function Update-ServiceStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Internal function. Sends start/stop request to a SQL Server service and wait for the result. .DESCRIPTION Accepts objects from Get-DbaSqlService and performs a corresponding action. .PARAMETER Credential Credential object used to connect to the computer as a different user. .PARAMETER Timeout How long to wait for the start/stop request completion before moving on. .PARAMETER ServiceCollection A collection of services from Get-DbaSqlService .PARAMETER Action Start or stop. .PARAMETER EnableException By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message. This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting. Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch. .PARAMETER WhatIf Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. .NOTES Author: Kirill Kravtsov ( @nvarscar ) Tags: dbatools PowerShell module ( Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire License: GNU GPL v3 .EXAMPLE $serviceCollection = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName sql1 Update-ServiceStatus -ServiceCollection $serviceCollection -Action 'stop' -Timeout 30 Update-ServiceStatus -ServiceCollection $serviceCollection -Action 'start' -Timeout 30 Restarts SQL services on sql1 .EXAMPLE $serviceCollection = Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName sql1 $credential = Get-Credential Update-ServiceStatus -ServiceCollection $serviceCollection -Action 'stop' -Timeout 0 -Credential $credential Stops SQL services on sql1 and waits indefinitely for them to stop. Uses $credential to authorize on the server. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [object[]]$ServiceCollection, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$Action, [int]$Timeout = 30, [PSCredential] $Credential, [bool][Alias('Silent')]$EnableException ) begin { $callStack = Get-PSCallStack if ($callStack.Length -gt 1) { $callerName = $callStack[1].Command } else { $callerName = $callStack[0].Command } #Prepare the service control script block $svcControlBlock = { param ( $server, $service, $action, $timeout, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $credential ) #Perform $action if ($action -in 'start', 'restart') { $methodName = 'StartService' $desiredState = 'Running' $undesiredState = 'Stopped' } elseif ($action -eq 'stop') { $methodName = 'StopService' $desiredState = 'Stopped' $undesiredState = 'Running' } #Get CIM object try { $svc = Get-DbaCmObject -ComputerName $server -Namespace "root\cimv2" -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE name = '$service'" -Credential $credential } catch { throw $_ break } #Invoke corresponding CIM method $x = Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $svc -MethodName $methodName $result = [psobject](@{} | Select-Object ExitCode, ServiceState) #If command was not accepted if ($x.ReturnValue -ne 0) { $result.ExitCode = $x.ReturnValue $result.ServiceState = $svc.State } else { $startTime = Get-Date #Wait for the service to complete the action until timeout while ($true) { try { $svc = Get-DbaCmObject -ComputerName $server -Namespace "root\cimv2" -query "SELECT State FROM Win32_Service WHERE name = '$service'" -Credential $credential } catch { throw $_ break } $result.ServiceState = $svc.State #Succeeded if ($svc.State -eq $desiredState) { $result.ExitCode = 0; break } #Failed after being in the Pending state if ($pending -and $svc.State -eq $undesiredState) { $result.ExitCode = -2; break } #Timed out if ($timeout -gt 0 -and ((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds -gt $timeout) { $result.ExitCode = -1; break} #Still pending if ($svc.State -like '*Pending') { $pending = $true } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } $result } $actionText = switch ($action) { stop { 'stopped' }; start { 'started' }; restart { 'restarted' } } #Setup initial session state $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() $InitialSessionState.ImportPSModule((get-module dbatools).modulebase + '\dbatools.psd1') #Create Runspace pool, min - 1, max - 50 sessions $runspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 50, $InitialSessionState, $Host) $runspacePool.Open() } process { $threads = @() #Get priorities on which the service startup/shutdown order is based $servicePriorityCollection = $ServiceCollection.ServicePriority | Select-Object -unique | Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [int]$_ }; Descending = $action -ne 'stop' } foreach ($priority in $servicePriorityCollection) { foreach ($service in ($ServiceCollection | Where-Object { $_.ServicePriority -eq $priority })) { if ('dbatools.DbaSqlService' -in $service.PSObject.TypeNames) { if (($service.State -eq 'Running' -and $action -eq 'start') -or ($service.State -eq 'Stopped' -and $action -eq 'stop')) { Add-Member -Force -InputObject $service -NotePropertyName Status -NotePropertyValue 'Successful' Add-Member -Force -InputObject $service -NotePropertyName Message -NotePropertyValue "The service is already $actionText, no action required" Select-DefaultView -InputObject $service -Property ComputerName, ServiceName, State, Status, Message } elseif ($service.StartMode -eq 'Disabled' -and $action -in 'start', 'restart') { Add-Member -Force -InputObject $service -NotePropertyName Status -NotePropertyValue 'Failed' Add-Member -Force -InputObject $service -NotePropertyName Message -NotePropertyValue "The service is disabled and cannot be $actionText" Select-DefaultView -InputObject $service -Property ComputerName, ServiceName, State, Status, Message } else { if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Sending $action request to service $($service.ServiceName) on $($service.ComputerName)")) { #Create parameters hashtable $argsRunPool = @{ server = $service.computerName service = $service.ServiceName action = $action timeout = $Timeout credential = $Credential } Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Sending $action request to service $($service.ServiceName) on $($service.ComputerName) with timeout $Timeout" #Create new runspace thread $thread = [powershell]::Create() $thread.RunspacePool = $runspacePool $thread.AddScript($svcControlBlock) | Out-Null $thread.AddParameters($argsRunPool) | Out-Null #Start the thread $handle = $thread.BeginInvoke() $threads += [pscustomobject]@{ handle = $handle thread = $thread serviceName = $service.ServiceName computerName = $service.ComputerName isRetrieved = $false started = Get-Date } } } } else { Stop-Function -FunctionName $callerName -Message "Unknown object in pipeline - make sure to use Get-DbaSqlService cmdlet" -EnableException $EnableException Return } } if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Waiting for the services to $action")) { #Get job execution results while ($threads | Where-Object { $_.isRetrieved -eq $false }) { foreach ($thread in ($threads | Where-Object { $_.isRetrieved -eq $false })) { if ($thread.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $true) { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Processing runspace thread results from service $($thread.ServiceName) on $($thread.ComputerName)" $jobResult = $null try { $jobResult = $thread.thread.EndInvoke($thread.handle) } catch { $jobError = $_ Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message ("Could not return data from the runspace thread: " + $_.Exception.Message) } $thread.isRetrieved = $true if ($thread.thread.HadErrors) { if (!$jobError) { $jobError = $thread.thread.Streams.Error } Stop-Function -EnableException $EnableException -FunctionName $callerName -Message ("The attempt to $action the service $($thread.ServiceName) on $($thread.ComputerName) returned the following error: " + ($jobError.Exception.Message -join ' ')) -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $thread.thread.Streams.Error -Target $thread -Continue } elseif (!$jobResult) { Stop-Function -EnableException $EnableException -FunctionName $callerName -Message ("The attempt to $action the service $($thread.ServiceName) on $($thread.ComputerName) did not return any results") -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $thread -Continue } #Find a corresponding service object $outObject = $ServiceCollection | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $thread.serviceName -and $_.ComputerName -eq $thread.computerName } #Set additional properties $status = switch ($jobResult.ExitCode) { 0 { 'Successful' } 10 { 'Successful '} #Already running - FullText service is started automatically default { 'Failed' } } Add-Member -Force -InputObject $outObject -NotePropertyName Status -NotePropertyValue $status $message = switch ($jobResult.ExitCode) { -2 { "The service failed to $action." } -1 { "The attempt to $action the service has timed out." } 0 { "Service was successfully $actionText." } default { "The attempt to $action the service returned the following error: " + (Get-DBASQLServiceErrorMessage $jobResult.ExitCode) } } Add-Member -Force -InputObject $outObject -NotePropertyName Message -NotePropertyValue $message if ($jobResult.ServiceState) { $outObject.State = $jobResult.ServiceState } #Dispose of the thread $thread.thread.Dispose() Select-DefaultView -InputObject $outObject -Property ComputerName, ServiceName, State, Status, Message } elseif ($Timeout -gt 0 -and ((Get-Date) - $thread.started).TotalSeconds -gt $Timeout) { #Session has timed out - return failure and stop the thread $thread.isRetrieved = $true $outObject = $ServiceCollection | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $thread.serviceName -and $_.ComputerName -eq $thread.computerName } #Set additional properties Add-Member -Force -InputObject $outObject -NotePropertyName Status -NotePropertyValue 'Failed' Add-Member -Force -InputObject $outObject -NotePropertyName Message -NotePropertyValue "The attempt to $action the service has timed out." $outObject.State = 'Unknown' #Stop and dispose of the thread $thread.thread.Stop() $thread.thread.Dispose() Select-DefaultView -InputObject $outObject -Property ComputerName, ServiceName, State, Status, Message } } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 } } } } end { #Close the runspace pool $runspacePool.Close() } } |