
function Get-DbaPfTemplate {
    Parses Extended Event XML templates. Defaults to parsing templates in our template repository (\bin\xetemplates\)
    Parses Extended Event XML templates. Defaults to parsing templates in our template repository (\bin\xetemplates\)
    The default repository contains templates from:
            Microsoft's Templates that come with SSMS
            Jes Borland's "Everyday Extended Events" presentation and GitHub repository (
            Christian Gräfe's XE Repo:
            Erin Stellato's Blog:
    Some profile templates converted using:
            Jonathan M. Kehayias,
    The path to the template directory. Defaults to our template repository (\bin\xetemplates\)
    .PARAMETER Pattern
    Specify a pattern for filtering. Alternatively, you can use Out-GridView -Passthru to select objects and pipe them to Import-DbaPfTemplate
    .PARAMETER EnableException
    By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
    This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
    Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
    Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
    License: GNU GPL v3
    Returns information about all the templates in the local dbatools repository
    Get-DbaPfTemplate | Out-GridView -PassThru | Import-DbaPfTemplate -SqlInstance sql2017 | Start-DbaPf
    Allows you to select a Session template then import to an instance named
    Get-DbaPfTemplate -Path "$home\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Templates\XEventTemplates"
    Returns information about all the templates in your local XEventTemplates repository
    Get-DbaPfTemplate -Pattern duration
    Returns information about all the templates that match the word duration in the title, category or body
    Get-DbaPfTemplate | Select *
    Returns more information about the template, including the full path/filename

    param (
        [string[]]$Path = "$script:PSModuleRoot\bin\xetemplates",
    begin {
        $metadata = Import-Clixml "$script:PSModuleRoot\bin\xetemplates-metadata.xml"
    process {
        foreach ($directory in $Path) {
            $files = Get-ChildItem "$directory\*.xml"
            foreach ($file in $files) {
                try {
                    $xml = [xml](Get-Content $file)
                catch {
                    Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $file -Continue
                foreach ($session in $xml.event_sessions) {
                    $meta = $metadata | Where-Object Name -eq $
                    if ($Pattern) {
                        if (
                            # There's probably a better way to do this
                            ($ -match $Pattern) -or
                            ($session.event_session.TemplateCategory.'#text' -match $Pattern) -or
                            ($session.event_session.TemplateSource -match $Pattern) -or
                            ($session.event_session.TemplateDescription.'#text' -match $Pattern) -or
                            ($session.event_session.TemplateName.'#text' -match $Pattern) -or
                            ($meta.Source -match $Pattern)
                        ) {
                                Name              = $
                                Category          = $session.event_session.TemplateCategory.'#text'
                                Source            = $meta.Source
                                Compatability     = $meta.Compatability.ToString().Replace(",", "")
                                Description       = $session.event_session.TemplateDescription.'#text'
                                TemplateName      = $session.event_session.TemplateName.'#text'
                                Path              = $file
                                File              = $file.Name
                            } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty File, TemplateName, Path
                    else {
                            Name              = $
                            Category          = $session.event_session.TemplateCategory.'#text'
                            Source            = $meta.Source
                            Compatability     = $meta.Compatability.ToString().Replace(",", "")
                            Description       = $session.event_session.TemplateDescription.'#text'
                            TemplateName      = $session.event_session.TemplateName.'#text'
                            Path              = $file
                            File              = $file.Name
                        } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty File, TemplateName, Path