
$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1"

Describe "$commandname Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' {
    InModuleScope dbatools {
        Context "Empty TLog Backup Issues" {
               $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\EmptyTlogData.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation -BackupHistory $header #-EnableException:$true

            It "Should return an array of 3 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 2
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 0 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 2 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
        Context "General Diff Restore" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation -BackupHistory $header -EnableException:$true

            It "Should return an array of 7 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 7
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 5 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 5

        Context "General Diff Restore from Pipeline" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1
            $Output = $Header | Select-DbaBackupInformation -EnableException:$true

            It "Should return an array of 7 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 7
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 5 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 5
        Context "General Diff Restore from Pipeline with IgnoreDiff" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1
            $Output = $Header | Select-DbaBackupInformation -EnableException:$true -IgnoreDiff

            It "Should return an array of 9 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 9
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 0 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 8 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 8
        Context "General Diff Restore from Pipeline with IgnoreLog" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1
            $Output = $Header | Select-DbaBackupInformation -EnableException:$true -IgnoreLogs

            It "Should return an array of 2 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 2
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 0 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
        Context "Server/database names and file paths have commas and spaces" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\RestoreCommaIssues.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value $_.BackupPath

            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation -BackupHistory $header

            It "Should return an array of 7 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 7
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 5 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 5
        Context "Missing Diff Restore" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffRestore.json -raw)
            $header = $header | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -ne 'Database Differential' }
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1

            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation  -BackupHistory $header

            It "Should return an array of 9 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 9
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 0 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 8 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 8
        Context "Overlapping Diff and log Restore" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\DiffIssues.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1

            $RestoreDate = Get-date "2017-07-18 09:00:00"
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation  -BackupHistory $Header -RestoreTime $RestoreDate

            It "Should return an array of 193 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 194
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 192 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 192
            It "Should not contain the Log backup with LastLsn 17126786000011867500001 " {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.LastLsn -eq '17126786000011867500001' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
        Context "When FirstLSN ne CheckPointLsn" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\chkptLSN-ne-firstLSN.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1

            $RestoreDate = Get-date "2017-07-18 09:00:00"
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation  -BackupHistory $Header -RestoreTime $RestoreDate

            It "Should return an array of 193 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 194
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 1 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 191 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 192
            It "Should not contain the Log backup with LastLsn 17126786000011867500001 " {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.LastLsn -eq '17126786000011867500001' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
        Context "When TLogs between full's FirstLsn and LastLsn" {
            $Header = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\TLogBWFirstLastLsn.json -raw)
            $header | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullName -Value 1

            $RestoreDate = Get-date "2017-07-18 09:00:00"
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation -BackupHistory $Header -RestoreTime $RestoreDate

            It "Should return an array of 3 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 3
            It "Should return 1 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 1
            It "Should return 0 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 2 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 2
            It "Should not contain the Log backup with LastLsn 14975000000265600001 " {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.LastLsn -eq '14975000000265600001' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
        Context "Continue Points" {
            $BackupInfo = Get-DbaBackupInformation -Import -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\tests\ObjectDefinitions\BackupRestore\RawInput\ContinuePointTest.xml
            [bigint]$redo_start_lsn = '34000000016700004'
            $ContinuePoints = [PsCustomObject]@{
                redo_start_lsn      = $redo_start_lsn
                FirstRecoveryForkID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
                Database            = 'ContinuePointTest'
            $Output = Select-DbaBackupInformation -BackupHistory $BackupInfo -EnableException:$true -ContinuePoints $ContinuePoints

            It "Should return an array of 4 items" {
                $Output.count | Should be 4
            It "Should return 0 Full backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Database' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 0 Diff backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Database Differential' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 0
            It "Should return 4 log backups" {
                ($Output | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Transaction Log' } | Measure-Object).count | Should Be 4
            It "Should start with a log backup including redo_start_lsn" {
                $tmp = ($output | sort-object -property FirstLSn)[0]
                ($redo_start_lsn -ge $tmp.FirstLsn -and $redo_start_lsn -le $tmp.LastLsn) | Should Be $True
