$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1","") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$commandname Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' { InModuleScope dbatools { Context 'Validate input arguments' { It 'No "SQL Server" Windows service is running on the host' { Mock Get-Service { throw ParameterArgumentValidationError } { Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'localhost' -$Silent } | Should Throw } It 'SqlInstance parameter is empty throws an exception' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return $null } { Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance '' } | Should Throw } It 'SqlInstance parameter host cannot be found' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return $null } Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' 3> $null | Should be $null } } Context 'Validate functionality - Single Instance' { Mock Resolve-SqlIpAddress -MockWith { return '' } Mock Get-Service -MockWith { # Mocking Get-Service using PSCustomObject does not work. It needs to be mocked as object instead. $service = New-Object System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController $service.DisplayName = 'SQL Server (ABC)' Add-Member -Force -InputObject $service -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value 'Running' return $service } It 'Connect to SQL Server' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' Assert-MockCalled Resolve-SqlIpAddress -Scope It -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled Get-Service -Scope It -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled Get-DbaMaxMemory -Scope It -Times 1 } It 'Connect to SQL Server and retrieve the "Max Server Memory" setting' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ SqlMaxMB = 2147483647 } } (Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC').SqlMaxMB | Should be 2147483647 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 4GB, Expected 2GB, Reserved 2GB (.5x Memory)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 4096 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 2048 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 6GB, Expected 3GB, Reserved 3GB (Iterations => 2x 8GB)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 6144 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 3072 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 8GB, Expected 5GB, Reserved 3GB (Iterations => 2x 8GB)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 8192 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 5120 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 16GB, Expected 11GB, Reserved 5GB (Iterations => 4x 8GB)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 16384 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 11264 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 18GB, Expected 13GB, Reserved 5GB (Iterations => 1x 16GB, 3x 8GB)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 18432 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 13312 } It 'Calculate recommended memory - Single instance, Total 32GB, Expected 25GB, Reserved 7GB (Iterations => 2x 16GB, 4x 8GB)' { Mock Get-DbaMaxMemory -MockWith { return @{ TotalMB = 32768 } } $result = Test-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance 'ABC' $result.InstanceCount | Should Be 1 $result.RecommendedMB | Should Be 25600 } } } } |