #region Script that processes an individual file
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                try {
                    $stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($File.FullName, "Open", "Read", "ReadWrite, Delete")
                    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream)
                    while (-not $reader.EndOfStream) {
                        Convert-ErrorRecord -Line $reader.ReadLine()
                catch { }
            #endregion Script that processes an individual file
            #region Gather list of files to process
            $eventSource = "MSSQLSERVER"
            if ($InstanceName -notmatch "^DEFAULT$|^MSSQLSERVER$")
                $eventSource = 'MSSQL$' + $InstanceName
            $event = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
                LogName         = "Application"
                ID             = 17111
                ProviderName = $eventSource
            } -MaxEvents 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (-not $event) { return }
            $path = $event.Properties[0].Value
            $errorLogPath = Split-Path -Path $path
            $errorLogFileName = Split-Path -Path $path -Leaf
            $errorLogFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $errorLogPath | Where-Object { ($_.Name -like "$errorLogFileName*") -and ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $Start) -and ($_.CreationTime -lt $End) }
            #endregion Gather list of files to process
            #region Prepare Runspaces
            [Collections.Arraylist]$RunspaceCollection = @()
            $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
            $Command = Get-Item function:Convert-ErrorRecord
            $InitialSessionState.Commands.Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry($command.Name, $command.Definition)))
            $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool($InitialSessionState)
            $null = $RunspacePool.SetMinRunspaces(1)
            if ($Throttle -gt 0) { $null = $RunspacePool.SetMaxRunspaces($Throttle) }
            #endregion Prepare Runspaces
            #region Process Error files
            $countDone = 0
            $countStarted = 0
            $countTotal = ($errorLogFiles | Measure-Object).Count
            while ($countDone -lt $countTotal) {
                while (($RunspacePool.GetAvailableRunspaces() -gt 0) -and ($countStarted -lt $countTotal)) {
                    $Powershell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddParameter("File", $errorLogFiles[$countStarted])
                    $Powershell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
                    $null = $RunspaceCollection.Add((New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Runspace = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke(); PowerShell = $PowerShell }))
                foreach ($Run in $RunspaceCollection.ToArray()) {
                    if ($Run.Runspace.IsCompleted) {
                        $Run.PowerShell.EndInvoke($Run.Runspace) | Where-Object { ($_.Timestamp -gt $Start) -and ($_.Timestamp -lt $End) }
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
            #endregion Process Error files
        $scriptBlock_ParallelRemoting = {
            Param (
            $params = @{
                ArgumentList = $Start, $End, $SqlInstance.InstanceName, $MaxRemoteThreads
                ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
            if (-not $SqlInstance.IsLocalhost) { $params["ComputerName"] = $SqlInstance.ComputerName }
            if ($Credential) { $params["Credential"] = $Credential }
            Invoke-Command @params | Select-Object @{ n = "InstanceName"; e = { $SqlInstance.FullSmoName } }, Timestamp, Spid, Severity, ErrorNumber, State, Message
        #endregion Scriptblocks
        #region Setup Runspace
        [Collections.Arraylist]$RunspaceCollection = @()
        $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
        $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool($InitialSessionState)
        $RunspacePool.SetMinRunspaces(1) | Out-Null
        if ($MaxThreads -gt 0) { $null = $RunspacePool.SetMaxRunspaces($MaxThreads) }
        $countStarted = 0
        $countReceived = 0
        #endregion Setup Runspace
    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            Write-Message -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Processing <c='green'>$instance</c>" -Target $instance
    end {
        Receive-Runspace -Wait