$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan . "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1" Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' { Context "Validate parameters" { $paramCount = 6 $defaultParamCount = 13 [object[]]$params = (Get-ChildItem function:\Remove-DbaBackup).Parameters.Keys It "Should only contain $paramCount parameters" { $params.Count - $defaultParamCount | Should Be $paramCount } } Context "It's Confirm impact should be medium" { $command = Get-Command Remove-DbaBackup $metadata = [System.Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]$command $metadata.ConfirmImpact | Should Be 'Medium' } } Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { $testPath = "TestDrive:\sqlbackups" if (!(Test-Path $testPath)) { New-Item -Path $testPath -ItemType Container } Context "Path validation" { { Remove-DbaBackup -Path 'funnypath' -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' -EnableException } | Should Throw "not found" } Context "RetentionPeriod validation" { { Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod 'ad' -EnableException } | Should Throw "format invalid" { Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '11y' -EnableException } | Should Throw "units invalid" } Context "BackupFileExtension validation" { { Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension '.bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' -EnableException } | Should Not Throw } Context "BackupFileExtension message validation" { $warnmessage = Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension '.bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' 3>&1 $warnmessage | Should BeLike '*period*' } Context "Files are removed" { for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { $filepath = Join-Path $testPath "dbatoolsci_$($i)_backup.bak" Set-Content $filepath -value "." (Get-ChildItem $filepath).LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } It "Should remove all files with retention 0d" { $null = Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' (Get-ChildItem -Path $testPath -File -Recurse).Count | Should Be 0 } } Context "Files with matching extensions only are removed" { for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { $filepath = Join-Path $testPath "dbatoolsci_$($i)_backup.bak" Set-Content $filepath -value "." (Get-ChildItem $filepath).LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { $filepath = Join-Path $testPath "dbatoolsci_$($i)_backup.trn" Set-Content $filepath -value "." (Get-ChildItem $filepath).LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } It "Should remove all files but not the trn ones" { $null = Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' (Get-ChildItem -Path $testPath -File -Recurse).Count | Should Be 5 (Get-ChildItem -Path $testPath -File -Recurse).Name | Should BeLike '*trn' } } Context "Cleanup empty folders" { $testPathinner_empty = "TestDrive:\sqlbackups\empty" if (!(Test-Path $testPathinner_empty)) { New-Item -Path $testPathinner_empty -ItemType Container } $testPathinner = "TestDrive:\sqlbackups\inner" if (!(Test-Path $testPathinner)) { New-Item -Path $testPathinner -ItemType Container } for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { $filepath = Join-Path $testPath "dbatoolsci_$($i)_backup.bak" Set-Content $filepath -value "." (Get-ChildItem $filepath).LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { $filepath = Join-Path $testPathinner "dbatoolsci_$($i)_backup.bak" Set-Content $filepath -value "." (Get-ChildItem $filepath).LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } It "Removes files but leaves empty dirs" { Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' (Get-ChildItem -Path $testPath -Directory -Recurse).Count | Should Be 2 } It "Removes files and removes empty dirs" { Remove-DbaBackup -Path $testPath -BackupFileExtension 'bak' -RetentionPeriod '0d' -RemoveEmptyBackupFolder (Get-ChildItem -Path $testPath -Directory -Recurse).Count | Should Be 0 } } } |