
function New-DbaAgentSchedule {
            New-DbaAgentSchedule creates a new schedule in the msdb database.
            New-DbaAgentSchedule will help create a new schedule for a job.
            If the job parameter is not supplied the schedule will not be attached to a job.
        .PARAMETER SqlInstance
            SQL Server instance. You must have sysadmin access and server version must be SQL Server version 2000 or greater.
        .PARAMETER SqlCredential
            Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins as opposed to Windows Auth/Integrated/Trusted.
            To use: $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SqlCredential parameter.
            To connect as a different Windows user, run PowerShell as that user.
        .PARAMETER Job
            The name of the job that has the schedule.
        .PARAMETER Schedule
            The name of the schedule.
        .PARAMETER Disabled
            Set the schedule to disabled. Default is enabled
        .PARAMETER FrequencyType
            A value indicating when a job is to be executed.
            Allowed values: Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, MonthlyRelative, AgentStart or IdleComputer
            If force is used the default will be "Once".
        .PARAMETER FrequencyInterval
            The days that a job is executed
            Allowed values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Weekdays, Weekend or EveryDay.
            If "Weekdays", "Weekend" or "EveryDay" is used it over writes any other value that has been passed before.
            If force is used the default will be 1.
        .PARAMETER FrequencySubdayType
            Specifies the units for the subday FrequencyInterval.
            Allowed values: Time, Seconds, Minutes, or Hours
        .PARAMETER FrequencySubdayInterval
            The number of subday type periods to occur between each execution of a job.
        .PARAMETER FrequencyRelativeInterval
            A job's occurrence of FrequencyInterval in each month, if FrequencyInterval is 32 (monthlyrelative).
            Allowed values: First, Second, Third, Fourth or Last
        .PARAMETER FrequencyRecurrenceFactor
            The number of weeks or months between the scheduled execution of a job.
            FrequencyRecurrenceFactor is used only if FrequencyType is "Weekly", "Monthly" or "MonthlyRelative".
        .PARAMETER StartDate
            The date on which execution of a job can begin.
            If force is used the start date will be the current day
        .PARAMETER EndDate
            The date on which execution of a job can stop.
            If force is used the end date will be '9999-12-31'
        .PARAMETER StartTime
            The time on any day to begin execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
            Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
            Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.
            If force is used the start time will be '00:00:00'
        .PARAMETER EndTime
            The time on any day to end execution of a job. Format HHMMSS / 24 hour clock.
            Example: '010000' for 01:00:00 AM.
            Example: '140000' for 02:00:00 PM.
            If force is used the start time will be '23:59:59'
        .PARAMETER Owner
            The name of the server principal that owns the schedule. If no value is given the schedule is owned by the creator.
        .PARAMETER WhatIf
            Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.
        .PARAMETER Confirm
            Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.
        .PARAMETER Force
            The force parameter will ignore some errors in the parameters and assume defaults.
            It will also remove the any present schedules with the same name for the specific job.
        .PARAMETER Silent
            Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages
            Tags: Agent, Job, Job Step
            Original Author: Sander Stad (@sqlstad,
            Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
            License: GNU GPL v3
            New-DbaAgentSchedule -SqlInstance sql1 -Job Job1 -Schedule daily -FrequencyType Daily -FrequencyInterval 1 -Force
            Creates a schedule for the job with a daily frequency every day. It also assumes default values for the start date, start time, end date and end time.
            New-DbaAgentSchedule -SqlInstance sql1 -Job Job1, Job2, Job3 -Schedule weekly -FrequencyType Weekly -FrequencyInterval Monday, Wednesday, Friday -Force
            Creates a schedule for the job with a daily frequency every day. It also assumes default values for the start date, start time, end date and end time.
            The force will remove any existing schedules that have the same name
            New-DbaAgentSchedule -SqlInstance sql1 -Job Job1 -Schedule daily -StartDate 20170530 -StartTime 110000 -EndTime 150000 -FrequencyType Daily -FrequencyInterval 1
            Create a daily schedule that starts on the May 30th on 11 AM and ends on 3 PM.
            sql1, sql2, sql3 | New-DbaAgentSchedule -Job Job1 -Schedule daily -FrequencyType Daily -FrequencyInterval 1
            Creates a schedule for the job with a daily frequency every day on multiple servers
            sql1, sql2, sql3 | New-DbaAgentSchedule -Job Job1, Job2, Job3 -Schedule daily -FrequencyType Daily -FrequencyInterval 1
            Creates a schedule for the job with a daily frequency every day on multiple servers for multiple jobs using pipe line
            New-DbaAgentSchedule -SqlInstance sql1 -Schedule daily -FrequencyType Daily -FrequencyInterval 1 -Force
            Creates a schedule that's not connected to a job

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Low")]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]

    begin {
        # if a Schedule is not provided there is no much point
        if (!$Schedule) {
            Stop-Function -Message "A schedule was not provided! Please provide a schedule name."

        # Translate FrequencyType value from string to the integer value
        if (!$FrequencyType -or $FrequencyType) {
            [int]$FrequencyType =
                switch ($FrequencyType) {
                    "Once" { 1 }
                    "Daily" { 4 }
                    "Weekly" { 8 }
                    "Monthly" { 16 }
                    "MonthlyRelative" { 32 }
                    "AgentStart" { 64 }
                    "IdleComputer" { 128 }
                    default { 0 }

        # Translate FrequencySubdayType value from string to the integer value
        if (!$FrequencySubdayType -or $FrequencySubdayType) {
            [int]$FrequencySubdayType =
                switch ($FrequencySubdayType) {
                    "Time" { 1 }
                    "Seconds" { 2 }
                    "Minutes" { 4 }
                    "Hours" { 8 }
                    default { 0 }
        # Translate FrequencyInterval value from string to the integer value
        if (!$FrequencyInterval -or $FrequencyInterval) {
            [int]$FrequencyInterval =
                switch ($FrequencyInterval) {
                     "Sunday" { 1 }
                     "Monday" { 2 } 
                     "Tuesday" { 4 }
                     "Wednesday" { 8 } 
                     "Thursday" { 16 }
                     "Friday" { 32 }
                     "Saturday" { 64 }
                     "Weekdays" { 62 }
                     "Weekend" { 65 }
                     "EveryDay" { 127 }
                    default { 0 }

        # Check of the relative FrequencyInterval value is of type string and set the integer value
        [int]$FrequencyRelativeInterval = 
            switch ($FrequencyRelativeInterval) { 
                "First" { 1 } 
                "Second" { 2 } 
                "Third" { 4 } 
                "Fourth" { 8 } 
                "Last" { 16 } 
                "Unused" { 0 }
                default {0} 

        # Check if the interval is valid
        if (($FrequencyType -eq "Minutes") -and ($FrequencyInterval -lt 1 -or $FrequencyInterval -ge 365)) {
            Stop-Function -Message "The $FrequencyType requires a frequency interval to be between 1 and 365." -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check if the recurrence factor is set for weekly or monthly interval
        if (($FrequencyType -in 8, 16) -and $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor -lt 1) {
            if ($Force) {
                $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = 1
                Write-Message -Message "Recurrence factor not set for weekly or monthly interval. Setting it to $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor." -Level Verbose
            else {
                Stop-Function -Message "The recurrence factor $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor needs to be at least one when using a weekly or monthly interval." -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check the subday interval
        if (($FrequencySubdayType -in 2, 4) -and (-not ($FrequencySubdayInterval -ge 1 -or $FrequencySubdayInterval -le 59))) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Subday interval $FrequencySubdayInterval must be between 1 and 59 when subday type is 'Seconds' or 'Minutes'" -Target $SqlInstance
        elseif (($FrequencySubdayType -eq 8) -and (-not ($FrequencySubdayInterval -ge 1 -and $FrequencySubdayInterval -le 23))) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Subday interval $FrequencySubdayInterval must be between 1 and 23 when subday type is 'Hours'" -Target $SqlInstance

        # If the FrequencyInterval is set for the weekly FrequencyType
        if ($FrequencyType -in 4, 8) {
            # Create the interval to hold the value(s)
            [int]$Interval = 0

            # Loop through the array
            foreach ($Item in $FrequencyInterval) {
                switch ($Item) {
                    "Sunday" { $Interval += 1 }
                    "Monday" { $Interval += 2 }
                    "Tuesday" { $Interval += 4 }
                    "Wednesday" { $Interval += 8 }
                    "Thursday" { $Interval += 16 }
                    "Friday" { $Interval += 32 }
                    "Saturday" { $Interval += 64 }
                    "Weekdays" { $Interval = 62 }
                    "Weekend" { $Interval = 65 }
                    "EveryDay" {$Interval = 127 }
                    1 { $Interval += 1 }
                    2 { $Interval += 2 }
                    4 { $Interval += 4 }
                    8 { $Interval += 8 }
                    16 { $Interval += 16 }
                    32 { $Interval += 32 }
                    64 { $Interval += 64 }
                    62 { $Interval = 62 }
                    65 { $Interval = 65 }
                    127 {$Interval = 127 }

        # If the FrequencyInterval is set for the relative monthly FrequencyInterval
        if ($FrequencyType -eq 32) {
            # Create the interval to hold the value(s)
            [int]$Interval = 0

            # Loop through the array
            foreach ($Item in $FrequencyInterval) {
                switch ($Item) {
                    "Sunday" { $Interval += 1 }
                    "Monday" { $Interval += 2 }
                    "Tuesday" { $Interval += 3 }
                    "Wednesday" { $Interval += 4 }
                    "Thursday" { $Interval += 5 }
                    "Friday" { $Interval += 6 }
                    "Saturday" { $Interval += 7 }
                    "Day" { $Interval += 8 }
                    "Weekday" { $Interval += 9 }
                    "WeekendDay" { $Interval += 10 }
                    1 { $Interval += 1 }
                    2 { $Interval += 2 }
                    3 { $Interval += 3 }
                    4 { $Interval += 4 }
                    5 { $Interval += 5 }
                    6 { $Interval += 6 }
                    7 { $Interval += 7 }
                    8 { $Interval += 8 }
                    9 { $Interval += 9 }
                    10 { $Interval += 10 }

        # Check if the interval is valid for the frequency
        if ($FrequencyType -eq 0) {
            if ($Force) {
                Write-Message -Message "Parameter FrequencyType must be set to at least [Once]. Setting it to 'Once'." -Level Warning
                $FrequencyType = 1
            else {
                Stop-Function -Message "Parameter FrequencyType must be set to at least [Once]" -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check if the interval is valid for the frequency
        if (($FrequencyType -in 4, 8, 32) -and ($Interval -lt 1)) {
            if ($Force) {
                Write-Message -Message "Parameter FrequencyInterval must be provided for a recurring schedule. Setting it to first day of the week." -Level Warning
                $Interval = 1
            else {
                Stop-Function -Message "Parameter FrequencyInterval must be provided for a recurring schedule." -Target $SqlInstance

        # Setup the regex
        $RegexDate = '(?<!\d)(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})(?:(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])31)|(?:(?:0[1,3-9]|1[0-2])(?:29|30)))|(?:(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)))0229)|(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})(?:(?:0?[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))(?:0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]))(?!\d)'
        $RegexTime = '^(?:(?:([01]?\d|2[0-3]))?([0-5]?\d))?([0-5]?\d)$'

        # Check the start date
        if (-not $StartDate -and $Force) {
            $StartDate = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd'
            Write-Message -Message "Start date was not set. Force is being used. Setting it to $StartDate" -Level Verbose
        elseif (-not $StartDate) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Please enter a start date or use -Force to use defaults." -Target $SqlInstance
        elseif ($StartDate -notmatch $RegexDate) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Start date $StartDate needs to be a valid date with format yyyyMMdd" -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check the end date
        if (-not $EndDate -and $Force) {
            $EndDate = '99991231'
            Write-Message -Message "End date was not set. Force is being used. Setting it to $EndDate" -Level Verbose
        elseif (-not $EndDate) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Please enter an end date or use -Force to use defaults." -Target $SqlInstance

        elseif ($EndDate -notmatch $RegexDate) {
            Stop-Function -Message "End date $EndDate needs to be a valid date with format yyyyMMdd" -Target $SqlInstance
        elseif ($EndDate -lt $StartDate) {
            Stop-Function -Message "End date $EndDate cannot be before start date $StartDate" -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check the start time
        if (-not $StartTime -and $Force) {
            $StartTime = '000000'
            Write-Message -Message "Start time was not set. Force is being used. Setting it to $StartTime" -Level Verbose
        elseif (-not $StartTime) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Please enter a start time or use -Force to use defaults." -Target $SqlInstance
        elseif ($StartTime -notmatch $RegexTime) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Start time $StartTime needs to match between '000000' and '235959'" -Target $SqlInstance

        # Check the end time
        if (-not $EndTime -and $Force) {
            $EndTime = '235959'
            Write-Message -Message "End time was not set. Force is being used. Setting it to $EndTime" -Level Verbose
        elseif (-not $EndTime) {
            Stop-Function -Message "Please enter an end time or use -Force to use defaults." -Target $SqlInstance
        elseif ($EndTime -notmatch $RegexTime) {
            Stop-Function -Message "End time $EndTime needs to match between '000000' and '235959'" -Target $SqlInstance

    process {
        if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return }

        foreach ($instance in $sqlinstance) {
            # Try connecting to the instance
            Write-Message -Message "Attempting to connect to $instance" -Level Output
            try {
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential
            catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue

            # Check if the jobs parameter is set
            if ($Job) {
                # Loop through each of the jobs
                foreach ($j in $Job) {

                    # Check if the job exists
                    if ($Server.JobServer.Jobs.Name -notcontains $j) {
                        Write-Message -Message "Job $j doesn't exists on $instance" -Level Warning
                    else {
                        # Create the job schedule object
                        try {
                            # Get the job
                            $smoJob = $Server.JobServer.Jobs[$j]

                            # Check if schedule already exists with the same name
                            if ($Server.JobServer.JobSchedules.Name -contains $Schedule) {
                                # Check if force is set which will remove the other schedule
                                if ($Force) {
                                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($instance, "Removing the schedule $Schedule on $instance")) {
                                        # Removing schedule
                                        Remove-DbaAgentSchedule -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -Schedule $Schedule -Force:$Force
                                else {
                                    Stop-Function -Message "Schedule $Schedule already exists for job $j on instance $instance" -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue

                            # Create the job schedule
                            $JobSchedule = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobSchedule($smoJob, $Schedule)

                        catch {
                            Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong creating the job schedule $Schedule for job $j." -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue

                        #region job schedule options
                        if ($Disabled) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule to disabled" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.IsEnabled = $false
                        else {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule to enabled" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.IsEnabled = $true

                        if ($Interval -ge 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency interval to $Interval" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencyInterval = $Interval

                        if ($FrequencyType -ge 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency to $FrequencyType" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencyTypes = $FrequencyType

                        if ($FrequencySubdayType -ge 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency subday type to $FrequencySubdayType" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencySubDayTypes = $FrequencySubdayType

                        if ($FrequencySubdayInterval -ge 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency subday interval to $FrequencySubdayInterval" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencySubDayInterval = $FrequencySubdayInterval

                        if (($FrequencyRelativeInterval -ge 1) -and ($FrequencyType -eq 32)) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency relative interval to $FrequencyRelativeInterval" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencyRelativeIntervals = $FrequencyRelativeInterval

                        if (($FrequencyRecurrenceFactor -ge 1) -and ($FrequencyType -in 8, 16, 32)) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency recurrence factor to $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor

                        if ($StartDate) {
                            $StartDate = $StartDate.Insert(6, '-').Insert(4, '-')
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule start date to $StartDate" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.ActiveStartDate = $StartDate

                        if ($EndDate) {
                            $EndDate = $EndDate.Insert(6, '-').Insert(4, '-')
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule end date to $EndDate" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.ActiveEndDate = $EndDate

                        if ($StartTime) {
                            $StartTime = $StartTime.Insert(4, ':').Insert(2, ':')
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule start time to $StartTime" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $StartTime

                        if ($EndTime) {
                            $EndTime = $EndTime.Insert(4, ':').Insert(2, ':')
                            Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule end time to $EndTime" -Level Verbose
                            $JobSchedule.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = $EndTime
                        #endregion job schedule options

                        # Create the schedule
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SqlInstance, "Adding the schedule $Schedule to job $j on $instance")) {
                            try {
                                Write-Message -Message "Adding the schedule $Schedule to job $j" -Level Output


                                Write-Message -Message "Job schedule created with UID $($JobSchedule.ScheduleUid)" -Level Verbose
                            catch {
                                Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong adding the schedule." -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue

                            # Output the job schedule
                            return $JobSchedule
                } # foreach object job
            } # end if job
            else {
                # Create the schedule
                $schedule = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobSchedule($Server.JobServer, $Schedule)

                #region job schedule options
                if ($Disabled) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule to disabled" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.IsEnabled = $false
                else {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule to enabled" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.IsEnabled = $true

                if ($Interval -ge 1) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency interval to $Interval" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencyInterval = $Interval

                if ($FrequencyType -ge 1) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency to $FrequencyType" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencyTypes = $FrequencyType

                if ($FrequencySubdayType -ge 1) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency subday type to $FrequencySubdayType" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencySubDayTypes = $FrequencySubdayType

                if ($FrequencySubdayInterval -ge 1) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency subday interval to $FrequencySubdayInterval" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencySubDayInterval = $FrequencySubdayInterval

                if (($FrequencyRelativeInterval -ge 1) -and ($FrequencyType -eq 32)) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency relative interval to $FrequencyRelativeInterval" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencyRelativeIntervals = $FrequencyRelativeInterval

                if (($FrequencyRecurrenceFactor -ge 1) -and ($FrequencyType -in 8, 16, 32)) {
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule frequency recurrence factor to $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.FrequencyRecurrenceFactor = $FrequencyRecurrenceFactor

                if ($StartDate) {
                    $StartDate = $StartDate.Insert(6, '-').Insert(4, '-')
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule start date to $StartDate" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.ActiveStartDate = $StartDate

                if ($EndDate) {
                    $EndDate = $EndDate.Insert(6, '-').Insert(4, '-')
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule end date to $EndDate" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.ActiveEndDate = $EndDate

                if ($StartTime) {
                    $StartTime = $StartTime.Insert(4, ':').Insert(2, ':')
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule start time to $StartTime" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.ActiveStartTimeOfDay = $StartTime

                if ($EndTime) {
                    $EndTime = $EndTime.Insert(4, ':').Insert(2, ':')
                    Write-Message -Message "Setting job schedule end time to $EndTime" -Level Verbose
                    $schedule.ActiveEndTimeOfDay = $EndTime

                # Create the schedule
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SqlInstance, "Adding the schedule $schedule on $instance")) {
                    try {
                        Write-Message -Message "Adding the schedule $schedule on instance $instance" -Level Output


                        Write-Message -Message "Job schedule created with UID $($schedule.ScheduleUid)" -Level Verbose
                    catch {
                        Stop-Function -Message "Something went wrong adding the schedule." -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue

                    # Output the job schedule
                    return $JobSchedule
        } # foreach object instance
    } #process